Hammers of the Light
"Need a hand?"
originally posted in:Hammers of the Light
So the inventory management on the Bungie site here is pretty crummy. Some smart folks made DIM (Destiny Item Manager), which is a great browser extension that is much easier, quicker, and intuitive than the standard one here on Bungie.net. Check out DIM for chrome [url=https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/destiny-item-manager/apghicjnekejhfancbkahkhdckhdagna?hl=en]here[/url].
Additionally, many are confused by the specifics of the diminishing returns with the new infusion system. The math is as follows: If the amount of light in the weapon you are sacrificing is higher than 5, you only get 80% of the light. Example: You are upgrading your 280 hand cannon with a 290 auto rifle - after infusion your hand cannon will be 288. If like me you are bad at maths, there is the Destiny Infusion Calculator! You enter both light values and boom, it tells you what your item's new light value will be. Check out the Destiny Infusion Calculator [url=http://infusioncalculator.hamnation.com]here[/url].
I hope you guys find these apps as useful as I have!