originally posted in:DestinyTheShow
I like many others I guess have jumped on the bad wagon with Thorn in PVP, Im by no means a great PVP player and so after struggling with Oversoul edict I switched to Thorn to try atleast level the playing field . I'm seeing over 50% of players using it in a lot of games is this just the snow balling effect. I switched due to sheer numbers of times I've been killed by it , but then again there's so many being used this is going to be the case .
Going foreword I'm looking for few suggestions of guns to try out to perhaps counter thorn and expose its Weekness
The messenger is an excellent counter to thorn and the last word as long as you can play the mid-long range sightlines. The messenger in my opinion is one of the best pulse rifles in the game and can be bought from brother vance when it hits his rotating inventory. I just did a review of the weapon for planet destiny and it will be up later this week. Three Little Words and Red Death are also very good pulse rifles that can counter thorn, just know that if you are an up close aggressive player than Thorn and TLW will still stand above the rest.