originally posted in:Guardians o Light
Alright guys, I'd like to know what you expect from this clan, whether it be weekly posts or anything. I would really like this clan to be successful and enter the full destiny game in a positive way. Let's make this clan a success, what do you want from this clan???
Weekly raids.. I'm really interested in how the raids will turn out and how many hours do I need to invest in them... I have a gf and a job so I need a schedule lol.. My schedule for work isn't always the same so this can be difficult unless all raids are like 9 or 10pm eastern.. Also I'm looking forward to pvp with you all.. Can't wait for this to launch my download is 38% will be ready to go soon as servers go live wooo!
i would like like weekly raids with the admins and everyone else. like every week the admins and a few players get together and try to beat the raid. GT: Walrus bP
i would like weekly updates. Also just having fun and talking about the game and exploring the world
Edited by badmofus: 8/6/2014 5:55:23 AMIm a simple man.. shared info on the game...grpin with the clanmates and blazing trails in destiny will make me happy
i want this clan to be the best where people want to b part of it. i also want pvp to know who guardians o light are :) but most inported to have fun with clan members.
I want this to become a place where people discuss and talk about the game. Also most importantly to organize groups to play the actual game. Weekly updates aren't that necessary right now but I think when the game launches they will be. Simply stating where we are, we we're going, and any clan related news.