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originally posted in:Sapphire
2/21/2013 6:14:36 AM

Your stance on piracy

For/against/neutral? A serious thread to the industries it affects? If so, is it worth taking measures against services such as Megaupload in the name of curbing piracy? An unavoidable part of the internet age, or simply a service problem?

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  • If you get a good/service (such as music, etc) the supplier should be paid. Stuff like Pandora pays the supplier and thus relies on commercials (and subscriptions, few as they may be) to keep themselves afloat. I don't know what Megaupload is, but the artists should be reimbursed in some way for their services. Even if they are overpaid, it's not your decision.

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  • Edited by Wyldfyre: 2/22/2013 8:18:46 PM
    Arr. To be honest, I think it's a complete waste of time and money for officials to chase these groups and circles.

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  • Edited by RighteousTyrant: 2/22/2013 6:52:55 PM
    It's theft, plain and simple. Someone offers you a product for a price. You circumvent that and acquire the product for free. Pretty much theft. That said, the Megaupload affair was a total disaster and I hope the authorities responsible end up with no small amount of egg on their face (or lacking jobs, preferably). Also, SOPA and PIPA were awful bills, but I lay the blame for their conception at the feet of those who pirate. You people are the problem those bills sought to solve. If your thievery didn't exist, there would be no legitimate cause for those bills to be proposed.

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    2 Replies
    • What is the difference between pirating a game. And buying it used? The developers get no money either way

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    • Arghh!!!

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    • Against it. Just buy your stuff you lazy bastards. I cant just walk into a walmart and steal a CD or a DVD can I?

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      • Someone downloads a game off of the internet. "It's okay guys, it wasn't a sale the company would get anyway." Someone buys a used game. "Woah, you're taking money out of the hard working pocket of the game makers by buying a game used and cheaper." Seriously though, people complain about anti-piracy devices on games like DRM, but if no one pirated games there would be no need to have DRM.

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      • Piracy r kewl gai

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      • Edited by Seggi: 2/24/2013 4:35:58 AM
        Delivering content to people for free is great, but, unfortunately, there can be costs to that on the other side, and it needs to be illegal (where it's not an intentionally free distribution model) to help prevent massive losses to the producers.

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      • ITT: A whole lot of people rationalize being a thief.

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        • If I made a game, and it was on the pirate bay. that would be so cool.

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        • I'd like to remind everyone that while is fine to talk about things like this, you walk a very fine line. Advocating piracy/theft is against the terms of use here and you run the risk of being banned. We don't have many global rules on anymore, but this is definately a place you don't want to go. And posting this in a group is not going to protect you from this site-level rule. With that said, carry on, sorry for the intrusion.

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          6 Replies
          • Edited by TomoK12: 2/22/2013 6:54:39 PM
            It's not illegal here, or maybe it is any they have no penalties against it. But anyway, I usually download music, and if the album is good, like really good, I'll buy it. Plus, some albums I can't get anywhere, not even the iTunes store, so I see no problem downloading them ones... And as already mentioned below, it's not really effected the industry on my part because I buy all the albums that I'd buy. The albums I download are ones that I wouldn't be buying anyway. I'd assume it's like that for quite a lot of people.

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            2 Replies
            • Yup.

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              • Edited by Sesto: 2/22/2013 3:13:35 AM
                I don't think it's "right". People claiming that they should be able to have things for free simply because "it's a new time" or something are dumb. However, I still pirate. I don't feel bad about it. If I enjoy something, I will buy it. For example, I pirated Crusader Kings 2, and when I found out it was awesome, bought it. Same with Mount and Blade Warband. I pirated Game of Thrones, and ended up buying all the novels, posters (eventually will buy the blurays, but they are kinda expensive). I watch pretty much all my anime illegally (not really same thing as pirating, but w/e), but those that I enjoy I buy (or plan to buy, some of it is really -blam!-ing expensive). "Lost sale" is a stupid -blam!-ing concept. I wasn't going to go and randomly subscribe to HBO or buy Game of Thrones on a whim. I pirated it to see if I enjoyed it, and I did. Now I am a customer. The same goes for anything. I'm a fanatic when it comes to obsessing over things I enjoy (if I like it, I need something proving I like it). So I pirate things, and if I enjoy them, I will pay the people back. If I didn't like it, well, I wasn't going to be a customer in the first damn place, so it isn't a lose sale.

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                3 Replies
                • As long as you buy Marty's music legally, we couldn't give two shits. Join us.

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                  • I believe Piracy isn't stealing, and isn't a serious threat. It doesn't lose a sale for the company, as, personally, when I pirate or my friends do, it's because we can't afford something being unemployed teenagers, and would still like to be able to have an honest opinion. On top of that, it can be good for the company and encourage other sales. I know that I've gotten people to buy games I enjoyed, and they did too, from games I pirated(Spore comes to mind. My friend and I had a blast on it.) That GAINED sales, even though it wasn't my own. It is not a serious threat, as things stiill sell into the multi-millions of copies, and it covers most of the budget. The only real threatened industry is films, but nothing can actually win over the experience of heading out with friends to actually see a movie. It's all about atmosphere.

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                  • Facial hair and alcohol are necessary.

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                  • I'm for it in as, it's extremely hard to stop people pirating anything. However, I generally buy games via a retail chain, Steam or 2nd hand shops. Otherwise, I try to find stuff on youtube. If I can't do that, I generally buy the media I'm after. But if someone offered me a pirated copy of something I wanted to watch but hadn't got, then I'd try it. An example of this is the Game of Thrones TV series - extremely hard to find free legit streaming, and I don't have the money to buy a subscription to it; I don't even watch much TV unless it's on a DVD or Amazon's lovefilm

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                  • I think it's ok as long as it's no overdone or exploited to make money. The world is expensive enough.

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                  • I like free shit so I support it yo.

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                  • I'm dead set against it, and every company has the right to deter such activity, even at the inconvenience of customers. Most people-I'd like to think-wouldn't walk into a shop and steal a product for the purpose of "testing", or indeed any other reason. They would be deterred by the risk of being caught, and the guilt that such an action should produce in one of respectable morals. Piracy allows those that are too coward to thieve in the real world do so in the virtual.

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                  • Stealing is bad, yo.

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                  • Piracy is sharing. Sharing is caring. Caring is good. I am for piracy.

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                  • I'm ok with it up to the point where I just want to try something without having to go buy it or find it online with a crappy quality, I'm mostly talking about games and tv shows. If someone likes something they pirated then when they have the money they should go buy said product, I've done that several times with video games on my PC. I pirated FarCry 3 a while back, and since I don't really play consoles it's sort of like borrowing the game for a little while to see what I think of it. As soon as I have the money I intend to buy the game.

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                  • Don't really care. I don't think piracy can kill the music or film industry any more than libraries killed off the sale of books.

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