originally posted in:Community Carnage
Excluding the community they work for, the Organizers are the most important aspect of the Community Carnages. These are the individuals who volunteer their time, blood, and sweat for the benefit of the community, and we’re looking for more of these upstanding individuals.
What does that mean for you? That means if you’re a loving member of this community looking to give back, we want you. We want your dedication, your prowess, and your ideas. We’re looking to expand our staff to help provide more events for the community. We’re looking to get a lot bigger, and a lot meaner, and we need you for that to work.
But before you apply, it's only fair to let you know what you're getting into. I’m not going to lie. As glorious a job as it is, it is just that, the occasional job, but by becoming an Organizer, we only demand two things from you. Two simple things you could do in your sleep, I’m sure. First, you host game nights (surprise!). The best part is the frequency of the game nights. It’s totally up to you. Once a week, once a month, or even less regular then that. We realize that the Organizers are volunteers, and as such it’d be unfair to demand too much. The idea is that you’re interested in giving back, and as long as you work to give back, however much as possible, we still want you. If you didn’t want to work, you wouldn’t of taken the job in the first place. However, that being said, if you vanish off of Bnet for extreme absences with no warnings, we may do a bit of house cleaning. You have been warned. And second, we simply urge Organizers or potential Organizers to remember that they will become a part of a group project, not a one man show, and as such, when you represent the Community Carnage, you represent more than yourself. So, as expected, when representing the Carnage, we simply expect you to be the best model of community goodness available.
Scary stuff aside, it’s time for us to reap your souls! I mean, for you to apply…
In the thread before, or via PM to me, RollinRollin13 (if you’re the shy type), simply fill out a nice post answering the following:
-Why do you want to be an organizer? What can you bring to the table?
-What kind of future do you see the Community Carnage? 6 months from now, what do you see yourself doing for us and in what state are we in?
-What ideas do you have for the Carnage? Straight out of the gate, anything you’d do differently or implement?
-What time zone are you in?
Ready? Set? Go! Apply, apply, apply! It’s time to give back to your community, and we want you!
Senior Carnage Organizer
[url=http://twitter.com/7rueCarnage]@7rueCarnage[/url] | [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/View/community/Groups/Detail?groupId=15287]Community Carnage[/url] | [url=http://www.facebook.com/communitycarnage?ref=ts&fref=ts]Facebook[/url]
Edited by Prometheus25: 1/14/2013 7:59:15 AMI have a very long history of involvement with the Bungie.net community, stretching back nearly eight years, beginning with my purchase of Halo 2. Back then I wanted to expand my involvement and knowledge with the community, and the Bungie site was a means to an end. Over the years, I have continued to grow into an outstanding member, contributing more content and in more constructive and effective ways. I've been involved in several projects; I was personally requested to be apart of the founding CompoundIntelligence team by Foman strictly for my unparalleled knowledge of the Bungieverse and Halo cannon, I aided in bringing to light the community's frustrations with the Halo 3 Beta entrance issues from the beginning, and I help further the project of Pimps at Sea with two other Bungie.net members, later soloing the project on my own periodically. I believe that Community Carnage represents the next step in community involvement, not only for me but for the community as a whole. For years I've been on the side of improving the way members interact with each other, arguing that we as users needed more tools to accomplish this. A group like CommunityCarnage is one part of these tools. The connectivity that Bungie.next is now able to offer with tags amplifies the group's ability to connect to the grassroots of the community directly, which will allow a personal connection to be shared by all members, not simply a local or elite group. As a participant of CommunityCarnage, I see myself facilitating efforts to connect members to the group's activities and to each other, bringing about great, successful events that would continue to grow in scope and scale. I hope to see the group and the group's efforts start from simple online activities between a handful of members to an officially recognized unity of like-minded members of a great game developer and a resource to members who wish to seek out new experiences with the community, both online and off. I think the best way to accomplish these goals is to establish a temporary rigid member structure within CC. This short-term concept will allow ideas to quickly shape up and come to fruition. Initially, this structure would not have the best people in the right places. Given time and effort, it will allow those that seek leadership positions and those that have a creative and ambitious spirit to move in the structure to the place they truly belong. With this system, the right people will work themselves into the right positions to contribute the most from their abilities. With time, the temporary leadership will step aside if others are seen to fit the position better, as this was their purpose, to facilitate the start of the group and the beginning of events and remove the risk of the group stalling because no leadership could be established quick enough for Bungie.net fast-paced community. There are a number of great ideas that I'd be willing to share and help push into the community. My main focus would be on a long-term competitive style game, in which two large teams would routinely compete for territory control on a virtual "map," not unlike Risk. This type of game would be successful because of its novelty and its length of life, allowing for a long project to run as a back bone for the group while short-term, more frequent events filled the news feed for publicity. Run successfully, this event could be built up as a community spectacle, constantly advertising recent struggles, strides and upsets in the game, drawing in attention to the group and other events. Oh, and I'm East coast.
Edited by antony X1000: 1/13/2013 2:54:22 AM-Why do you want to be an organizer? What can you bring to the table? Last time I was an organiser I was told I was reliable. I decided to take a break from organising for a while, but now seems like a good time to offer some help to the group again. I guess the best thing I have to offer is experience. -What kind of future do you see the Community Carnage? 6 months from now, what do you see yourself doing for us and in what state are we in? Hopefully the Community Carnage will remain a respected and trusted group, and with Bungie back out of the darkness there should be more Carnage events. -What ideas do you have for the Carnage? Straight out of the gate, anything you'd do differently or implement? I kind of like the way most things currently are. Variety is going to be vital in holding interest in the group though. -What time zone are you in? GMT.
I have loved you guy's since you started, loved running test game nights for the first few carnages. But with doing other projects on here, working a full time job, and starting to do a "youtube career" is a lot to do. Plus all the other stuff in my life right now... Anyways, I'd love to help you guys in anyways I can if I have time, But I can't commit to anything.
I'm moving into a college dorm next week, so my ability to game will be hindered for a while. I am definitely interested in becoming am organizer though. I should have something figured out by mid-late spring. And then the summer season comes around, so I'll have no problems there. 1. I love participating in Carnages and would love to help setting them up. Honestly, we need to have more of them happening. I set up the "Goodbye to Reach" Carnage, but finding an organizer who was available and willing to host took a long time and a lot of work. If I became an organizer myself it would make things a lot easier and streamlined. 2. I see us enacting Carnages. Many more Carnages. More in next answer. 3. Ideas? Well, I've had this idea floating around my head for a while. Basically, a summer league. You sign up, and are placed on one of two teams. Let's say Red and Blue for now. As each carnage is holding signups, you sign up for spots on your respective team. Whichever team wins the Carnge gets a point. Whichever team has the most points by the end of summer wins for that year. I chose Summer because it's a good length (2-3 months), and because people are often more available to play then. I would love to act on this idea as an Organizer. Anyways, that a new idea I would implement. The whole community could get involved. 4. East Cost of the US (EST) Bonus: I'm secretly Batman, Chuck Norris, and Master Chief. You pretty much have to make me an Organizer. :p
Edited by Arbitor5: 1/12/2013 10:23:09 PMHmm. I think my plates full at the moment. I'm going to be really busy with the other projects i'm in. Wait, I just realised that one of the projects i'm in will be closing down in a few weeks so i'm all in! -Why do you want to be an organizer? What can you bring to the table? The community carnages are awesome, i've been to quite a few and i've really enjoyed them. I'd love to get behind the wheel and help organise an event or two as well. I've already co-planned one before (Halo Wars Carnage) and helped give Tom a few ideas. -What kind of future do you see the Community Carnage? 6 months from now, what do you see yourself doing for us and in what state are we in? I hope to see the Community Carnage at the center of the gaming community on bungie.net. The Carnage has been around for a few years now and with new members around the corner, we should get a lot more members interested. -What ideas do you have for the Carnage? Straight out of the gate, anything you’d do differently or implement? I suggest with bungie.next that sign up threads are posted in the chapter and 'broadcasted' in the forums meaning that more people will visit via the group. -What time zone are you in? GMT London
Sounds like fun. Why do I want to be an organizer? I wouldn't mind getting more involved with the community, and getting experience with hosting events so I can host my own in the future. I don't feel that I have anything exemplary to bring to the table with regards to organizing game nights. The future of the Community Carnage largely depends on what Destiny turns out to be and what tools Bungie gives us as this Beta progresses. I can visualize mini micro events going on through the day for various games, with a few large events scheduled in the evenings. I could naturally help organize some of those. I definitely like the idea of taking advantage of the tagging system to advertise our gamenights, and there's a ton we could do with the image / youtube video embedding system to help attract people in and fill them in on what they need to do if they want to play. I'm in the Pacific Time Zone. Bungie time is best time.
I shall apply! -Why do you want to be an organizer? What can you bring to the table? So I can become famous/popular and hopefully get hot topic threads. I also have experience having planned and executed quite a few carnage for private groups. Not to mention make the community a friendlier place by getting people to play with each other, rather than just converse. -What kind of future do you see the Community Carnage? 6 months from now, what do you see yourself doing for us and in what state are we in? Organizing events with the #CommunityCarnage being a trending hashtag, whatever that means. -What ideas do you have for the Carnage? Straight out of the gate, anything you’d do differently or implement? Maybe make a bit a less formal, focus more on fun than it being competitive. What time zone are you in? GMT + 0 // PDT+8
Edited by ZER0COOL: 1/12/2013 6:47:11 PM-Why do you want to be an organizer? What can you bring to the table? I mainly want to be an organizer so I can be involved in as many game nights as possible. As I've said numerous times this is one of the main reasons I stay around this site and believe its one of the best ways to interact with each other. As an organizer I would bring enthusiasm and dependability and hopefully great ideas for different types of game nights. -What kind of future do you see the Community Carnage? 6 months from now, what do you see yourself doing for us and in what state are we in? Kinda hard to say how the state of the community carnage will be, hopefully becoming a main part of our community interaction. I'm interested in helping any way possible so I guess however/wherever needed. -What ideas do you have for the Carnage? Straight out of the gate, anything you’d do differently or implement? Play more unconventional game night games, I'm still trying to figure this out. -What time zone are you in? EST.
Yay for you guys starting this back up. Y'all need to find a good pc game organizer so I can play tf2 and bf3 with everyone :3
Alternatively friends, if you aren't interested in being whatever an organizer is and instead would like to be an official Community Carnage Organi[b]s[/b]er, let me know!
I don't think I would be a great organizer. My connection sucks.
Once I get wifi at my place... But yeah, sign me up!
Will there me cookies and bubblegum?
You know, normally I would say this is in the wrong thread, and say this belongs in the classifieds. But I'm in a good mood, so I'll let it pass.