originally posted in:Destiny
I've been thinking to myself: Halo 4 could have been better. 343 did a lot of things wrong with the game like kill off Cortana. So I ask you this: Am I the only one who is looking forward to destiny more than halo 5?
I honestly can say that I did enjoy Halo 4, to the surprise of many Halo players. With that said, I'm looking forward to Destiny much more than Halo 5. Destiny will be completely new - new vehicles, new weapons, new characters, new gameplay system, ect. Halo 5 will most likely have weapons that were used in other Halo games with only a couple of new guns and vehicles. Gameplay will remain generally unchanged I'm assuming.
I liked Halo 4, well all Halos but I really like bungies work so Im thinking Destiny till I know more about Halo 5.
343 destroyed halo so forget halo 5 go for Destiny!
Destiny will be better. Enough said.
Since Bungie is making Destiny, I am expecting it to be far better than Halo 5, and I am definitely looking forward to it more.
Oh no halo 5 will be better mark my words!
I liked Halo 4 for a while and it's a pretty cool game but they could have done a lot better. I'm looking forward to Destiny a lot more though