My first exotic. Don't care what it is. Just wanna taste of something sexy looking.
Closing time!
Before playing the alpha i was looking forward to the hand cannons and fusion rifles but after the alpha i found i enjoyed the scout rifles way more for a primary and even though the fusion rifles are OP i loved the snipers special weapon class. As fir heavy weapons i ran a rocket launcher for trash mobs and a hevy machine gun for bosses and strikes
300th commant #300
Primary weapon - Arcus Regime (assault rifle) Special weapon - Conduit F3 (fusion rifle) Heavy weapon - Gjallarhorn (a rocket launcher raised by wolves)
The thorn, because it's hidden on mars beneath an army of cabal(sounds like fun) and then I get an awesome gun, and maybe some other loot down there.
Thunder!(lord) nananaa nananaa na Thunder!(lord)
A rare fusion rifle, I loved mine :)
I want to dual wield fists.
Assualt rifles and large machine guns.
Closing Time. Not only does it seem like it'll be a damn good sniper rifle, I plan on saying "It's closing time, bitch!" Every time I headshot a boss.
Thunder lord, big blue and beautiful.
Closing Time hands down... The camoflauge ability when aiming down the sights, Epic!!! And being able to shoot loot and ammo from a distance effing amazing meaning you can keep your distance and keep on firing without havting to leave your position for ammo or loot... Only downfall is it encourages people to camp... I like this cause it allows me to give my fireteam some cover fire especially during raids and I'm also Excited for the Hand cannons especially the Thorn looks effing Beautiful!!
Duke mk.44 because its a futuristic six shooter with alot of power.
closing time
Thorn. Hands down. If I could, I'd put a Thorn in every weapons slot. I'd tape a Thorn to my guardian's helmet.
a revolver main slot a LMG secondary slot and sniper rifle heavy slot
Gjallahorn it looks godly and badass
Super Good Advice Silver dollar Thorn
The "Shut up and get behind me"
Thorn or Red Death.
Silver Dollar
The fate of all fools and my favorite is red death
A super awesome SMG
You're title repeated itself. If your looking forward to it the most, then it's probably your favorite. But, I must confess, the Closing Time.