originally posted in:Destiny Australia
A§YLUM is clan predominantly made up of those that have cross-saved and moved over from a PS4 Clan to PC. More than half of us are in WA. We are a very tight nit group of mature adults that enjoy the game and help each other out.
We very actively participate in end game activities like Raids and are happy to teach Raids to those new to them. We want to remain small so our members will not get lost in the multitudes of those around them. Though would like to have enough members that we don’t have to rely on LFG to fill Raids.
We are a mature casual clan and you must be over 21 years of age to join.
Our focus is on a friendly environment where people help each other for whatever content or level of the game they play. If you are not interested in giving back, stop reading! We are not the right fit for you.
Our Clan is made up of couples, parents and Chill solo players that understand how much more fun this game is playing with other likeminded people.
We are looking for as many as **only** SIX (6) new members to join us.
If you are active currently are prepared to give and offer help as well receive it. Have a mature outlook, are not an elitist douche that insists on telling everyone just how good he or she is… We might be a fit for you.
We are being ruthless to protect this clan. If you join and we feel the fit is not right we will remove you and wish you the best in finding a group that fits you better. It’s not personal it is the commitment we have made to our Clan Members that have trusted us and quite frankly deserve to maintain a BS free playing environment where the focus is solely on fun.
**Due to overwhelming Response to this ad we are no longer accepting new members, this is due to our commitment to remain small so our members don't get lost in the masses**
Thanks for Reading!
Up votes Greatly appreciated to help others find us.
Hey Nateagain, ive just been banned by one of the clan admins for reasons you probably know idk what happened, but thanks for the fun while it lasted its good clan you have there, :)
Edited by DiscoFabio: 8/11/2020 3:20:15 PMPm'd on discord
Hey there! You lot sound like our kind of jam. I say our as I have myself and a small handful of friends (2-3) of us that are looking for a group to play regularly with. 3 isn't quite enough and we'd really love to approach raid and other endgame content if at all possible. Joined your Discord, keen for a chat if you are :)