Name: David Gamertag: Azaldi Console: Xbox One Country of Origin: United States of Dystopia (America)
Name: Sean Gamertag: zomgoose Country: USA Console: Xbox One
Name: Mason Gamertag: Ice Aether Country: USA Console: Xbox One
Josh MrMcGibblets666 Xbox one USA
Edited by The_Rob_D: 10/23/2015 1:28:06 AMName: Rob Gamertag: Archangel 1382 Console: XBox One Country: USA
Name: Steven Gamer Tag: MicroHatter Console: XBox One Country: TEXAS! USA!
Name: John Gamertag: mjk2482 Console: PS4 Country of Origin: USA
Pierce Force Blaze Xbox One Canada/USA
Name: Rene Gamertag: RisingSouth1911 Console: Xbox One Country: US
Name: Marqus Gamertag: combatkiller518 Console: Xbox one Country: United States
Name: Simon Gamertag: SMC426 Console: PS3 Country: Canada
Name: Nolen Gamertag: NoNo__24__ Console: PlayStation 4 U.S.A.
Name:Tyler Gamertag: S4INT Zero Console:xbone Country of Origin: U.S Like this? :3