originally posted in:Destiny
So with the recent release of the official Destiny forum comes a small problem: a clash of names! This group was originally founded as a private Destiny group, then made a public discussion forum with the recent full-site update. Now that we have an official Destiny forum, this place needs a new home and description. That's where you lot come in: if anyone has any suggestions or awesome ideas for a group name and/or description, please feel free to share them, and show your support for any suggestions that you like the sound of.
[b]Perditor Debilis [/b] means destroyers of the weak in latin
The Playstationers. If it's an xbox group, the xboners.
The black cats sounds cool to me but if you don't like it that's fine. Just an idea
Tortured Fate.
I've got one " the y'nan clan"
"The Brave New World" "Be Brave" "Earth's Last City's Blog"
Last of Us
The City
Edited by Darsek: 7/25/2014 7:23:20 PMRemoved for usage on another clan.
Fireteam 47. We need teamwork to complete raids, strikes and campaign missions.
Rename it: Density!!! Only three explanation points, no more, no less, or else you'll look stupid.
Edited by Mr Kay: 1/19/2014 10:01:45 PMI joined this b/c I thought it was the official group Everything I know is a lie!
[quote]So with the recent release of the official Destiny forum comes a small problem: a clash of names! This group was originally founded as a private Destiny group, then made a public discussion forum with the recent full-site update. Now that we have an official Destiny forum, this place needs a new home and description. That's where you lot come in: if anyone has any suggestions or awesome ideas for a group name and/or description, please feel free to share them, and show your support for any suggestions that you like the sound of.[/quote] You are posting this in all the groups you come across so that you can steal their names. The successful group leaders of groups like "Destiny" and "The 117th Regiment" will not fall for this trick, so stop trying.
You NEVER rename a group or clan. Doing so just confuses people.
Guardians of Legend!
[quote]So with the recent release of the official Destiny forum comes a small problem: a clash of names! This group was originally founded as a private Destiny group, then made a public discussion forum with the recent full-site update. Now that we have an official Destiny forum, this place needs a new home and description. That's where you lot come in: if anyone has any suggestions or awesome ideas for a group name and/or description, please feel free to share them, and show your support for any suggestions that you like the sound of.[/quote]
The black hand NOT RACSIST
acult of b*tches and brownies
the arcadian confederation
Superior Peasants.
Knights of the abyss
I've got a big ole butt-storm
Edited by Noel Kannagi: 12/2/2013 3:08:18 AMI don't know who you think you are, but you need a new username. Zoid is taken. Go back to being zoidberg, zoid is love, zoid is life.
Born to be Legend
Behind the Wall Discuss what's out in the frontier.
How about "Children of the Traveler" It has a nice ring to it.