originally posted in:Destiny
So I've been playing many games recently, and I figured that it could be a good idea if we had a place where we discussed gameplay mechanics that we want, and don't want, in Destiny, and why.
I'll start.
Forced Puzzles to progress the story. Its one thing to have this be necessary for side quests (because they are optional), but its not good to force a completely different playstyle just to give the player something to do. Nothing really annoys me more in a game than when I just finished doing a great and intense combat sequence, and then the flow awkwardly changes to a puzzle sequence. It completely changes the feel of the game, and rather than focusing on the experience of great combat, I stuck doing a puzzle that I don't want to solve, when all I want to do is enjoy the great combat and action (for example, see God of War. NO, I'm not bashing this game, I love it dearly, its just this element that I really hate).
If this is going to be an RPG, I cannot say this enough: Destiny needs memorable characters. Bungie made good fun characters for the Halo games but these games were centered on plot and the characters kind of nestled into the plot in some way or another. If you're going to make an RPG it's just essential that whatever characters that are in your story have more depth than simply their meaning within the scheme of the plot.
What would be amazing is a very strong story, just the ME franchise has.
Edited by WurstsaIat: 1/31/2013 12:17:17 AMI hope it's nothing like Dust 514, Planetside 2, Firefall or Defiance. So basically just a standard MMO with guns. That would be horrible. I hope it's more as if Borderlands, Skyrim and Red Dead Redemption had a baby. The 4 player ego-shooter coop of Borderlands with different classes and a lot of weapons, the big world of Skyrim with extensive RPG elements and some sort of "abilities" (instead of magic) and the hub approach of RDR with not too many players and "points of interest" where you can start multiplayer matches, campaign missions (which could take place outside of the hub world or in an alternate version of the hub world where only you and your 3 buddies are present), mini-games etc. That would be friggin kewl. Oh and hopefully there will be horses.... or at least something similar. Imagine one of the snogards in the artwork riding on a tauntaunish mount. This would either look incredibly ridiculous or incredibly awesome. Hmmm.... What do you think?
Personally, if the game is heading the MMO type direction, i would love to see class system UNLIKE WoW and other classic MMO's and much more like Skyrim's skill constellations method. No specific set in stone DPS, TANK, Or Healer. Just a bunch of different skills and a character which you create and build up in every facet possible.
I think it would be awesome if they had a class system and tons of vehicles, thats all I could really ask for.
I wouldn't mind if it was an RTS
I hope to see elements from [u]Minecraft[/u] come out. The game is minimalistic, but it really brings out players creativity and sense of discovery. If this universe truly is about discovery, I would love to see the ability to alter that environment somehow and make it our own. Factions have already been confirmed, but to be truly relevant in how the game plays out, there needs to be tangible ways to mark and change territory. Between this and player investment (which is also proclaimed to be highly important), it all points to a world that we will shape, for better or for worse. #fingerscrossed
Edited by kgj: 1/20/2013 2:37:01 AMNot forcing people into vehicular combat whenever there's a remotely open space. You know, sort of like every Halo did after CE...
I think it would be great if we could make and/or join factions, just like Groups on this site.
Don't use ideas from Reach.
Here's another: The whole "enemies spawning in closets" thing. Basically what I mean is that enemies endlessly flood out of an area until you push to a certain point. This is annoying, especially on harder difficulties because the enemies either spawn too quickly, or are too strong, and by the time you kill them, more have spawned.
All I want is awesome weapons, compelling story telling, pimp characters, amazing music funny easter eggs, the Bungie usual. BUNGIE FOR LIFE YO! <3
Edited by BondageKitty: 1/22/2013 4:35:38 AMWant: Open World Map Maker/Editor Customizable Games and Character Do not want: Quicktime events Linear Single Player/ Small Multiplayer maps This is assuming its a First person shooter
I agree with the idea of puzzle sequences. I'd like more bits of cinematic gameplay, like the assassinations in Halo and the grabs in ME3. Something like that would be awesome.
I'd like some good cut scenes and a good story.
Perhaps a bit of destructible environment?
No sprint.
I don't want to have to kill x number of baddies, or collect x number of items for 'quests'.
Edited by Quantum: 1/20/2013 2:44:54 AMI want: -Sprint -QTEs -Short, unsatisfying campaign gimmicks -Bloom -Invincibility -Killstreaks I don't want -Skilled gameplay -Precision weapons -Fun
I read "A very" as "Avery" and got really confused for a second.
No QTEs.
Destiny is going to be a quest game? Any confirmation on this?
no killstreaks.
half life 2 comes to mind "now we know you just want to shoot soldiers, but you're going to have to solve this balancing weight puzzle. Why you may ask? because this is the only means we have to show off our physics engine that everyone hypes about"
Have a class system with different roles like healing, DPS, Tank, Support, etc.