Legendary FURY
"We band of brothers; For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."
originally posted in:Legendary FURY
Public Announcement:
Legendary FURY was created by a group of 3 close friends, 2 who are brothers. I [url=http://www.clansofdestiny.com/user/profile/6343](Billa)[/url] am responsible for the FURY in Legendary FURY. During my quest through RIFT in my MMO days, I at one point joined every popular guild with the name FURY in it. I then became a self proclaimed "Furyan". After the release of the PS4, I finally got talked into buying one since we did so well when playing Zombies on Black Ops II for the PS3. With the purchase of my new PS4, [url=http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/platoons/view/3128463303962805082/]L3G3NDARY [FURY][/url] was born. When Destiny Beta came out, we hit the battlefield. We have since made adjustments for Destiny and went with [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/136447]Legendary FURY[/url] as our Official Clan Name and [FURY] as our tags. Our Official Clan Website [url=http://www.lf.enjin.com/]LF.ENJIN.COM[/url] and [url=http://www.clansofdestiny.com/clan/profile/legendary_fury] ClansOfDestiny.com[/url] Clan Website have since been built and each are used just as much as the next. In just 1 month (31 days) [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/136447]Legendary FURY[/url] went from a mere 6 Powerful Beta Testers, to over 100 members! This Post Marks Legendary FURY's 1 month Anniversary July 31st - August 31st! Thank you all who have made this clan one of the best communities I have ever had the honor of seeing!