originally posted in:Destiny
Do you think that the beta progress you gain should transfer over to the full game?
I think vault items will transfer over Everyone is saying it's unfair if beta testers get to keep profess and items.. PLEASE explain how that is even possible when they've made it a 100% open beta now? We are getting loot above the level cap, I've even got a lvl 20 hand canon from the Iron banner. Why give it to me just to store in my vault? They even opened the beta to Xbox 1 day sooner and are having us test the moon. I have a strong suspicion that come full launch everything in our fault will still be there
I believe that the progress shouldn't be transferred, but they should have beta tester goodies for the full release to thank all of the people who did in fact test it.
No I do not think so. But I do think that us Beta testers should get some special loot and such
It wont happen, but it would still be nice.
Bungie did not have to let us play the beta they only wanted to stress test the servers so complaining about the progress not transferring over on a free beta is stupid
I have had many conversations about this topic and I always give the same answer. Items collected in the beta should transfer to the vault of the players in the full game, while the characters, abilities, and experience should be wiped. Seems like it would be a fair trade for the testers.
I think it would be unfair to push the beta testers that far ahead when the game starts. However, I think characters staying for full game would be good, and lessen trying to recreate the same person. Also, beta tester goodies? Please?
No way the beta is a test. We should treat it like that. Why should we have a start on the game when we could get a fresh start with the full content.
I believe that when destiny is released all guardians should share the experience together as equals, rather that all the people on release just starting and all the people from the beta with all this gear and weapons.
Well, I am kinda half and half on this. I think some things should transfer over, like guns and armor and of course characters. Maybe have some goodies put in, like titles and extra cash. But everything else should reset to make it more fair/fun for non beta and alpha testers.
Yes; That would be the reward for those beta testers...
They shouldn't let it transfer, it'd be unfair to all the non beta testers. I mean really the beta testers would all basically start at launch with whatever the beta level cap is, a bit unfair to all the new people who start at level 3 (Idk the real starting level).
no, and beside the lvling curve isnt long enough for it to matter that much unless the alpha was made much faster then it will be in the final version.