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    The Official Clan of Destiny the Show. Open to listeners of the podcast and designed for exceptional adventures. Stay active & be respectful of one another. Use our discord for LFG [url][/url]

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originally posted in:DestinyTheShow
Edited by Recon Number 54: 9/6/2015 5:43:33 PM

DTS - The Taken King Era

Hi friends! Just checking in to see how everyone's doing. First of, I'd like to thank everyone who came out for my Bungie Stream analyses - we held about 50 viewers throughout, which is awesome! I know we haven't been as active recently on the clan chat, but we've been working hard to plan and piece together some great content for you all once Taken King launches in a few weeks! [u][b]More Content! More Content![/b][/u] As we've said on the podcast before, we really want to push to give you all more stream content. In addition to our two planned shows - The Last Word (a deeper, more investigative news program focusing on a single or group of related Destiny topics in the community) and our DTS Lore Segment (diving into the more obscure matters of the Destiny Universe), we’re going to try and stream Destiny gameplay at least twice a week over on [url=][/url]. [u][b]More Streams! And Soon![/b][/u] Starting next week, Sept. 8th, with the new weapons tuning 2.0 launching and Mayhem and Rift being available in the Crucible, I’ll be streaming every day, Tuesday - Friday starting around 10am US Central (except Tues will have a late start (12pm) because my car will be in service all morning) and I will stream for about 6 hours each day. Viewers will be welcome to join in on the Mayhem and Rift fun, so don’t be shy in the chat! If we have enough people who want to join, we will rotate players in and out every few games. These streams will be both Xbox One and PS4, depending on the day. Console will be made clear in each stream's title. Of course, once The Taken King launches on Sept. 15th, we will be streaming MUCH more that initial week, especially once the Raid drops! So, for the week of Sept. 15th, I'll be streaming EVERY day (yes, even weekends), for at least 12 hours each day (weather and girlfriend permitting). These streams will be heavily focused on all new content associated with The Taken King. Depending on how the content is structured, I'll initially be focused on the story missions, then the new subclass questlines, and then anything after that is up in the air. Faction questlines, Gunsmith questlines, and Vanguard/Crucible questlines are ALL intriguing to me, so be sure to follow [url=]the stream[/url] and follow us [url=]on Twitter[/url] to find out what content I'm currently playing through. As always, suggestions from the stream chat will always be taken into consideration =). [u][b]Sugar, We're Going Down...[/b][/u] King's Fall (The Taken King's Raid) is set to launch Sept. 18th, only three days after launch, and you'd better believe we're going to be streaming that content. I've (hopefully) scheduled a Raid crew with some of our beloved Pineapple Boys (some of the best Destiny players on the planet) to dive in and kick Oryx's ass as soon as it goes live. That whole weekend will be dedicated to learning the mechanics of the Raid and looking to optimize each part, for smoother runs. The following week (one week after Taken King launch), the stream will be dedicated to teaching new players the Raid. We'd really like to get this "instructional Raid stream" some marketing, so players who don't know who DTS is can be exposed to our community and hopefully learn a thing or two about the new Raid. King's Fall is supposed to be the largest and most demanding Raid yet, so I don't expect us to become experts over a single weekend (hell, there are STILL people beating the Vault of Glass world record speed runs), so even though we're teaching Raid mechanics, we might new things each time we dive into the Dreadnaught. It'll be a good time, I promise. [u][b]"But I'm At Work/School, I Can't Watch Your Stream!"[/b][/u] Fear not! All of our Twitch streams (starting with The Taken King content) are [url=]Archived[/url] and uploaded to [url=]YouTube[/url]. Nothing is cut out of our stream VoDs, so whether you're watching live, or at your own leisure, you are watching the exact same thing as everyone else. Some stream highlights are also uploaded to my YouTube channel, but that depends on the highlight. I might just upload every highlight I make, but if you want to see those clips, they are all available on [url=]our Twitch channel[/url]. [u][b]DTS Community Events![/b][/u] BBKDragoon and I have been talking about more ways to be involved with you guys and gals, the DTS Community. We've seen large Destiny streamers constantly interacting with their fans and followers by hosting various Destiny events. While we don't have anything concrete yet, we've been toying with the idea of hosting a "once-a-month" DTS community Raid night. This would mean BBK and I would host a DTS raid team and run any Raid with ONLY DTS fans! This doesn't mean you have to be a part of the DTS clan, as I know we have followers in their own clans, so any and all DTS group members would be eligible to join us for this Raid night. It would be a specific day each month, so you could anticipate when it will be available. And don't be afraid if you've never run a Raid before! This would be the perfect opportunity to experience Destiny's greatest content with experienced players! We'll be teaching every and all aspects of the Raid to any new players who want to join in the fun! As I said, nothing is concrete, but that is one of the ideas we've been thinking about. [u][b]Closing time...[/b][/u] This last year of Destiny and DTS has been an incredible experience for both myself and BBKDragoon. We're both extermely appreciative of everything our community has allowed us to do. I remember the days when I was excited to get 500 listens to our podcast, and now we're reaching over 10,000 Destiny players EACH WEEK! The constant love from the our fans is what really drives us to produce the best content we can and pushes us to want to do more for each and every one of you. Please, let us know what you think about all of the new content we have planned. If you think we can improve on an idea, don't hesitate to post your thoughts! Posting on a Forum allows for your thoughts to be heard and discussed in length by other members of our community. So, thank you. Thank you so much for everything you've helped us achieve, and here's to our next year in the Destiny universe! ~ Ditty [quote]Ninja Edit [spoiler]Hello OP (or anyone who has decided to open the spoiler and read all of this). I'm one of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We may have met before, we may have interacted, you might have heard of us, or you may have no clue as to who we are and what we do. Well, this little note is to explain some of the things we do. One of the major roles we play is to handle the reports that come in whenever a member clicks on the "Report" button, to let us know that there is a post, a topic or a user that either doesn't understand or isn't following the rules that we all agreed to follow when we joined. But that's not the Ninja function that brought on this note. The reason I am writing this is because I have retagged your thread. Bungie.Net uses hashtags to designate their major forums and to help keep things organized. Your OP (original post) was opened, created or given a hashtag that well, wasn't the best choice. It could have been that you were browsing through the [u][url=]various forum/tags[/url][/u] that are available on the site or app, and clicked on "New Topic" while in a forum that didn't "match up" with the subject matter of your OP. Or, you may have thought "this belongs here", when unfortunately, it doesn't. That's another role of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We not only try to keep things fun, pleasant and welcoming here by removing rule-breakers, but we also want EVERY good topic to have the best chance to survive, thrive, find the right audience, and get lots of on-topic replies. And so, I have retagged your topic to move it to the forum where it has the best chance of doing that. I give you my word that I have not altered a single letter or character of your Original Post, just placed this message below it and set the tag to better describe your topic. You may notice that you are unable to edit this post anymore. That is a part of the system, and I apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused. I've not replied or commented on your OP, since this message would most likely be "off-topic" to your thread and when members see a Ninja or Mentor (who are volunteers from the community) or even a Bungie employee post, they tend to go a little crazy and the disruption to the thread becomes a distraction. I don't want that to happen to your thread. I want it to be in the BEST place possible, to be seen by the largest audience who is looking for this sort of topic, I want it to take root, get replies, grow strong and make these forums a better place. If you have any questions, you should feel free to PM me. My name is now in the upper right corner of your OP where it says "edited by". Thanks for your patience, thanks for being a part of this community, thanks for taking the time to read all of this (I hid it in a spoiler so that anyone who clicked couldn't complain about "too long, didn't read"), and thank you in advance for creating your future topics with the forum/tag location in mind. --Cheers[/spoiler][/quote]

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