originally posted in:Written ln Blood
I was thinking we should get more organization for the new raid. We should designate a day or 2 or even 3 In the week at a pre-set time strictly for people who want to raid. So for example..every Saturday at 2 pm Central US time...
Thoughts everyone?
ok let's try the first one weds 12 noon or 4pm what say you
Good idea, few issues. Peoples plans change, could be completely packed online one day and dead the next. Hard to account for lives, but I am sure giving it a go wouldn't be a total waste of time! Once we have enough people confident and competent at the raid, it'll be extremely easy to get groups. At the moment I feel people are, myself included, are being put off raiding due to the fact we don't really understand all of the mechanics, therefore taking forever to complete sections an getting downhearted. Should create a raid masterclass or something aha.