originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Kyle lay on his back, gasping for air. He had at least three holes in his back, and a pretty bad concussion.
"Hold yourself together, you gotta make it." he muttered to himself. He tried again to use his light, but it was gone.
The Titan lay in the street, as the City burned around him. Bits and pieces of debris were scattered across the road. The building on his right, had collapsed into rubble. Small flames danced along the ground, here and there. A crunching sound came from his right. He turned, wincing in pain. A dark figure stood over him. The man pulled off his hood to reveal his face. He was a young man, with dark hair. Long sideburns ran down his cheeks. He wore a long, dark red overcoat that flapped in the wind and rain.
"Well, this should be fun." the man said.
"Who are you?" Kyle asked.
"I'm... Well, I suppose I'm nobody. But you can call me whatever you want. It makes no difference to me." the man said.
"Can you help me?" Kyle asked.
"Oh dear, I'm afraid I can't." the man began typing on a holotablet. "Subject wounded with several bullet holes and possible concussion." he muttered as he typed.
"Well if you're not going to help me, then what do you want?" Kyle asked.
The man nodded.
"You see that girl?" he asked, pointing down the street. A young girl, probably no older than five, stood in the street, crying. She was on her knees, sobbing.
"I'm going to kill her. Unless you can stop me." the man said.
"What? Why?" Kyle asked, in shock and horror.
"I'm running an experiment, and I need to understand your willpower and determination." the man said.
"You're sick." Kyle growled.
"Yes, I am. Now, you have ten seconds to get to her and take the bullet. If you don't make it in time, I will kill her." the man said, as he stepped backwards.
Suddenly, a large shape appeared behind the man. A legionary charged the man, it's arm blade glowing hot. The man raised his hand, and clenched it into a fist. No sound came. No bullets, no explosions. The legionary stumbled and fell, collapsing in the dirt. For no apparent reason, it just died. The man walked into the shadows.
"Ten." his voice came from every direction.
Kyle rolled over, and struggled to his feet. He began limping down the road supporting himself against a wall.
Holding his side and grimacing, Kyle trudged forward. Bits of rock and metal were kicked aside, as he made his way towards the girl.
Kyle slipped and fell.
He began crawling on his hands and knees.
Kyle pushes with both hands, leveraging himself to his feet.
He began moving again, gasping as pain tore through his side."
Kyle tried to speed up, but another bolt of pain shot through him. He collapsed.
Kyle looked up. He was still twenty feet from the girl.
Kyle began throwing himself forward, ignoring the pain.
Kyle launched himself into the air.
Kyle felt the bullet impact his left shoulder, as he passed in front of the girl. He spun like a rag doll, crashing into the ground. The man walked out of the darkness. In his hand was a smoking hand cannon.
"Intresting. You sacrificed yourself for someone you don't even know. Explain." he said.
"She was innocent. It is our job as Titans to defend those who can't defend themselves."Kyle replied, his voice rasping.
"There is something to be said about the purity of youth. Did that play a part in your sacrifice?" the man asked.
Kyle glared at him.
"Love conquers all." was all he said.
"An interesting concept. Definitely flawed, but interesting nonetheless." the man said.
The man raised his cannon and fired. Kyle slumped over, his eyes staring into eternity. The man waved his hand and the girl vanished in a flash of light. He reached down and pulled the holographic projector from it's hiding place under a piece of metal. He pocketed it, and began to walk away. As he walked, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the holotablet.
"Moving on to subject fifty nine. Will begin confrontation shortly. Continuing Project: a world without light." he said into the microphone.
He put the holotablet back into his pocket, and continued walking. With a flap of his coat, he vanished into the windswept dark.
You seem to actually know what you're doing when it comes to writing. The story itself though, I'm not that much of a fan of. It's not bad at all, but my personal preference for fanfiction is that it adheres to the rules of the world without making up crazy new elements (like a mysterious non-guardian humans with the power to kill enemies with their minds). I also don't think a such a selfless protagonist is interesting, but again, that's just my personal opinion. Anyway, you clearly are a competent writer, and I can see why people would enjoy your work. Good luck in the contest :)
Wow, dark. Kyle was a good guy, can't wait to see more from this mysterious and powerful murderer
Very moving. I'm really interested in that cloaked guys goal.
is he dead?
Okay, who the heck is this guy, and when do I see him die? Good luck, this is definitely a contender!