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originally posted in:The Glitch Raid
Edited by raine2point0: 2/2/2016 11:36:47 PM

State of the Crucible - Feb 2, 2016

State of the Crucible 2.2.16 Hey Everyone, So it’s been a while. I have a wrist injury that has been limiting my ability to play the game and to spend a lot of time on the computer. It’s been a bit since last posting but we’re going to try and fix that. I’ve been piecing this together over the past week and here we are again to talk about the crucible. Just like the last time I posted, both Trials and Iron Banner have wrapped up. Hopefully you did some grinding, got those bounties done and finished both activities for at least one character. I did two for both and I must say that Trials drops just aren’t where they should be. I can almost say the same for Iron Banner but yesterday’s matches were exceptional for me and my rank 5 items ended up being pretty spectacular. Now that the dust has settled, let’s take a look at what we’re looking to this week. Before I begin, I will also be posting on Wednesdays giving you the breakdown for Armsday weapons should you want a little guidance, and purchase recommendations for the coming week. If you’re new to Destiny, weapon perks, and min/maxing, these articles will help simplify things for you. In addition, we’re at the bottom of the content curve and those that are still playing are looking for somewhere to spend all those marks that they keep capping out on. I’m going to include in the Armsday article a section called Legendary Spending. These are things that if you don’t have, you should take a look at. They arrive at 280 which is a pain for all of us above 315, but we need to spend them on something, right? You may even find something that you didn’t know you really loved. With that, we’re off to the Tower. This week’s featured mode is Inferno Rumble. Yep – full try hard activate. Let’s break this down: The Game: Inferno Rumble. In short, it’s Satan’s playground. Even for someone like me. Rumble is a free-for-all 1v1x6 game mode. The first one to 2,500 wins. Heavy will only spawn once (thank you, Jesus) and there is simplified scoring which means no bonus to headshots, grenades, heavy, melee etc. You get kill points and that’s it. Oh, and no radar. At all. So that’s the mode. Let’s talk game: You need to know your map. If its one you know really well, pick a stomping ground. No more than 20% of the total map area. Yeah, it’s pretty small but here’s the thing. Watch your back. Watch doors and corners for shotguns. Think like a sniper and watch open lines. Try to secure the center of your area, and work your way out slowly until you’ve got that 20% locked down. Keep it locked down. Don’t run for special unless you know you’re safe. Don’t run for heavy unless you’re ready to die for it. Make the most of your down time reloading, checking lines, doors and corners. Keep moving. Don’t camp. Someone will catch onto it. Keep moving and it’ll take much longer for them to get a foot in your sandbox. Classes: This is all about comfort. Play what you know and can succeed with. There’s no radar so you want to rely on the tools and perks that serve you best and you know the instant something comes up. My personal recommendations are: Titan: Sunbreaker for utility, Striker for pure awesome, or Defender for ultimate domination over time. Titans win all the things. Hunter: GG for the distance or Nightstalker for utility. Warlock: Nova Bam. Because Bladedancer and Sunbreaker. Guns: Shotguns for days. Just like last month, things are unpredictable. Actually, they’re at the apex of unpredictable. There’s no radar. No idea what’s coming through that door or around that corner. Stick with the shotty to keep them away and deal with those surprises. Primary is all about time to kill here. You want to get them down before the guy around that next corner hears that gunfight and tries to clean you up after a kill. MIDA, Last Word, Doctrine, Ace, Nirwen’s are all great options here. For heavy, unlike last time it’s all about getting more distance out of the ammo you get more than a mode like Mayhem or Trials. Pick up a heavy machine gun (if you aren’t sure of the difference, heavy hit harder but fire slower) and reload after you’re safe; crouched and around a corner. The raid gun, crucible gun and New Monarchy have the best options here. In fact, on paper New Monarchy has the best machine gun available. Gear: Simple. Play what you need. My recommendations are simple. In this unpredictable environment, you need as much of the things as you can get. Titan: For Strikers and Sunbreakers go with the Armamentarium. Not much else to say. Two grenades are just the way to go here. Defenders should ignore that entirely and stick exclusively with No Backup Plans. That overshield from every melee or shotgun hit will make you a terror. Pair that with Relentless, Unbreakable and Blessing and once you get your super you’ll just be a juggernaut. Hunter: For you GG’s the Ahamkara Spine and Gambler’s Dagger provide the most utility. Two tripmines that stick for days and two throwing knives will likely save you more than a few times. Nightstalkers should opt for Sealed Grasps to double up that smoke or invis combo. Bladedancers should stick to the Tarantella or Third Man for uptime. Warlock: Claws for that two melee and for Sunsingers - two fusion grenades to keep you cranking. Starfire Protocol if you want a bonus grenade but want to keep the burning Funeral perk for collaterals. Nothing Manacles for Nova Bam and Claws again for Stormcallers. …..or just the Ram. Alright guys. Good luck out there and I’ll see you tomorrow for Armsday and Legendary Spending. I’m going to attempt to get them filmed and put on YouTube as well for those that don’t want to read it all. Until next time, stay frosty Guardian. Raine

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