originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Hey guys, I'm writing this new Cabal based story. It's a story about a Guardian who is stationed on Mars (specifiacally in the Scablands/Valley of Kings). Y'all can read about his escape, and efforts to get away from the grasp of the Empire and his experiences with some of the highest ranking Cabal officials.
Hope you guys enjoy! Lemme know what you think, see ya in the next chapter.
Chapter 1
Well, shit. Getting ambushed off my Sparrow by a Colossus, hurts like a bitch. It all started when I was riding across the Scablands. You know, I was doing one of my usual patrols of the perimeter. Normally the Cabal are stationed all over their fortifications buried into the mountain side. Vex usually stay beneath the natural cover of the subtle red hills; close to the anomaly. I love being stationed there, there is always the constant fight between the Cabal and Vex. Plenty of things to use as target practice. Heh. But, you do have to be careful. You’re walking on the battlefield. The Cabal throw everything they have into these skirmishes. I guess that’s part of the reason the Vex are losing. Back to the subject. I was riding up one of the sand dunes, and ran straight into a Colossus. ‘Pparently it hurt getting ran into at 90 mph, cause he got pissed. I of course fell off, and rolled in his direction. I heard the muffled yell, just after I watched an enormous foot nearly hit my head. I rolled away from the stomp, but I could feel all my bones rattle from afar. I reached for my pistol, only to have the Colossus swing his slug rifle at my face. This time, it hit me. I feel down, instantly dazed. I tried to get up, I could hear my Ghost telling me ,”Get up! Get up!”. I tried, but then I blacked out.
I don’t remember much in between the time I was captured and when I was loaded onto the ship. I’se blacked out, what’d you think I was going to do. Any way, I awoke to a tiny prison cell. There were three thick bars of steel, concealing me. It allowed little light in, as the bars were extremely wide. I began to look around up, down, side, side. Pretty much your standard prison cell. Little bench like thing, guess that what Cabal sleep on, and a sink. I still don’t get the idea of giving a sink, and no damn toilet. I was in that cell for a day, before there was low ranking Legionary who came and checked on me. If it weren’t for those bars, I’d a ripped his head from that suit like a can of sardines.
I heard him shout some Cabal phrase. Not more than 30 seconds later, there were two more Legionaries at my door. They were speaking quietly to each other, then I watched one’s sausage fingers begin typing on the monitor outside. Suddenly, the three bars descended into the ground. I was free! for the moment. The Legionaries seized me, and nearly broke my arm. Dare I struggle, I shifted my wait to see what they would do. With keen senses, they tightened their grip; aware of every movement of my muscle. I knew what was best, and refused to struggle anymore.
We started down a hall, and continued down that way for awhile. I’d say after about a minute of walking, we started to climb up a flight of stairs that never ended. My legs slowly started giving out, and my weight slipped from their hands. The three Legionaries, quickly reacted to my shift and hoisted me back up. Funny, they all three grunted at the same time to pick me up. Ha, these 600 pound warriors couldn’t even lift me. Lucky for them, there was only a few more steps. We arrived on the landing, and they threw me five feet forward. I fell onto my hands, and my head nearly hit the ground. I dared to look up, and was met with the gaze of a Cabal Centurion. For some reason, I could feel; that wasn’t just any ordinary Centurion...