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originally posted in:Bioshock RP
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 3/6/2016 1:57:35 AM

Bios for Rapture RP

Name: Approximate or exact age: Gender: Equipment(if any): Appearance Description: Personality: Picture:(not required) [b]Backstory[/b] If you have never played Bioshock 1 or 2, you [u]must come from the surface.[/u] If you have played either, you may start as a resident in the west side of the city. Coming from the surface is still an option. If you have played both in their entirety, you may start as a sane big daddy (be aware Big Daddies do not have access to plasmids, unless you choose an Alpha Series), or as a courier for Andrew Ryan. Coming from the surface or being a west-end resident are still encouraged options. Be aware these rules will only apply to early characters. [b]Skill System.[/b] The skill system is an experimental work in progress. Essentially, you will be able to choose what areas your character is good and bad at, without a long annoying number system that must be updated constantly. The ratings go from Proficient (best), to Good, to Average, to Bad, to Horrid (worst). You must have 1 Proficient skill, and 1 Horrid skill. You [u]can[/u] (this is optional) acquire a second Proficient skill, but you must add 2 [u]more[/u] (total of 3) Horrid skills as a sacrifice. You must have 2 Good skills, and 1 Bad skill. The rest of your skills must be marked as average. Skills to choose from: Health(amount of damage you can take before being forced to retreat, heal, or die): Eve(used to "cast" plasmids): Guns(effectivity with all ballistic weapons): Experimental Weaponry(effectivity with all non-ballistic, non-plasmid weapons): Plasmid(affects plasmid damage and effectiveness): Melee(damage of anything from wrenches to drills to bayonets): Speech(how convincing your character is in conversation with NPC's): Scavenging(finding ammo, money, Eve injectables, and rarely even new weapons is easier): Speed(allows you to move faster, and in some cases perform more actions before the enemy): Hacking(increases odds of success, speed, and overall effectiveness of hacking anything in Rapture): It is encouraged to try to make these skills match your backstory (ex: from surface, low EVE) but not required. Overall, have fun!

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  • Can I be an Alpha-Series Bigdady? I've played all three on their hardest difficulty and completed them.

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    • Edited by Cosmic: 3/8/2016 2:21:26 PM
      Name: Yavin Guire Approximate or exact age: around 13-16 Gender: male Equipment(if any): a socket wrench Appearance Description: brown duster, white basic shirt, simple Grey slave trousers, messy hair Personality: honestly pretty stupid (Totally not what people use to describe me xD) Picture:(not required) working on it, I use my crappy little sketches for all my chars soooo xD [b]Backstory:[/b] hailing from he west side of rapture, Yavin was Born under rather unfortunate circumstances. His father was, well a big daddy, and his mother was one forced into a kind of prostitution ring as to create another generation of big daddies, hidden from the public eye of even Andrew Ryan himself, deserters or renegades, if you will. Yavin was, for lack of a better term, the runt of the litter, and cast out to live in the madness that is rapture, though he was lucky enough to find himself a "home" to live in [b]Skill System.[/b] Melee: proficient Scavenging: proficient Eve: horrid Hacking: horrid Guns: good Plasmid: bad Health: good Speed: average Experimental weapons: average Speech: horrid

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      • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 3/6/2016 4:09:21 PM
        Name: Called "Bubba." Approximate or exact age: 36~ Gender: Male. Equipment: Rivet gun, large drill, chain gun. Personality: Insane, communicates with groans and grunts. Backstory: His life before he became a Big Daddy is unknown, what is known is that he was originally dumped in the depths of the ocean, left for dead. He began to loose his sanity as the years passed, and eventually lost it. He has a Little Sister named "Jenny", and brutally murders anyone who touches her in the wrong way. If you have played both in their entirety, you may start as a sane big daddy (be aware Big Daddies do not have access to plasmids, unless you choose an Alpha Series), or as a courier for Andrew Ryan. Coming from the surface or being a west-end resident are still encouraged options. Be aware these rules will only apply to early characters. [b]Skill System.[/b] The skill system is an experimental work in progress. Essentially, you will be able to choose what areas your character is good and bad at, without a long annoying number system that must be updated constantly. The ratings go from Proficient (best), to Good, to Average, to Bad, to Horrid (worst). You must have 1 Proficient skill, and 1 Horrid skill. You [u]can[/u] (this is optional) acquire a second Proficient skill, but you must add 2 [u]more[/u] (total of 3) Horrid skills as a sacrifice. You must have 2 Good skills, and 1 Bad skill. The rest of your skills must be marked as average. Skills to choose from: Health: Proficient. Eve: Bad Guns: Proficient. Experimental Weaponry: Average. Plasmid: Horrid. Melee: Good. Speech: Horrid. Scavenging: Good. Speed: Average. Hacking: Horrid.

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        • [spoiler]can I be a big daddy...[/spoiler]

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          • Edited by Dain Is Fren: 3/6/2016 3:10:39 PM
            Name: Jonathan Strane Approximate or exact age: 24 Gender: Male Equipment: A 9 mm pistol, and a combat knife. Appearance Description: Blue eyes, black hair, tan, muscled. Wears a brown leather jacket, but no shirt underneath it, usually keeps the jacket open. Wears jeans. Wears brown boots. Also wears brown leather gloves that cover scarred hands. Personality: Generally helpful, is largely sarcastic. Backstory: He was born and raised on the west side of the city, then decided to venture out into the rest of the city. Health: Average Eve: Good Guns: Average Experimental Weaponry: Average Plasmid: Proficient Melee: Horrible Speech: Good Scavenging: Bad Speed: Average Hacking: Average

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            • Edited by Lordbakon: 3/5/2016 5:24:13 PM
              Name: Jack coran Approximate or exact age: 40's-50's Gender: male Equipment(if any): prosthetic arm with double barrel built in (12 gauge), a revolver (.44), a machete. Appearance Description: Physical: cocasian, black hair with some grey in it, in a corn rows style. He has brown eyes. A scar over the left. He wears a black vest, a white shirt under it, and black dress pants, along with black running shoes, and his bronze prosthetic arm. Personality: like all my other characters Bio: From the surface, Jack was a military veteran, having to leave service after losing an arm in a fight, and also a bullet to he lung. He heard about the medics at rapture, and the plasmids that may heal him, but things were quite different when he got there Skillz: Health(amount of damage you can take before being forced to retreat, heal, or die): average Eve(used to "cast" plasmids): horrid Guns(effectivity with all ballistic weapons): proficient Experimental Weaponry(effectivity with all non-ballistic, non-plasmid weapons): bad Plasmid(affects plasmid damage and effectiveness): average Melee(damage of anything from wrenches to drills to bayonets):good Speech(how convincing your character is in conversation with NPC's): average Scavenging(finding ammo, money, Eve injectables, and rarely even new weapons is easier): average Speed(allows you to move faster, and in some cases perform more actions before the enemy): good Hacking(increases odds of success, speed, and overall effectiveness of hacking anything in Rapture): average

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              • Edited by Potato: 3/5/2016 2:08:35 PM
                Name: Annie Approximate or exact age: 35 Gender: Female Equipment(if any): Two Machine Pistols (as in picture) Appearance Description: ^^ Personality: Caring for her friends Picture:(not required) ^^ [b]Backstory[/b] Annie comes from the surface, a well fighting Marine Veteran. She lost one of her legs, as they replaced it with a metal one. She also used a lot of plasmids, so she was quite skilled at it... She got these said plasmids from a said Black Market, that she killed back in the military. [b]Skill System.[/b] Health(amount of damage you can take before being forced to retreat, heal, or die): Average Eve(used to "cast" plasmids):Good Guns(effectivity with all ballistic weapons): Average Experimental Weaponry(effectivity with all non-ballistic, non-plasmid weapons): Average Plasmid(affects plasmid damage and effectiveness): Proficient Melee(damage of anything from wrenches to drills to bayonets): Horrid Speech(how convincing your character is in conversation with NPC's): Bad Scavenging(finding ammo, money, Eve injectables, and rarely even new weapons is easier): Average Speed(allows you to move faster, and in some cases perform more actions before the enemy): Average Hacking(increases odds of success, speed, and overall effectiveness of hacking anything in Rapture): Good

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                • Name: Astrid Approximate or exact age: 26 Gender: female Equipment(if any): Crossbow, Pistol, Shotgun. All from the first Bioshock. Telekinesis, insect swarms Appearance Description: 6.0 feet tall, 145 pounds, red hair and vibrant green eyes from a genetic reaction to plasmids. Hourglass body type. Wears a T-shirt and jeans for comfort. Of a Japanese descent. Personality: Smart, quick on her feet, doesn't give up easily Health: Average Eve: Average Guns: Proficient Experimental Weaponry: Horrid Plasmid: Good Melee: Bad Speech: Average Scavenging: Average Speed: Good Backstory: Astrid is one of the occupants of the western part of rapture and tries her best to stay alive, but she knows the city is falling apart and wants to escape it before she goes down with the rest of the place. She grew up in The U.S.A before growing tired of the government system and restrictions on science. Moving to rapture was ones of the best decisions she made, but also one of the worst. She fell in love with how the city was set up and soon became a leading scientist on plasmids, but that didn't matter when everything went to hell. She learned how to fight and soon decided to try to return to the surface

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                  • Edited by Poisoned Argon: 3/5/2016 6:11:03 AM
                    Name: Scott (Scotty) Manoson Approximate or exact age: 23 Gender: male Equipment: Only a small dagger he carries around all the time Appearance: Dark blonde hair, Hazel eyes, 6' 3", Skinny Personality: Nice, talks fast, sometimes adds to many details, speaks in a British accent Back story: Scott grew up in england with a middle class family, during school he was bullied because of his 'silly' inventions. During college he was studying in engineering when he accidently arrived at ratpure Skills: Health- Bad Eve- Average Guns- Good Experimental Weaponry- Average Plasmid- Average Melee- Horrid Speech- Average Scavenging- Good Hacking- Average Speed- Proficient

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                    • Edited by Kain The Slain: 3/4/2016 9:35:55 PM
                      Name: Unknown goes by Sigma or Sig Age: 29 Gender: male Description:facial features unknown Personality:Calm, easily angered, difficult to communicate with. Equipment: Large Drill, Rivet Gun, Chain gun, lightning and fire plasmids Backstory: Sig was once a human and resident of rapture who lived a happy life. Until one day he took a wrong turn and ended up somewhere he shouldn't have and was arrested by security. To keep him quiet he was supposedly killed bit the reality of what happened to him is much scarier he was made into an Alpha series Big Daddy and left in the depths of Rapture to rot. However unlike the other big daddy's he was able to maintain his santiy and made his way back to the upper parts of rapture blending in with the mantainace big daddys trying to find a way to get his revenge on Andrew Ryan. However there is another he searches for. The little sister he used to look after... he has yet to find her. Skills: Plasmids- average Guns- good Eve- Average Speed- Average Speech- Horrid Scavenging-Average Experimental Weaponry- average Melee- Proficient Health- Good

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                      • Is it possible to be a big sister?

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                        • How can you prove that you've played the games?

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                          • Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 3/5/2016 6:01:51 AM
                            Name: Murph Approximate or exact age:26 Gender:Male Equipment(if any): A wide variety of classic plasmids like electricity and fire, a magnum, and a small knife. Appearance Description: Brown hair, blue eyes, rather average in size. Wears a business suit, at least for the time being, to honor Andrew Ryan. Personality: Calm and collected, and ready to help the people. [b]Backstory[/b] Murph was there from the start, a follower of Andrew Ryan, truly believing he could create the ultimate Utopia. He indulged as much as the next man on plasmids and gene tonics, EVE and ADAM. However, his body seemed to take it better than most. Now he is a courier, who was sent through The Depths to assist those on the west end of the city, and make assure them these problems would pass. [b]Skills[/b] Health(amount of damage you can take before being forced to retreat, heal, or die): Average Eve(used to "cast" plasmids): Good Guns(effectivity with all ballistic weapons): Average Experimental Weaponry(effectivity with all non-ballistic, non-plasmid weapons): Horrid Plasmid(affects plasmid damage and effectiveness): Proficient Melee: Bad Speech(how convincing your character is in conversation with NPC's): Average Scavenging(finding ammo, money, or Eve injectables is easier): Good Speed(allows you to move faster, and in some cases perform more actions before the enemy): Average Hacking: Average

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