originally posted in:Destiny
Are there any Guardians that will be playing on XB1 that have a headset of some sort. I want to have Fireteams that I can talk with. If your going to play on XB1 and have a headset feel free to join my clan or add me. I will also be giving out beta codes Everyday to one new clan member.
Clan: Flawless Advocates.
I own a clan so I can't join, but I'll still play in your fireteam anytime! Sling me a friend request if you're interested, YOUR HAZZARD
Care to make an alliance? I created my own clan a few days ago for me and my friends, and I'm always looking to expand the ranks. And yes, we intend on using mics as much as possible.
add me GT: iamMrCrumby
ill be playing gt is same on here]
I'll join
I'll join you if you are still looking.