Given all the US clan members I look forward to some all night raids in the UK! Awesome :-)
Can't wait to try out some raids. I'm also glad to be in this clan as I only have a few friends on ps4 right now, and I think only 1 may get Destiny so far.
Feel Free to message me anytime if you need someone to raid with. It would be my pleasure.
Before this clan I was worried about this, I don't have many friends at all who game on PS4 so this should be fun. Let's do this.
I was never huge on raids on WoW or even Borderlands Raid Bosses, but this looks fun.
I was hype at the Beta launch. I was more hype when it ended. Now my hype levels are reaching critical mass, I could burst into flames at any moment. This sounds so completely awesomely epic.
This sounds awesome. Though getting 5 other friends will definitely be difficult for me. Hope I can catch you guys online!
Sounds awesome, and all the more reason to be in this kickass clan. :)