originally posted in:Ninja Pancakes
[armory]Zhalo Supercell[/armory] Sorry i haven't been posting on the forum much, i've been trying to get my clan verified and it actually harder than i thought it would be! Ty for patience :) I know it a little much to ask, but if you'd mind clicking that link and pressing the join button, it'd be greatly appreciated! [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1244482[/url]
Great in pve!!
I like it, but like my Boolean Gemini and touch of malice more.
Actually a great gun. Better in pve than pvp in my opinion but works for both. I ran the black spindle mission with it and the storm caller. I have helped three friends get t spindle with that set up.
Lots of fun. Love it.
I don't like it. Got bored of it. It looks shit and it is way unstable.
terrible in pvp decent in pve
Needs higher impact so it's useful not just a cool toy that zaps little crowds of thrall or psion
Who manufactured zhalo?
I have a 310 supercell, little use on the raid so it sits in the vault.
I love this gun. I like to use it during events where the enemy is loving against one another. Camp the cave, shoot, shadowshot tether, repeat. So fun!
Edited by SSSnafuu: 10/10/2015 5:34:24 PMDropped it last night from an exotic engram I dropped at a lv8 raid.. Lol. So far this and the telesto are amazing. Tho for the Telesto, I only like it in the crucible. Zhalo is good overall in both. Its my go to weapon. 297 attack currently.
It's amazing. My favorite primary. I have it at 300 damage. It's great for crowd control but I will admit it is a bit OP in crucible. If they could lower the damage only in crucible that would be nice because it already is a bit weak in PvE.
It's an awesome lectro machine. Fantastic with certain void anchor builds to pile on the pressure and generate orbs. Haven't found it spectacular in PvP, still prefer Juju. My favorite exotic of year 2 so far.
If I could -blam!- it, I would want it to have my babies.
I'm online now on PS3 at wAzAm101
Looks amazing n want it before it gets nerfed to oblivion!
Pure beastmode.
I think i wish i had it
I love it
I'm an xbox user :(
I like the bad juju way more the range is what kills it for me with the super cell
I think bungie is gonna nerf it like they do everything in this game cuz of cry baby ass pvp players
It's cool, it's good, but oh my god does the Guardian hold it like a retard
Full retard
Its good but I find that I prefer my telesto.