originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
[i][b]Ok, i've had enough of saying "aliens" and "two-armed" and so on. So i'm going to refer to them with their real names since I can't exactly keep saying "two armed" and "aliens" and "creatures".[/i][/b]
The first wave of the creatures approached. It consisted of multiple Dregs, three Vandals, and a Captain.
I picked on the Dregs while Axon used his pistol to weaken the Vandals and the Captain. Once I cleared the Dregs and Axon had taken out the Vandals, we both converged on the Captain.
I went up and punched it to grab it's attention, followed by Axon swinging onto it's back and stabbing the Captain's head, killing it.
We moved back and let the second wave drop in. It consisted of more Vandals, a few Dregs, and two Captains. I picked on the Dregs and some of the Vandals while Axon distracted them so they didn't know I was about to shoot them.
After the lesser ones were cleared out, Axon shot the shields of the Captains down, making the shield generators on them explode and deal some damage. I finished off the Captains with my energy rifle.
"Yeah! You going to leave?" I said.
That was when things [i]really[/i] got tough.
A large Archon - I believe he was named Gharkis - dropped in to end us and take our supplies. I made him stagger with a shot to the head, and Axon took a second knife from a belt he had picked up earlier and threw it towards Gharkis's head. The knife hit it's shoulder, making him change his attention to Axon. Gharkis ran towards him and rammed him, sending him flying with sparks and small plates of metal flying out of him. Rage built up inside of me and I took my sniper and ran towards Gharkis. He hit my body with two of his massive arms, knocking me back a few meters, but I quickly took out my pistol and shot Gharkis, stunning him for a few moments. With all my anger, I jumped as high as I could and used the front of my rifle to pierce Gharkis's skull as if I was using a spear, killing him. One of the skiffs retreated, making me assume that Gharkis piloted the other one.
Because of the energy it took to do that, my fuel cells were drained, so I collapsed to the ground and lied there for a bit, then gathered my strength and went to Axon. He wasn't severly damaged, but he would need some attention if we wanted to make it to the Traveller.
I picked up his body, took it to the skiff the Archon was piloting, and used some of the metal and wiring there to fix him. Eventually, Axon turned back on, and sat up. After I told him what had happened, he took a moment to let it sink in and then he said, "Those things won't mess with us anymore."
I replied, "I agree. We took down what I assume was their leader - or one of their leaders! And we hardly were armed... Wait until we tell others about this!"
[b]Our time[/b]
Ghost said, "You took down an archon... without the light... and without armor?"
I looked at him and said, "I sure did. Those were good days... Anyways, onwards with the story!"
[b]Back in Ventharok's story[/b]
We went back to the crashed skiff and took some of the grenades in there. They would come in handy. I decided to try something by taking one of the turrets off the Skiff and loading a grenade into it. When I fired it, it launched the grenade.
"Axon? I just made a grenade launcher."
He looked my way and I put in another grenade, then fired it. Axon's eyes "brightened" and he said, "Bring that with us! It'll be useful!"
We went into the skiff - with the grenade launcher I made, along with it's grenades - and we flew off towards South America.
[b][i]Because of school, I wasn't able to upload this as soon as I wanted to. Sorry about that[/b][/i] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nice job! Gharkis is a good name for a Fallen Archon. What house were they again? Bump!
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