originally posted in:Community Carnage
I'll be hosting a halo reach game night on saturday 18 september.
TimeZone is 6 pm EST.
We'll be playing some invasion maps i made to try out with alot people, after that is done i'll give host to others for their maps.
List of participants :
Bapao (Bapaotje)
Kung fuhrer (NGWxYami Hunter)
Shadow wolf (voltX7)
Moonbro (ScarabSniper)
Metal mario (MetalMario137)
jt890m (jt890m)
Achronos (e9pSILo7n)
SuperPlayer570 (SuperPlayer570)
Ginger (GingerlyWalnut3)
II Smiggles II (II Smiggles II)
xXNINJAXxDregor (xXNINJAXxDregor)
Big plate (BigPlate96)
Magictako (Magictako19)
TribleDuker (TribleDuker)
Dunbrack Rooney (Dunbrack Rooney)
we have 16 members now so i'll make a list of substitutes
Headhunter (xActaxSanctorum)
DeChief (DeMasterchief7)
Bump hehe
Edited by Onion Beetle fan: 9/20/2015 1:51:32 AMI can be subbing in for those.
Shit, I missed it didn't I...
I'm down in. GT: DeMasterchief7
Will this be live streamed at all
you should PM people about the date change
Add me to list. [spoiler]xActaxSanctorum[/spoiler]
yo mate sign me up as a sub
Gt: Dunbrack Rooney Sign me up.
I'll take a slot! GT is Magiktaco19.
Edited by Legend To None: 9/3/2015 5:44:34 AMSign me up please. Saturday's are great for me to join. GT:TribleDuker
Hey, I just want to say you put Magiktaco Gamertag wrong You accidentally put in Magictake19 But it's actually Magiktaco19 Unless I'm wrong and being stupid but yah, I just don't want you to invite a random or something Thanks
I reached into the toilet. I discovered why I never knew.
I can make it. BigPlate96 is my gt
September 12? And 360?
I would but every b.net game night involves me having 500+ ping, and me getting steamrolled because I can't play at all is a really boring way to spend my time, and if I wanted to be bored, I'd play Destiny.
I'll be happy to join if you need more players My gamertag is above
I'm in Gamertag II Smiggles II
Oh man this sounds like fun. I would love to join if I don't have work that day.
What is Game Night?
I'll try, but I can't guarantee Gt: GingerlyWalnut3
Hey man I'll probably be able to make it. Count me in (GT SuperPlayer570
6 pm EST what time is it in our time bapao
XxXPu$$YDe$troyer69XxX Add me boiz
GT: e9pSILo7n I'm in