Edited by xXBenjiGilWilXx: 1/21/2017 2:35:33 PMstill need to get the Raiding Party Trophy I have created a clan feel free to join: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1856518 Thinking of doing the Prison of Elders lvl 32 a few times to help people out. My PSN is benjigilwil
Looking to join a team or start one with 2ppl that been flawless I've done it b4 and looking to do it on my bro acct add me PS4 xxZINIExx
Still need to get this
If you still need the trophy add me. Not sure when I can actually help you but I've ran clan mates through Crota as a 2 man several times flawlessly for their platinums
I'd help but xbox. The easiest way to do flawless raider is to 5 or 6 man crota. You can do it with three if you know how to get across the bridge without building it or glitch out the map.