originally posted in:Guardians o Light
well i was wondering what role my clan members plat that we we can make a awesome team that will be hard to take down
i like to run and gun it just feels better than sitting back and watching.
I do best as an all around defense player. I'm better at defending an area rather than attacking, even though I don't hesitate to do so. I'll be rolling as the Titan Defender or my fist character, so expect me to provide as much protection and cover fire for my teammates!
I'm a close combat, run and gun type of player. Quick swap to either pistol, shotgun, or sniper.
I like to play up close and personal. CQC. This has always been my style. I may have about one game in 50 where I lean back and snipe, but I like to get stuck in!! I like to think I can manoeuvre quickly, switch to shotgun when needed at the right time and come out on top
Well i'm going to be a Warlock. Not really sure how i'd play him yet though. The default skill tree looked to be damage based, I kinda like that.
i like the close combat, shotguning people, rockets, all that jazz
I'm going with a support class. Warlock Sunsinger.