originally posted in:Community Carnage
[quote][b]Destiny Crucible Week 1 (Control)
Friday, August 7th
@ 6:00PM Pacific Time
[url=http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html]Timezone Converter[/url][/b][/quote]
Sup? The Community Carnage ([url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/15287/0/1/0]the whaaa---?[/url]) is playing Crucible this Friday and would like to invite you to a game night. Do you want to join us and meet other Bungie fans?
To join, please post your gamertags/PSN IDs and platform. Fireteam Leaders will send invites on Friday to whoever replies first. Live streams will be around for people who want to join us in the Twitch chat.
Weapon of the night: [armory]No Land Beyond[/armory]
[quote][b]Xbox One host:[/b] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/2062634]Progo[/url] (XBL: Progo7)
Stream: [url]http://twitch.tv/Progo77[/url] (offline)
[b]Playstation 4 host:[/b] [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/218625]Index[/url] (PSN: outdex)
Stream: [url]http://twitch.tv/notindex[/url] (offline)[/quote]
I am a destiny player that is looking for a team that is willing to play sweats. At the moment I do not have a team but I am willing to jump into any sweats if you need me. Send me a friend request and message at: GT: Fightinspirt X1
Show them the true meaning of Christmas.
Edited by index: 8/8/2015 2:55:01 AMGGs all, thanks for playing! We'll try to set up Destiny #Carnage more often. Weapon of the night verdict: [armory]No Land Beyond[/armory] gave us more wins than losses, but our k/ds suffered immensely. [url=http://www.twitch.tv/notindex/v/10090394]PS4 Twitch recorded game night recap.[/url]
Why don't I visit more. Could've hosted 360. :(
Sending out invites to all Playstation players. Both streams in the OP are now live. Come join in and say whassup. May No Land Beyond lead us to victory. Or complete embarrassment. http://twitch.tv/Progo77 http://twitch.tv/notindex
I'll play tonight. Psn : Beewaxers
broadcast is live [url]http://www.twitch.tv/progo77[/url]
Edited by BRANDO: 8/7/2015 10:21:12 PMI will be on. I would love to play but my mics wire has been finicky so I won't be talking. Gt: brando224 Console: Xbox one
I'll be on, I only snipe though(Refuse to use a shotgun) Gamer tag- SX3R Platform- Xbox One
Edited by index: 8/7/2015 10:24:41 PM[b]Edit: We'll start sending out invites in three hours! The XB1 fireteam is still looking for a player.[/b] This post will be edited with Friday's players. Reveal the spoiler below for Fireteam rosters and whatnot. If you sign up and can't make it, no worries, feel free to reply here or send me a Private Message. [spoiler]XBOX ONE 1. Progo (XBL: Progo7) 2. WOOKIE (XBL: LIFES A GGLITCH) 3. CamCamm (XBL: CAMMCAM) 4. SX3R (XBL: SX3R) 5. Caboose (XBL: Caboose V2) 6. brando224 (XBL: brando224) PLAYSTATION 4 1. Index (PSN: outdex) 2. Valkeyere_01 (PSN: Valkeyere_01) 3. Commander Scurvy (PSN: Mobiiuss) 4. Makeshyft (PSN: Makeshyft_Man) 5. Zer0sun117 (PSN: Zer0sun117) 6. Qwerty (PSN: Qwerty9170) [/spoiler]
Come watch awesome control gameplay live :) I aim to hit top of the list and generally do Www.twitch.tv/3kill3r3 I'd love the support just a view means a lot followers even better :D
Really wanted to get into some Carnage, but space magic kicked my ass today. Oh well, next time!
I can always force some of TFL to play with me, however I would prefer we draw some new faces into a game night.
Hello everyone! I am going to be hosting a "mini" carnage a little earlier in the day if anyone missing out on this action is interested. It'll be just like this but...uh..."smaller"... Crucible week 1-control Xbox 360 4:00 Western standard time Gt:Kwars01 Message or post below if interested (Btw i am looking for anyone wanting to stream on 360 and if anyone will host a ps3 fireteam so we have all console bases covered.)
I'm in for PS3.....aw, no last gens.
Edited by Cabbage: 8/7/2015 12:48:01 AMI'll be on tomorrow from the trade show floor here in Cologne. Although, give new fans a chance to participate before adding me as a sub, k? K. Xbone: Caboose V2
I'll play. Xbox one GT saratogalyric. I believe this is 9 PM eastern.
Edited by Qwerty: 8/6/2015 4:38:39 AMI'll play ps4 if there needs to be a slot filled, but I better not see any Thorns...
im down for ps4 but quick question ?? which pacific time zone is it and Zer0sun117 is the gamer tag
Bump. Can't make it, but I will contribute a picture of an adorable bunny rabbit to the cause.
I'm in for PS4 if there's a slot.
I think I can make time for this weekend. Xbox one GT: LIFES A GGLITCH
I'm in for PS4. Get those Thorns ready...
So does that mean we are supposed to use NLB?