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  • Mission Statement

    For players with a 1.0 or higher accumulative K/D in the Iron Banner playlist. Tired of running Iron Banner solo? Tired of being pitted against fireteams of 6 guardians? Tired of attempting to carry your team to victory while they all consistently go negative? This is the group for you. •No Mic Required •All Consoles Welcome •1.0+ K/D in Iron Banner playlist required at time of acceptance You need the pack, and the pack needs you.

  • Membership

    1 Member
    Total number of users that have joined this group
    9 Years as a Group
    Total number of years this group has been active
  • Admins

  • Tagged

originally posted in:Iron Lone Wolves
10/14/2015 7:41:49 AM

Welcome! Feel free to post!

If you've been approved, Welcome! I look forward to giving everyone the chance to link up with others who may not have people to play Iron Banner with. Whether your friends don't play PvP, aren't currently on or available, or they don't even play Destiny at all, I hope this is a place where you can find and help those in similar situations! To join, everyone must have had at least a 1.0 K/D in Iron Banner prior to approval. There are no checks after approval to make sure your K/D is maintained however I encourage all members to always try their best in Iron Banner matches, especially when playing with other members. Most people will be here because they're tired of losing Iron Banner matches despite consistently going positive and being pitted against large fireteams who have obvious advantages due to communication. Despite there being a K/D requirement to join, this is in not to be considered an "elitist group". If a player has a bad game, don't flame or berate them for it. It happens! They'll get the next one! While this is technically a clan, there is no ranking structure, no official events, and no meetings. You may participate as much or as little as you want. Inactive members [i]will not[/i] be removed. While this is meant to primarily be used for finding Iron Banner Teams, feel free to search for Trials of Osiris or other Crucible teams if you wish. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or reply to this post. [b]Notice: At this point in time, the group is just beginning. In fact, at the time I'm writing this, I am the only member. Perhaps you're only member number 2 or 3! Feel free to invite friends or others you meet while playing Destiny or on the forums. I'll try to approve people as quickly as possible. The only way this group can be successful is for it to grow![/b]

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