originally posted in:Grownups Gaming
A little piece of essential gamer advice:
So I bought a fancy new TV and a PS4 a bout 6 months ago. I booted up Battlefield and got torn up. Again I tried PvP in Destiny and got torn up. I thought I was loosing my touch. I wasn't the best at shooters but I usually gave more than I got and was pretty frustrated by this drop in skill. So while reading some stuff on Destiny, I saw a comment about how Samsung TVs and most flat panels have game mode (reduces the processes & time it takes the image to display but reduces quality slightly). so I found the settings, switched to game mode and tried out BF4 again. I got to tell you it makes a huge difference! Its almost unnoticeable, the delay is so slight but it's enough to make you miss that headshot or that long sniper shot. Even though I'm not as well practiced as I was in college, I feel like my old gamer self again!
Thank you random redditor!
Thanks ill look it up !
Excellent tip!!! I'll remember this.
Thanks for the tip! I've used Game mode before, but it's usually really dark, so I quit using it. I will investigate this further.
I will have to check my TV out and see if I can do this. I need all the help I can get. lol
Ive found the game mode on my Bravia looked crap though so get keep best oicture mode for exploration then swap over to Benq for crucible matches! Massive difference with the K/D, Bravias at about 10-12 ms the benq's at 1 ms.
Good call...I'll blame the tv as well ;)
You old -blam!-s... hahahaaa. Just playin