originally posted in:The Peoples Gaming
Are you ready for some hardcore MLG Pro 1337 TPG Overwatch action? Well open a fresh bag of Doritos and inject some pure Mountain Dew baby, It's time for some competitive play! If you would like to join post your gamertag and I'll add you. It will be hosted on Friday August 12th at 8:00pm Central (Though date and time can be flexible)
Time conversions: http://thetimezoneconverter.com/
1. Me (TYEagle1)
4. KaptinKates24
5. ThaWuTangMaster
6. My pet eskimo
If you would like to join, but can't make it Friday. We might have another game night on Saturday. If you can host or would like to join let me know.
If it wasn't competitive I would tell you to go all Reinhardts. It'd be funny as all hell to see that as a video XD
Electric Boogaloo B-)
Edited by BUY $SDC STOCK: 8/10/2016 5:40:18 PMXbox Main sym and winston High is 70 Current 61 Was 1000 rank now 4000 Msg My pet eskimo I don't really talk beacuse if I do start talking I can't concentrate as much
I'm on PC but have a bump for luck
Depends if your rank is higher than mine
We should make a offtopic competitive team, that switches out rosters every friday
8:00 pm central it's + something... I hate timezones [spoiler]and work[/spoiler]
I'm 2 hrs behind (PST), do that's like 6. I'd love to try and make it, I've heard Overwatch is great with others.
Damn, it's full. The only friend I have who plays Overwatch never actually plays it. Solo queueing as a Support never goes well.
I might make it. (60-30) GT: RelyksZv I'm ready to make those 720 YY Ladder Stall Noscopes.
Can't join, but here's a bump!
I may or may not make it GT: KaptainKakes24
Not 100% sure yet either and it's been a while since I've played Overwatch, but I'll try my best to be there. GT: Metni
I'd like to join. I'll be back in America on that Saturday. I've been craving Overwatch. GT: CurvedBubbles
Lets do this Gabe greatman