originally posted in:vDO YOU EVEN DESTINY BRAH
Hey Guys Zeus Here,
I want to put together a raid/event committee that would strictly deal with the upcoming events, scheduling those events, and making sure the announcements reach our members. We will discuss the best strategies to reach our members and best strategies for the raids and events in general. Then share those strategies with the members. The committee is open to all members. So feel free to join. I'll link it below. In order to join the committee you MUST be a member of this clan. And you MUST be active. No exceptions. All non active members will be removed without hesitation. The committee is meant for active discussion.
We have many members who would like to get going with raids. Instead of them being at random we can have set times for everything. Which gives everyone the best opportunity to get involved. And we can do it on many different platforms. Whether you're on Xbox one or 360. We're working towards getting something for everyone. Even if you're part of the PSN world I'm actively working on alternatives for you all as well. Thank you for your time and your cooperation. And I hope to see you all involved.
Committee link: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1331382