originally posted in:Official PlayStation Mag
Howdy, fellow Official PlayStation Mag clan members. This is Dave M here - news editor on the magazine. As part of our Destiny review, we're trying to organise a Raid with you fine clan folk. I've just finished the story having hit level 20 and now need as many high-ranked Guardians to join me for one of Bungie's ultra challenging, six-player dungeon crawls.
The barrier for entry into Raids is steep. You must have reached level 20 and be part of a Fireteam with another five players of the same rank or higher. So… I'm calling for as many level 20+ Guardians as possible to help assist the OPM cause so we can write the most comprehensive review possible. As time is short, we need to organise the Raid this evening. If you want to help (and are at level 20 or higher) send me a PSN friend request - my ID is McMeiks. Currently, I'm hoping to start the Raid sometime between 7-8pm UK time.
Help us Become Legend, you beautiful Team OPMers.
Edited by Mimzymoo: 10/17/2014 6:26:32 PMCant seem to add you on psn but i am online most evenings after 6pm uk time and want to do the vault of glass. Add me psn mimzymoo
I will do anything for the clan. Whatever it takes as I love this mag and game so much. I am soon to be lvl 28 Titan.
level 27 titan wanting to do raids, add me at couzanit
Edited by PS-Nightm4r3z: 10/3/2014 10:37:20 PMI'm a 28 Warnock, maxed out weapon and skills. Looking to do a raid for days now so add me and we'll raid it up! I'm on now so don't delay. Ps-nightm4r3z
I'm up for raid duties, level 25 Titan with one exotic armour, but I would like to level higher up before I start.
Edited by Simperheve: 10/17/2014 2:27:41 PMI'll be up for raid duties. Level 28 Sunsinger. Psn ID is Octerdocterpus
Are you admin folk still on here? People sent clan requests but no answers to their requests. Zero
Sounds great, my PSN ID is sidewinder4000 if you ever need a level 23 Warlock.
I'm organising a raid for Saturday 11:00am UK time. Hook up with me on PSN. My ID is ZeroReload_X Hope to catch you all
Sounds cool to me, PSN: CON-78
At level 23. Tried adding you but could not because of your settings (or so says the PSN app)... Feel free to add me PSN ID BigFatLion.
I'm up for it if you want a level 25 add me PattinsonHD
I'm up for it if you want a level 25 add me PattinsonHD
Please feel free to add me (Bardas), looking forward to getting started on raiding.
Add me Mr_Charisma_82
psn: Con_mysterio
Yeah Im Ready PSN: Dark_Ethanite level 19.8 just need to level up one ill be ready
Not ready for that yet, but will be part of it once I hit 20 soon.
Gonna do another one soon?
Edited by Big Boss: 9/10/2014 3:39:03 PMI'm up for it. PSN ID- GurrenSwagann Can't send a request because of your settings :(