originally posted in:Destiny Australia
About Us:
Mitches Gives Stiches has recently been started by players who started on day 1 with Destiny 1. Lots of experience and an emphasis on having fun and learning. About to shift focus to PvP!
Other Games our Guild is on: Modern Warfare Call of Duty, Elder Scrolls Online
Respect and teamwork is our driving motto and we try to encourage people to improve and frown on toxic players. We can accomplish great things with a group of guardians who strive to improve each other and have a fun time together.
There are no age or skill restrictions, we welcome all guardians. You are our kind of people!
How to Join:
(1) Upvote this post and/or tell us about yourself
(2) Join our clan: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=4171759
New clan link: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=4171759
I'm a Aussie D1 vet that got booted out of my old Aussie clan (no reason given, was highly active member of the community) and are looking to transfer my expertise and experience to any and all new potential friends in this clan.
been playing destiny for about 2-3 months now and just want a active clan to do stuff like pvp,raid or nightfall score run
Just started, I am on that grind to get a lot better at this game
Hey, Just picked up Destiny 2 and looking to get stuck into raids and nightfall content. I played Destiny 1 from launch for a couple of months before my friends stopped playing so I eventually did too. I've only started playing Destiny 2 about 4 days ago and already powering through levels with my Titan sitting at 932, looking to get into raids and the harder Nightfall difficulties as well as the other PvE and PvP content!
Heyo there , Og D1 player from day 1. only been playing d2 for about 3 weeks but its like I never left. Do you guys do much raiding as i super keen on hardcore raiding again?
Hello, I have sent a request to join, usually active weekdays. Been playing Destiny 2 since PC launch Also the discord link is expired.
Hi I played both Destiny 1 (I was the GM of a clan too). and 2 (second till previous DLC). I recently got back playing, and I'm looking for a clan to enjoy the game with. I'm online regularly almost every night. Hope to be able to join! Cheers YutoJW
Hi, returning player, from PS4 and NZ based just grinding to get to the soft cap and then crank some strikes and PVP :)
Hey, recently got back into destiny. I was a very active d1 player. and looking for a good aussie clan to join.
Heyo can I join?
Played the game since D1, tried joining other clans but most members in them either play in different time zones or straight left destiny all together now im grinding for hard cap
Would love to join, but the discord link doesnt work.
Hi, old player returning after a long time away and recent port over to PC from PS4. Based in NZ and play daily, currently on the grind to get to hard cap.
Destiny 1/2 since day one. Love crucible and would love a clan to try for pinnacle weapons together.
Old returning player from curse of osiris/warmind/forsaken, 20yrs old looking for clan to run raids and crucible matches with