originally posted in:The Light Gang
This group has been great to find people to play with. Would love to add even more people.
I have a Warlock light 290 and two others I'm currently working on leveling up. That said, I don't care what your level or light is. I'm just looking for more people to have fun with. I'm happy to help anyone with any quest/strikes/random patrol shenanigans.
Feel free to add me. PSN ID is the same as my user name.
Hey there I'm a noob in Destiny haven't done any raids yet but I'm game to play even if it's just farming stuff or bounties. Warlock Light level 214 add me up psn id: mrjroyale
Titan ~301 Warlock ~285
ill add you, you can add me to if you want, my tag is Hopper_Ryan
Yo Gendie! My brother and I are out looking to make some destiny friends to run raids and stuff (we haven't been able to yet cuz we haven't had any destiny friends ha). I just posted in the group forum, but essentially yeah. Just trying to make a network of people to have fun playing destiny with. My tag is the same here, my brother is 'easylion.'
I will add you Gendie. Feel free to do the same for me. PSN is Hadiller
I'm in. 293 hunter. Raids, nightfall or crucible