originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
Just a warning, I'm known for long posts
[b]What systems are we talking about?:[/b]
The gates and confluxes that create the system the Vex use to travel and build their empire is my main target, but I would like to mention that the collective Vex mind is a system as well that is incorporated with their system of travel. The Vex operate with each unit focused on a specific goal that fits into their giant puzzle.
While still comparing to puzzles, let's create an image for you: each individual Vex is a single puzzle piece, each Vex Mind is a large chunk of the puzzle made up of those single puzzle pieces, and when all the chunks of the puzzle are put together you have the whole puzzle. If a Mind is destroyed, the little individual pieces have a lot more trouble putting themselves together into the larger chunk.
[spoiler]I just turned infinitely intelligent beings into a child's pastime.[/spoiler]
Now for all these pieces of the puzzle to build themselves into the bigger picture, they need to create the gate and conflux systems to connect them all together, thus making the puzzle even larger and more complicated.
Let's move on to these connecting systems.
[b]Effects and influence:[/b]
The Vex's goal is not fighting or killing, and their grimoires show that each Vex is built with the clear purpose of construction work in mind. Their primary objective is to ensure their eternal survival and learn everything, but when they encountered the Hive they determined that the best way to ensure their goals were met was to kill anything that posed a threat.
Now the Vex have converted many worlds, as is made clear by all the grimoires relating to their intergalactic systems or their structures built within every celestial body, but as shown by the life on Venus and Nessus and the still sustained atmosphere and life on Mercury and Mars, their building does not purposely harm life, and they do not attack everything that isn't Vex. However, as noted by the Ishtar Collective scientists:
[quote]The cellular Vex elements are infectious, hallucinogenic, entheogenic.[/quote]
We also know that Spirit Blooms and other flora and fauna on Venus have been created or effected by being near Vex structures.
The Guardian and Ghost in the new Eris grimoire show one possible side effect to prolonged exposure could be conversion of the body.
Though the Vex and their structures are not at all meant for inflicting damage, they can still kill worlds just by creating a presence there and ruin order by leaving gate systems for other organisms to wander near or through. Being near or entering the Vex's structures meant for traversing time has already been shown to cause deterioration of mental health, as well as consuming their Mind Fluid.
Mercury, the world with the strongest Vex presence in our system, was converted in only a few days yet still maintains the atmosphere given to it by the Traveler, albeit slightly altered by the Vex construction. However, Mercury used to be a garden world, home to many greenhouse areas, but there has so far been no sign that any of the artificial habitats remain. The Vex might not have killed any plants or organisms there, but their tampering may have killed off anything left alive. Judging by the effects on Venus, it's very likely that impartially transformed worlds like Venus and Mars or fully transformed worlds like Nessus will all eventually be killed and become infertile due to the Vex cellular contagion. If Mercury couldn't hold on to its life, then its only a matter of time before plants and animals on other worlds start to die from infection. There has been no species noted so far that is immune to Vex cellular attack.
But on the other hand, the Garden is still fertile and tended to by the Vex, again showing that the Vex only eliminate threatening species and also showing that their cells may not damage all species. This could mean that Venus, Nessus, and Mars will all retain at least some life and that Mercury might still have gardens that weren't destroyed during the Collapse.
The Citadel. A structure that boggled the Ishtar scientists, we do know that it was built in a different Venus of the past because the Ishtar scientists reported that the Vex structures appeared in our system before the Vex units did and that it is much older than should be possible.
We don't know what triggered its appearance in our timeline, but a few believe that when the Traveler changed Venus that it caused the Citadel to establish itself here while it's also possible that the Citadel simply appeared because that's when the Vex wanted it to.
The Vault was made as a permanent fixture in time so is present in all timelines in all ages, although there's no guaranteeing that it's always located on Venus.
As for the vanishing platforms in the Vault and Citadel, they appear and disappear because they drift through all the timelines that those two locations are present in. The Vault is thought to be where their confluxes all converge and the Citadel is most likely a central location for their gate and/or conflux system, so both distort time and both are extremely detrimental to the mental health of non-Vex organisms.
Mercury was the first fully converted world and is completely under the Vex's control. Nessus is also completely converted by the Vex, but still holds flora and fauna, so the theory is that Nessus was only recently finished or that the life there was just lucky enough to not be disturbed. Venus is mostly converted, stopped only by the presence of House Winter and our hampering of their efforts by destroying the Nexus Mind, Sekrion. Mars is the least controlled world that we know the Vex are on, but even with the Cabal presence they clearly have a secure network already built into the world. The Vex most definitely control other worlds and moons in our system, and we know that they have an intergalactic system that may even have the Vex planted in every celestial body. It's also certain that the Vex can convert worlds much larger than Mercury in the same amount of time, as all they need to do is have more units working on it.
[b]Unit contribution:[/b]
As I said earlier, the Vex are built with construction in mind, and possibly also communication. Minotaurs are built for heavy construction work and are already confirmed to focus most of their processing on building. Goblin and Hobgoblin heads actually operate mostly as sensors, but considering the theories on Cyclops, the way Minds like Quria transmit knowledge, and the ability of Vex to share what they experience with each other, they may also operate in sending signals to each other (just a theory guys). A Vex Cyclops is theorized to operate as a sensor or a beacon that may help guide Vex movements, but whatever it's purpose it is clearly part of the Vex interplanetary system. Almost all Vex units can be damaged to an extent that overloads their sensory equipment and sends them into a frenzy, showing that some Vex (particularly Cyclops) have heavy loads of processors concentrated on things other than combat.
It should also be noted that every Vex weapon serves the function of one or several tools, and combat use is just a perk of design.
The Vex gate system is the physical attribute of the Vex's reach over the universe. It is composed of all the gates and constructs they build within worlds, starting with just one 'simple' gate or construct and leading up to an entire planet crafted into their network. The gates can be used to travel across space and seemingly even time with ease, and are regulated by local Gatelords who actually reside inside the system in a nonphysical state.
The odds are you've never asked yourself "what exactly are confluxes?". Even though we interact with them several times in the game to trace Vex activity, we are never told a single thing about them. The only information we get on them is in the Atheon grimoire, which is all theory work. So the theory is that confluxes are the nonphysical aspect of the Vex's system, stretching across the planes of time and space in a manner that proves the thoroughness of the Vex's integration and shows how they are able to create systems spanning through different times and spaces. This system appears to be what creates the links in the gate system and what the Vex use to navigate it. This theory explains why our Ghost is able to use them to trace Vex activity and how they are linked to Atheon, Time's Conflux.
[spoiler]To those out there who are Halo fans, think of the gates and confluxes as you would the system built by the Forerunners. When the Librarian explains the story of the Diadact in Halo 4, she speaks of the digital system linking all of the technology they've built across the universe and how the Forerunners wanted to become one with that system and gain immortality and knowledge. The Vex gates are equivalent to the Forerunner constructs and the Vex confluxes are equivalent to the digital links between the Forerunner constructs and AI, but the Vex have a much higher mastery and have already achieved the Forerunner's goals on some levels.
Hope that comparison helped some of you.[/spoiler]
The Vex build this system with the aim to weave themselves into time and reality itself, so that they may never cease to exist. The fact that they've created a system so vast and advanced proves that they are drawing near their goal, and one day they may have an emperor for every outcome, placing themselves at the peak of existence and having their hand show in all matters of the universe in every time and alternative.
My Archive: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/217384398/0/0
[i]You are forever lost in the dark corners of time[/i]
Edited by Ghost593835: 8/17/2017 3:18:31 PMHow does my race the timeless sack up against the vex? The Timeless: A race that existed in the beginning of creation, they gained the power of time thanks to the well of time. They were immortal and could use time as they wished but the universe could not move forward in time. So the creator and destroyer asked them to give time to the universe, at first they said no and kept the power but as the years passed on and the universe stood there frozen, the life that started were frozen in time. Aware of what was going on, they given up their physical from so time could flow throughout the multiverse. They would become one with time and so would become the keepers of time. They would oversee all time and space but would lose the ability to interact with the physical realm, not all of the timeless wanted to do this. There was a group that wanted to keep their power, among them was Aloki, the timeless one. He would lead them to freedom only to be poisoned by the creators. The timeless have complete and utter control over time. They can travel to any point in time, to any timeline line and can exist in every single timeline at once. Stop time on a multiversal level and manipulate it on a subatomic level. They were gods and still are without their physical form. They became apart of time and so became the keepers of time. They could not mess with the physical universe but they could still undo time travel errors and paradoxes. If needed they could take on a host to be their physical body and use them to enact the will of time. Fixing the mistakes made by lesser beings.
What do you think of my dreamers? The Dreamers: “ Not all beasts come from the third realm, some come from the void or the celestial plane. Dreamers come from the void and so are alien to the material plane.” Dreamers are large four legged beasts that live within caves that are buried into the fabric of reality. These caves are often confused for wormholes or even black holes. These caves curve and cut through the folds of reality, they are created by the dreamers of course. Younger and smaller dreamers will have these caves on planet, which gives of more energy than most blue stars put out in a lifetime. Dreamers use these caves to dream inside and create worlds that are just as real if not more real than the physical plane. In these dreams they are gods and anything that happens to someone in their world. Happens to them in world they came from. Dreamers are usually peaceful creatures but can become aggressive when awakened and will trap people or groups of people within their dreams. Adult Dreamers can be as big as entire planets, babies when first born are large as a cites. When they are awake, they create a field around them that protects them any threats they may not notice. These shields are a natural function and automatically happen when they are on the hunt for food. Their favorite prey are a type of space whale, which can create electric storms powerful enough to destroy planets. Dreamers have a fire breath capable of destroying worlds and they are able to call on the void to empower them even further. They have an immunity to paradoxes and actually love to devour paradoxes, this goes in line with their power to warp reality itself. Dreamers are only weak when they are dreaming. So they created the avon to protect them. These small creatures can bend the rules of reality to create weapons and constructs that keep the dreams safe. They are very fast and strong enough to lift mountains. It is believed that they are from the dream universe of the dreamers. Pushed into reality. From my book that i like to write out of order: "Shush boy, you will wake the dreamers and you don't want that." He whispered. "Sorry, but aren't the movers worse than the dreamers?" The boy whispered back. "It's complex but usually the movers are worse but some times the dreamers can catch them and place them inside a dream. A universe where they are god, its like a simulation but worse because it's more real than anything they ever knew."
How well does the vex stack up against the THE QUANTUM ARCHANGEL The Quantum Archangel is the human Anjeliqua Whitefriar after becoming one with the Lux Aeterna, the substance that serves as the basic foundation for the Multiverse. This goddess is on par with the Menti Celesti, as said in the novel The Quantum Archangel (obviously), in which this being appears. It was also said that it was capable of commiting multiversal genocide on the Chronovores (The Master planned to fuse with the Lux Aeterna and become a Quantum Archangel himself): THE QUANTUM ARCHANGEL [quote]The Master was glad the Doctor was there to witness his apotheosis, but his spurious morality could become so very wearing. ‘I have every idea what I’m doing, Doctor: I am finally taking my rightful place amongst the pantheon of gods. Time? Pain? Death? Eternity? They will be my brothers and my sisters. The Guardians of Time? They will thank me for ridding the multiverse of their bastard children, the Chronovores. The Eternals? Perhaps I can take part in their games, risk everything for a taste of Enlightenment?’[/quote] The Quantum Archangel could destroy the shields of a TARDIS, which tanks supernovae and black holes, in less than a second: [quote]A rhythmic burbling suddenly filled the room. The Doctor turned from the console. ‘There – I’ve activated the TARDIS force field. It probably won’t last for a fraction of a second against the Quantum Archangel’s powers, but it’s about all I can do at the moment.’[/quote] She could alter history on a whim, change her own doings and give Paul back his invention: [quote]Some of the threads of reality were obvious, and she had rewoven them easily. But the subtler ones had been beyond her abilities, left as loose ends flailing about, spoiling the perfection of the warp and weft. She had the power, she had the intelligence... but omnipotence eluded her. No, it wasn’t omnipotence, it was omniscience. The sheer calculating power necessary to rewrite creation and balance all the probabilities was beyond her grasp. She needed an ally... something, someone, who could provide the calculations. Who could provide – [/quote] The power of the Lux Aeterna, the power of the Quantum Archangel: [quote]The Doctor elaborated. ‘The Lux Aeterna is the energy lattice that underpins the entire multiverse: not just this universe, but any and every other one that could ever possibly exist. It is infinite power, but without form, without reason. Somehow – thanks to the Master’s ham-handed attempt to access it – it has bonded with Anjeliqua. Her sentience has given form and reason to the Lux Aeterna.’ He flung his arms out. ‘Somewhere – out there! – is a sentient being of unimaginable power. She – it – can split a quasar in two with the merest thought. Create entire new realities fashioned to its whims. Destroy Gallifrey just because it suits it!’ [/quote] The Quantum Archangel could create a Universe for each person in the Universe and she enslaved the Mad Mind of Bophemeral, who wasn't able to be controlled by the Constructors of Destiny, a godlike species that helped the Time Lords to evolve.
How would the wizards of the hive feel about my character meda? Meda, Arici rani of tranced: a high general within the gore empire, meda is a Dominus that studies magic to every extent. Calling herself Meda, Arici rani of tranced. Which is roughly translated to meda arici queen of magic. Meda card: Just with a swing of her hand, they were dead. Their bodies lifeless, she smiled and was pleased with her power returned to her. Killing forgotten ones was child's play to her, breaking their spins like they were twigs. She was finally free to do as she wished with her magic. She then looked to zoltak with a cracked smile. “Thank you for freeing me, these insects kept me here for centuries. They could not keep me dead and their AI could not kill me or erase me. Now I am free to crush their bones faster than lux can reach their eyes.” meda said, giving a sinister smile. Zoltak remained silent. “not much of a talker huh? But with those eyes tell me you have meant lord korna. A forgotten one with armor made from black holes and is able to move faster than light. I can teach you how to become just as fast as he is. Just as strong as he, the strength to shatter black holes like ant being stepped on. All you have do is free my people and we have a deal. How does that sound?” she continued as the forgotten ones base made from paradoxes began to fall apart.
Rank Three Grim WarLord: WarLords lead entire regiments, millions of troops under their control. WarLords are very intelligent and are able to adapt to the battlefield thanks to their hud technology.This tech gives them feedback and advice. They are protected by void shields, which will bounce any kinect based weapons off of it. They wear hyper advanced armor that acts as their life support if they are ever hurt in combat, they metal of the armor is self repairing and will begin to repair itself after the battle is done, if it’s ever damaged. Warlords can also use magic to cast spells while in the battle field, from sending out fiery attacks to reality shaking blasts. How does my warlord stack up against a primus from the cabal. How does a grim lord stack up against a kell or a hive prince like that one in the prison of elders. Rank five Grim lord: The Grim lords are grim that have proven to be a solar multi system level danger, they are eight feet tall with an increase muscle mass. They are the heavy commanders, that lead the mass of the grim fleets. They are often shown giving supporting their troops from their medication chambers, giving them strength and better fighting skills when needed. When they have to, they will take over a single grim. Giving them the abilities of a grim lord, but when their warlords and shamans fail. They will go down to the world to take care of things personally, their raw power breaking reality itself and their rage empowering their troops to a super natural level. These are leaders to the lesser fleets and armies of the grim. Hosting seven Regiments that each with seven hundred million troops each regiment.
Edited by Ghost593835: 8/14/2017 8:48:48 AMCould a guardian fight this? Just these two ranks. the grim: they are a lizard like race, that is not bound by gender. they are a ruthless race yet honor bound race. they were the ones to forge the gore alliance, they are split up into two sections. Warriors and the shamans, warriors go into the battle to become stronger, gaining more power by killing the enemies. Their strength is runs at super natural levels, being able to destroy entire worlds with strength alone. They can use magic to fight with, some of their warriors are shown to be able to destroy solar systems with their magic. The shamans on the other hand are all about using magic, Rank one:Grim gladiator “You see them as savages, don’t you solomon ? This Sea of hate and violence, an almost endless horde wanting to become something more. Wanting to break free from the limitations of this reality, do you not see now solomon? These beings are like you and me. Just trying to survive past the twilight event.” Kane Gladiators are hired guns, fighting in the gore empire for money to support their families or to become famous gaining the respect of the gods.They are well trained warriors. Their strength is unimaginable and their ability to take on damage is unscalable. Gladiators sport meta causal weapons, their armor is strong enough to help them survive the fall from space. They are strong enough to destroy buildings and even large masses of land. Rank two: Grim Champions: Champions are the next step in the ranking of the grim, they command squads of Gladiators. They are a lot stronger the gladiators and their armor is far more advanced than their lessers, hosting a hud that display important information and even gives feedback to the champions as well as the updates from the battlefield. Their swords are able to blueshift when being Swung. They can be told apart from the lessers by their mounted shoulder plates, and their helmet that has an horn on it which is placed on the left side.
Can the vex handle my race, the soulless? [quote]The soulless: Enslaving and ever so hunger, the soulless are an ancient horror that has revealed itself. Devouring millions of souls in their wake and yet we still don't understand their motivations to why. We don't even know where they came from, there has always been stories told by elder races of an evil with no ending hunger. I believe these are that evil wondering the universe with an army of husks. [/quote] [quote]“The soulless, the devourers of galaxies. They can not be touched by their weapons, time is but simple thing to their transcended form. You can’t kill a soulless with time weapons or even with the mastery of the material world. Maybe if you are strong enough to use the arcane transcended physics but the knowledge of how to reach that level is long gone but even that isn’t a sure way to kill them. So boy get the engine ready, we need to move before they come for[/quote] [quote]Rank one soul stalker card: “There is a time to fight and there is a time to run. This moment is where it would be wise to run.” Solomon. Soul stalkers are an horror that can not be eclipsed, They stalk their prey like ghosts. Fading through the walls and ignoring all the rules of physics. They prove that nothing is impossible as their powers show that. These versions of soulless like to stalk their prey and trap them into a corner, until there is one way out.They capture them and devour their soul, stalks are able to launch telepathic attacks that can stunt a person or even kill. They can also read minds when up close, their stealth abilities allow them to sneak past any enemy. They are able to dominate the most capable minds that have been influenced by magic or any meta causal magic. They can shoot out a beam from their face, which can rip through the strongest metal and seems to be an instant kill. Stalkers can also be seen wielding a sword made from a black material, this sword is spawned by the stalkers will and can cut through armor like its air. The stalkers are a great threat to anyone who stumbles on a soulless sector. [/quote] [quote]rank 2: soul shapers card: “You don’t ever want a shaper to touch you, It’s far worse than a being shot with a particle cannon.” Solomon The Shapers , the twisters of souls. Beings that can shape the souls of others and devour their existence. Shapers can not only shape souls and people's existence. They can shape reality with pure will or just being being there. Reality bends at their existence and time even slows down when they are around. Shapers can manipulate matter on the atomic level, they can form new objects from nothing to ripping someone apart with just a single touch. They can use their psionic powers to drag their victory towards them, tearing apart the fabric of reality just to get to them. Shapers can turn suns into black hole in the matter of seconds and use the black hole to travel. They have been seen also manipulating cosmic energies, creating and destroying cosmic constructs. These constructs have been known to be indestructible unless the shaper will it to be destroyed or when the shaper is cut off from the physical realm. Shapers can fly thanks to their power over reality and even teleport, phase through walls and they can use a type of magic unique to only the soulless, this power places them beyond cause and effect. Tho it is through that all their powers come from this type of magic. [/quote] [quote]The Husks: “They use to be like you and me. That was until the soulless got to them and now they are hollowed.” Husks are the bulk of the soulless army, they are races that have been stripped of their souls and enslaved by the soulless. Husks are made from multiple races and from races that have been long gone. While each husk is different, there is a common theme between them, which is their white and black eyes. Husks are usually seen in packs on board soulless ships,locked up in pods. They are sent out to capture any travelers that are unlucky to warp into soulless space. The husks are sent out in minuscule hordes, millions of husks ripping the ship apart. They prepare the crews to be subverted and changed into husks. Husks don’t feel pain; they don’t age or even degrad. They don't have morals and will use anything to get you to come out of hiding. Whether its act like the person they use to be or cry to draw people out for the soulless to devour But when that doesn't work the husks will do anything to get you. If there is a steal door in their way, they will increase the muscle mass to rip down the door; they are more capability of changing their form to fit their needs. While not immortal husks are a dangerous threat to any crew or world and must be dealt with immediately[/quote]
Could the vex fight the great old ones? The Quantum Mnemonic has altered the laws of the space-time continuum: [quote]He shook his head. The mnemonic had well and truly altered the local properties of the space-time continuum, and the rational part of his mind wondered how stable it all was. The way things were currently going, it wouldn't have surprised him if the whole lot collapsed on top of him – in a metaphysical sense, of course – and then it would take a lot more than a respiratory bypass system to save him.[/quote] This is Quantum Mnemonics, the Old Ones' primary power, described as such is Millennial Rites. With only a few words, they can create and destroy universes and warp them to their will: [quote]The most powerful tool developed by the Time Lords was block transfer computation, the ultimate expression of mathematics. With it, one could manipulate matter and energy, time and space, and fold dimensions like so much origami. It was the fundamental basis of the TARDIS technology that surrounded him, and had even been harnessed to bleed off excess entropy from the universe, extending its lifespan by incalculable aeons. Quantum mnemonics, the dark science of an earlier race of Time Lords, made block transfer computation seem like a conjuring trick. With just a few words, a practitioner of their great art could grasp the basic nature of reality around the throat and shake it into a new configuration. A bon mot of quantum mnemonics could bring about a premature death, or a run of good luck. A sentence could transform a planet's history and destiny, changing a world of barbaric war into an elysium. And a carefully constructed paragraph could rewrite the entire universe. Or destroy it utterly.[/quote] Fenric sees universes as specks of dust that exist for a millionth of a second. [quote]Fenric: I told you, we are in hell. Your future, your present, your past, your time is meaningless, Time Lord. Look out of my keep and you will see in the sky red, red, because the stars in the newborn sky are so close together that there is neither day or night. Doctor: What do you mean, newborn? How far back are we? Fenric: To me, Doctor, your universe is less than a millionth of a second old. In the blink of my undying eye it will be the burst bubble. All of your future, all of your past, the whole of your reality, we Elder Gods perceive it as no more than you perceive a single speck of dust. To us your everything is nothing. There is nothing here… but us. [/quote]
Jeez you weren't kidding about post being long
Can the vex stand a chance against the THE LAMPREYS They can access every universe and devour them. [quote]‘Well of course you couldn’t. Once you’d given the Lampreys access to the linear universe, they’d just pop back to the microsecond before you did something and stop you. Every action you three have taken has not only been anticipated by the Lampreys, but actually negated before you’ve done it.’[/quote] They can time travel and use it with great competence. [quote]‘Professor Rummas,’ the Monica/Lamprey addressed the elderly librarian. ‘No lives to offer up like this Doctor friend of yours? You may have no future regenerations, but a few past ones might make for a good appetiser.Yes?’ ‘You are an abomination,’ he yelled. ‘The antithesis of everything that’s good across the omniverse!’[/quote] A Lamprey declares the Omniverse its restaurant: [quote]Above them, still framed in the column of halogen light beaming up from the centre of the Spiral, the Monica/Lamprey gloated. ‘I’ve beaten you. The omniverse is my restaurant. Time is my menu![/quote]’ A Lamprey is put on omniversal level threat in this quote. [quote]The Doctor never took his eye off the creature in front of them as it rocked from side to side, drinking in the air. A Lamprey. Creatures that exist within the space-time vortex, able to co-exist in multiple locations at once but feeding off chronon energy.’ He hugged Kina tighter, addressing the Lamprey. ‘How did you get onto a three-dimensional world?’ ‘My secret. Our secret. But we’re here now, all across all time and space.’ ‘All of time and space,’ corrected Melanie, hoping humour was a useful defence. ‘You aliens can never quite master syntax.’ The Doctor shook his head. ‘Sadly, it’s probably telling the truth Melanie. All time and all space. All universes, parallel realities, everything. Back home, my people spent millennia studying these creatures, trying to find a way to keep them locked away from pure existence.’ ‘Why? What do they do?’ ‘Devour time. There’s nothing they like more than to completely extinguish an entire multiverse of realities just to feed.’ [/quote]
Great post. Something that I've always wondered about the vex, is that I feel THEY should've been called the Hive. With how they behave lorewise it would've been the perfect title for them. The hive themselves don't seem to operate with a hive mind. They have a strict, multi tiered hierarchy. The vex are just unthinking drones designed to fulfill very particular tasks. Also, I'm curious to see where the franchise takes the vex as there has to be something at the top. An individual directing the rest of the species towards their eventual goal.
Here's a fun fact: the glass at the atheon CP and atheon himself are made of silicon; a material that even a shard the size of a hand cannon can send a terabyte of information many kilometers
This is a great post. Although there are many others that have similar ideas I liked the way you explained it and all of their specific roles!
Great post
How could the vex react to a virus that devours time?
If Atheon was Time's Conflux does that mean that the link between timelines has been severed?
I think any notions of Mercury being anything other than a pig over a spit are stupid, even if a collective of nerds thought it up. Life supporting conditions on Mercury means an atmosphere that won't burn up, and for that we'd need a sun that wouldn't burn it. A less powerful sun would spell certain destruction for anything else beyond Mercury. Oh, and Venus, because the traveler made it inhabitable. Physics, Thermodynamics, untold volumes of celestial and cosmic knowledge, undone by the Great White Hope. Bad, bad nerds.
Too much ego and not any new information in your post. (YOU did not compare the Vex collective to a child's toy, literally thousands made that distinction for you.) A simple downvote and good day to you.
Could the vex beat this? https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/208117484?sort=0&page=0
The Vex are my favorite & have some of the best architecture I've seen. Already knew most of this but thanks for the read anyway! No one ever really talks about the battle between Crota & the Vex? Is that because there's not much info? It's another one of my favorites
Nice post but check out Destiny Ghost Stories, they really simplify this and explain in further detail why the vex are much more scarier than we think.
So for every timeline, they try to achieve the same goal?
Although it may go against the general characterization of the vex according to the lore, I am hoping one day to encounter a major vex opponent with a clear personality of its own. This could be the result of some major corruption severing it from the collective mind, or it could be an extremely advanced form of AI gaining sentience and developing a range of emotions. After seeing the well-written characters of Cortana, Guilty Spark, and GlaDdos in video games, I think that a self-conscious vex mind would make a fantastic raid boss. For example, it could corrupt other vex units to do its bidding, granting them better and more aggressive AI in the process. It could also fuse multiple units together to create Frankenstein - esque abominations to battle in-game. Truly, I think Bungie should capitalize on this idea for the next story arc/vex raid.
Edited by Twist: 7/26/2017 9:13:35 AMYou know the new grimoire about Eris tending to a guardiang with vex legs and ghost..I'm 99% sure it's just filler for Age Of Triumph vog armor. I mean accident and need for another leg? Though the ghost surely is influenced by the vex but not the leg.
Somehow, that lil bastad traveler, has something to do with them. In a bad way too. And a dog might be in the center of it controlling everything, just watching us...
How would you rank the vex compared to the other time travel/time race.