Take the Taken
"Show them no quarter!"
originally posted in:Take the Taken
1. Everyone must be courteous to one another, no name calling or discrimination.
2. There will be no "elitests" everyone must be able to participate in the events that you're requesting for.
3. If there is ever a dispute with another member or admin there will be a private party created and a discussion with a non-biased 3rd party to discuss who is in the wrong.
4. If an admin or I find anything that does not follow the above rules you will be warned over private message and if it continues you will be removed without warning.
5. No "trolling," this means not providing false information in order to make people waste time for your "enjoyment." This is viewed as harassment and will not be tolerated.
6. Posting anything over the recommended level for completion will be seen as violation of the rules and will be acted upon.
7. If a post is in violation of the rules please provide a screenshot of the offensive post to your admins or myself so that we may notify the user.
8. Do not advertise your group here, if you wish to join an alliance please message me privately.
Rules are subject to change and be added upon.