originally posted in:Community Carnage
Esteemed B.net community members!
[b]Saturday, March 7th,[/b] at [b]5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time[/b] the Bungie Community will be playing [b]Control (PVP)[/b] on [b]Destiny[/b]. Lobbies for PS4 and Xbox One are planned with the possibility of Xbox 360 or PS3 lobbies if interest accumulates. Each lobby will consist of 6 players.
[b]UPDATE: (3/3/15) The community response has been huge and that's awesome! In an effort to maintain quality lobbies AND my own sanity (I'm soloing this one) sign-ups will be closed as of 5:00 PM PST today, 3/3/15. You may still post your gamertag(s) in the thread below and will be listed under "subs". If a lobby loses members or guardians who RSVP'd don't show up, I'll be pulling from this list to fill out a full 6 player lobby. Existing overflow lobbies will be accommodated and converted into full lobbies were possible. Be brave! [/b]
[b]Do you want to play?[/b] [spoiler]To sign-up, please post your [b]Xbox Gamertag[/b] or [b]PSN tag[/b] in a comment below! If you are 360 or PS3, please specify in your post as well! Lobbies fill up quickly so reserve your spot ASAP![/spoiler]
[b]Are you willing to host a lobby?[/b] [spoiler]Please specify in your sign-up post if you're willing to run a lobby! We need an Xbox One host and possibly 360/PS3 hosts as well if interest allows. [/spoiler]
[b]What if I RSVP but life happens and I can't make it?[/b]
[spoiler]Please send a PM to Makeshyft so he can remove you from the lobby and open a spot for another member. This is especially important with hosts![/spoiler]
[b]PS4 Host[/b]: [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/964968][b]Makeshyft[/b][/url] (PS4, Destiny PVP, 6 player lobby)
[b]Xbox One Host: [/b] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/4106187][b]Miskeying[/b][/url] (Xbox One, Destiny PVP, 6 player lobby)
[b]PS3 Host:[/b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/6506635][b] MRghost29[/b][/url] (PS3, Destiny PVP, 6 player Lobby)
[b]Xbox 360 host:[/b] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/1191710][b]battle broski[/b][/url] (360, Destiny PVP, 6 player Lobby)
[b]Overflow Hosts:[/b] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/5718597][b]StealthNine[/b][/url] (Xbox One), [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/99413][b]VENOM MDK[/b][/url] (Xbox One), [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/197107][b]Crouchosaurus[/b] [/url] (PS4)
[b]Rosters:[/b] (show spoiler for roster)
[b]Playstation 4 Lobby #1:[/b]
1. Makeshyft_Man (Host)
2. Qwerty9170
3. LordWoodward
4. mmmwhiteblackguy
5. ave_travolta
6. Treeferlove
[b]Playstation 4 Lobby #2:[/b]
1. astrodj11
2. abd2020
3. Pokolu2
4. Crouchosaurus (Host)
5. BudyManForever
6. Tsukasatiger
[b]Playstation 4 Lobby #3:[/b]
1. AdamP117 (Host pot.)
2. RustyTheWombat
3. ASAP_Gingersnap
5. bgdkid
6. Osiyor
[b]Xbox One Lobby #1[/b]
1. Miskeying (Host)
2. o7yourdesires
3. Mr Mulberry11
4. VasT Prodigy II
6. oO RECK1E55 Oo
[b]Xbox One Lobby #2[/b]
1. StealthNine (Host)
2. Discoiowa559188
3. unknown4181
4. vCity Zyro
5. Red Motive
6. TNB719699
[b]Xbox One Lobby #3:[/b]
1. VENOM MDK (Host)
2. Ryan A093
3. oopduhwop
4. i Pearled
5. reloadmynine (Host pot.)
6. MasterBraude
[b]Xbox One Overflow:[/b]
7. Shinda Rei
8. Murph Daddy91 (Host pot.)
9. Rugged Anarchy
10. Shakinbabiis
[b]Xbox One Sub:[/b]
[b]PS3 Lobby #1:[/b]
1. XpertTJ
2. Muffin_enjoyed
3. Snarkii
4. Devil4235
5. dr_greuben
6. MRghost29 (Host)
[b]PS3 Lobby #2:[/b]
1. J__Moneyy
2. Syco_X
3. Xaldergeddon
4. Tut813275
5. VayneFTW (Host)
[b]Xbox 360 Lobby #1:[/b]
1. battle broski (Host)
2. Solar Krush
3. ohcamps
4. Si Sumbhaji
5. M3A Archangel
6. Sage Classified
[b]Xbox 360 Lobby #2:[/b]
1. Tauntaun guts
2. SuperTornado101 (host pot)
3. aGangofHippies
4. AmbutiousSwine3
PS: Extra points for every kill with NLB.
Someone care to explain what is this? Sounds interesting
I want to join :D
I want in, PSN: bgdkid
Hey guys! It's finally time! The day has arrived! Just a reminder: The Hosts will begin to send out party invites about 15 minutes before gametime (4:45 PM PST) and we'll hopefully get everything moving by 5 proper. Some who RSVP'd won't show up. That's life. I'll be doing my best to communicate with lobbies and fill or combine as necessary to make sure everyone has someone to play with. I encourage patience! We'll get this running and have some awesome community action!
I got 2 people to show up for PS4 lobby #2. We ran a couple of good games, although they were terribly laggy. Big thanks to the guys who were on and ready to go, makes these Carnages and hosting so much easier.
Lobby #1 PS4 went 14-0 yesterday on inferno control :)
the 360 lobby never happened
Is there room in the ps3 lobby?
Djjd313 / PS3
Ps3 lobby #1 is destroying !
Edited by MRghost29: 3/8/2015 2:48:00 AMThe PS3 lobby is destroying but sadly lost 2 games. 9-2
I'm on and I've got FRs pending with everyone in my lobby. Let me know how the other lobbies end up.
revolotion12 xbox360 I'll play!
So how do I get my team together tomorrow?
aGangofHippies Xbox 360
Im afraid I cant join in tomorrow. I have to go to the dentist :(
Edited by Youngs: 3/7/2015 1:24:15 AMVape Ice 32 Titan Xbox One sign me up for over flow
If you are on my team for tomorrow I just followed you all. This will make it easier for me to get the lobby together faster.
Is this still going to happen ?
So if someone wins against a team do they get anything?
I may not be able to play Saturday night, I'll tell you Makeshyft when I'm absolutely sure on what's going on.
Titan on the 360. GT: f1reb1rd15
Willing to host 2nd lobby ps3
Edited by burritosenior: 3/2/2015 5:30:38 PMI am very pleased this took off as much as it did.