Temporarily Banned
"You already know though"
originally posted in:Temporarily Banned
So I can finally piece together my gear to obtain a light level of 300 (though not the most synergistic gear).
I know 3 ways at this point to obtain 310 or higher hear.
1.) With the strange coins you've obtained through your weekly grind purchase the exotic engram from xur (19 strange coins) if you light level is 300+ at time of purchase there's a 75% chance to obtain a 310 exotic at time of decryption.
2.) Weekly nightfall. Even when under 300 light one can receive a 310, 20 strange coins, 20 3 of coins. I suggest leveling all 3 characters. This way I can swap accordingly!!!
3.) Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris Bounties!!! Sometimes a good challenge is aggrivating but luckily Bungee considered those less capable at PvP and allows them to obtain a high level award through completion of Bounties (much easier then a flawless 9 victory) (congrats to those who've made it!!)
Please help share any tips and advice you may have. I know I've only just begin to learn what's out there. Thanks for all your support!!