originally posted in:Destiny
Out of curiosity, what would you like to see if Destiny does in fact have space combat?
Personally, I think it would be cool if you or a partner could board enemy ships after causing enough damage, and from that point on, you can take all of the loot. Think of it as dungeons in Skyrim, but in space and with space-ships
i want somthing like starwars battlefront 2 style space combat, but also the option of raiding AI convoys and areal assults on suply depos and stuff
it would be cool if you and your two other friends in the firing squad could fight in space against the alien forces
Space combat will be AWSOME and BADASS at the same time
Yes please.
I would love for there to be space combat, but by the way they have been talking, there will be little to none. It would be cool if a fire team could be the crew of a single ship (a pilot and two gunners). And it would be even cooler if several of these fire teams banded together and had a space skirmish.
Something like halo reach's saber combat would be good
Edited by PatHway: 7/5/2013 1:01:14 AMIt's already been started that there will be no space combat, at least for now. Sorry to burst your bubble. Maybe they will expand in later installments or the 'comets' but as of now bungie state that this is a fps and not a space combat game.
I would be happy if I could just fly the ships in space combat missions, a couple public events in space and maybe assaulting a boss ship or something and uploading their mainframe for loot and getting some new customizations, I just want to be able to fly it, they can make it even cooler and expand on it in the next couple games
I want it to vary widely. I want to be able to do dog fights of course but I would also love to see larger ships in combat as well. It would be fun to have cruiser sized ships in the game but I know that is unlikely for the first game.
I would like to fly around by myself like in Dead Space. That would be nice and time consuming.
Well I'm hoping space combat will be similar to Star Wars battlefront and the space ship level in Reach but a lot more complex with public events boss battles and you can just upload their mainframe/blueprints for loot then land at wherever you are at an old space ship or another clans ship or on the surface or whatever
Edited by ODSTJacob: 6/28/2013 8:46:10 AMIn the group Admins Tools area there is a theme by the name Racer. The design closely resembles the [url=http://www.bungiestore.com/Destiny-Ship-Poster/M/B00BGWU15A.htm]Destiny Ship Poster[/url]. This, their extensive coverage of Forza games during pentathlons and the success of race gametypes in Halo: Reach leads me to believe that we'll get to race our ships. I think combat incorporated into a race mode would be awesome. Wins/kills/assists/ect would reward you with credits or rare guns/armor for both the player and our personal spacecraft. [url=http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/15/97/04/44/reach_11.jpg]Imagine going into a death-race with your 3 man fireteam.[/url]
i also want FULLY customisable ships. i mean stats, aperance, size, weapons, EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to see that ability, punch a hole in the ship jet pack over and take it or loot it and then blow it to smithereens.
So I have discussed this before on other threads but what it comes down to is this: If there is ship combat I think it should be light. Too many ships and the game turns into a mirror of an existing game like Dark Orbit or Astroflux. Less ships makes fights more valuable and rare and you feel more accomplished when taking out harder enemies. Perhaps the ship could have different stations like gunners and pilots? Ships could also be used for bases, depending on the group of people on the ship. Depending on the type of space combat or land combat and the setup for groups (friends) or clans, my response is different. But I'll say that a land base is not a good idea. It only encourages property hoarding and fills the game up with places you don't want or can't go to. Now my idea is that each player has his own fighter, only capable of travelling and perhaps defending itself. Therefore, players can journey solo, but won't have the ability to terrorize the environment. If you were in a squad of 6-10 then you might perhaps get the ability to utilize a larger shuttle with more defenses to travel with friends or clannies. And if you are part of a community say 100 people or like 6-10 squads then perhaps you could collectively live on a warship/carrier. The limit would be the carrier and their would be rules to ensure that players couldn't get too powerful or dangerous. Like carriers and other ships are used for transportation or living quarters. Enemies could be harder to kill and would grant a feeling of accomplishments. Perhaps the strongest enemies require one or two carriers to defeat them and players could team up and call for reinforcements to fight these "bosses". Now there are a lot of variables: 1. What the space combat is like. I.E. if there are alien ships occasionally flying around, will they raid you? In that case then ship combat would be essential and therefore the groups of players should have more fighting abilities. 2. Group setup. Can there be small squads for both chat and strategy? For example if you want to team with friends? Then my shuttle idea works. Or maybe a clan/alliance can comprise of multiple squads or large amounts of people. 3. Kill reward system. Depending on if kills grant exp, currency, or loot will determine the use of property. Perhaps there is a bank in your "base" which may be your group or clan ship, for storing items or money. Or maybe if there is no need for storage then no banks. Maybe there is a mini-market, convenient for big groups while the main market is under the Traveler? (currency idea) The possibilities are near endless but these ideas should be addressed before adding bases because they change the purpose of the base. Note: I am fully aware that my response has many gaps and problems, I'm simply too lazy to fix them. So point them out and we will see what I can do :)
I wouldn't mind it at all but. If it requires them to not finish or cut short something on the planets then no, I wouldn't like space combat at all. It would definitely be cool but if it takes away from anything else then no.
holy crap...well....I certainly despise the idea of player looting in any form. Space combat is a big yes tho. I would like a dogfight style for the smaller, one man deals, and slower, more realistic combat with large scale ships.
Well, there is the concept art of that hangar. Some of the craft in there look like they are space-capable.
Bungie pls.
Watch the entire video please. You'll see that the concept would be amazing applied to a game like Destiny.
Who said space combat had to be like Star Wars? If anything, I'd like a more realistic approach to space combat. Think submarine instead of fighter jet, and you'd have the right idea.
Also, what would you want to see?
I want the ability to make huge ships, not just small, single seated ship.