originally posted in:Destiny South Africa
Hey Guys,
Any PS3 players here doing the Raid or Nightfall?
(I'm a level 28 Warlock, add me: lingletlol on PSN)
If you still have some space I would like to join - haven't completed a raid yet? Got Lvl 28 Warlock and Hunter Unfortunately, still need to get a mic though ... :-( soon
Edited by Exa Stencil: 11/11/2014 9:18:19 AMHey, I've seen you around. Have you started raiding yet? I've got a lvl 27 Titan and 25 Warlock, Hunter I can join with. I've also got a friend with a 27 Hunter who could possibly also join. Seems PS3 isn't getting much love when it comes to clans and raiding.