originally posted in:Destiny
Me, I'd want to play the red guy, leading the rest of'em.
[url=http://hylodyne.com/images/d_choice.jpg]old and busted..[/url]
Da Titan
Exo Titan
Awoken warlock
Im not exactly sure yet it'll alll depend on how the game goes with all the worlds and species etc.. and then whatever determines how playing with my friends goes, most likely ill end up a titan tho
A Titan exo dedicated to the destruction of all aliens (awoken included)
I want to be an Exo Titan, that will be awesome
Me a EXO TItan i thing is fun and he look like spartan lool but the other is cool too
I'm still torn between Hunter and warlock. :/ I have only seen female versions of the hunters.
Im going Exo/Warlock! Warlocks eyes and armbands glow plus Exos look badass. Im not a fun of being a boring human.. im human right now soo
[b]I[/b] want to make sure that there is a clear understanding between me and my character. [b]P[/b]rofession titles will help do this as they highlight your character's motives creating individualism. [b]W[/b]hich profession title would you choose? [b]C[/b]lick the link below for detail. [url]http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Groups/Post?id=60816483&groupId=16555[/url]
A Human Hunter
That warlock looks too badass
Definitely The Hunter
The Hunter looks pretty cool but i'll definitely try out the Titan aswell. But based on what I know so far I'm definitely going to try out the Hunter first
Based on the pics I would be a Titan. But I am going to be a hunter in the game. Based on the new pictures.
I'll play Hunter for sure!
Black badass soloer helping others and leave no enemy standing
Warlock that is human because I think wielding magic would be sweet
I'm very much looking forward to playing as a Warlock, the fellow in the middle of that picture. I'm also looking forward to making my Warlock be an Exo.
warlock exo robot wizard
I'm probably gonna just dip my toes into all of them to see which one I like the most.
A badass solo player in black that would help others in need