originally posted in:Destiny
I hope they come out with a Special Console and let us know before the new consoles release to stores. My dad and I have been huge fans of Bungie from the start. We got our Special Edition Halo 3 Xbox from Costco years ago and it's like our family crest that sits in the living room for everyone to see.
When I moved out a few years ago he kept it so I need a new Bungie based Console of my own now...crossing my fingers!
[i]Edit: What I meant is would we know about a PS4 Destiny Console before the PS4 hits shelves.[/i]
No, not for a new IP.
I would defanently tly buy that except for the console only because im going to buy the game anyway
i believe that there will be a console special edition because bungie has created them for popular releases and are strongly supporting the release of Destiny so saying this yes I do believe that they are going to release a special edition Console
now this is hard to answer this is a ? ill have to wait to find out what ill pick
Would like to do this with the 'XBOX' if McFarlane Toys release some Destiny stuff.
oh dear... if they come out with a special xbox im going to be torn between Infinity and H5.... actually ill probably just get Infinity, depending on how it looks.
OP: to your edit, more then likely. :)
I'd love a Destiny Edition PS4. That's be awesome.
Destiny will most likely have a Collectors Edition Console. Most Bungie games seem to get consoles. [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-HN3q55oXhpA/ThtV9zjFV2I/AAAAAAAAAMc/zGkWbtIiMJg/s1600/Xbox-ltd-edition-green.jpeg]Halo 2[/url] [url=http://di1-3.shoppingshadow.com/images/pi/51/8a/7e/44658924-260x260-0-0_Microsoft+Xbox+360+Halo+3+Special+Edition.jpg]Halo 3[/url] [url=http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=halo+reach+xbox&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=EABE74B2787DA7D8C499771BD523F86E3E860DC9&selectedIndex=0]Halo Reach[/url]
They probably will, since they made them for Halo 2, 3, 4 and Reach, but with the new Xbox coming out then there is a possibility that it will come out some time after the release of the next Xbox; but who knows? All we can do is wait. :)
NO. :( My wallet is still hurting from the Halo 4 console....
I hope not, that is a lot of money I am going to have to add on the collectors edition
I hope so. If they do, I'll get the next gen Destiny console.
Nah, not with the next xbox being released.
I want a Traveler-shaped custom Xbox 360 or I'm not buying the game.
Yeah my girlfriend has a Halo 3 Xbox console and it's pretty cool. It's ugly as hell but I mean it's a Halo 3 console so I gotta respect it.
Edited by Joeyrific: 2/22/2013 6:12:37 AMOP: Sorry to say the chances of this becoming a fulfilled dream is slim to nothing, but yet not impossible. As I can already tell you, Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 will not see a sexy custom plastic casing around it. This is because of the new system, PS4, Sony has on route. With that said Microsoft should work on announcing that new system soon before Sony beats them to the top of charts with a kick ass system. So definitely keep all fingers crossed for this and hope that this much anticipated rumored Xbox makes a debut. Collectors Edition consoles for new hardware is an obvious mega money sale!! Lets hope so too!!