originally posted in:Destiny
So with the recent release of the official Destiny forum comes a small problem: a clash of names! This group was originally founded as a private Destiny group, then made a public discussion forum with the recent full-site update. Now that we have an official Destiny forum, this place needs a new home and description. That's where you lot come in: if anyone has any suggestions or awesome ideas for a group name and/or description, please feel free to share them, and show your support for any suggestions that you like the sound of.
The First Guardians The Wardens The Spartan Order OR CupcakeFurry Squadron ^^
My Destiny. Braving Destiny. idk, i think the name u have is straight to the point.
Is bungie making you change it?
Destined Travelers
Watchful Guardians
The Reclaimers of Destiny
Guardians of the Traveler Guardians The Traveler's Minions
Noble team
Lol wut
How about The Travelers choosen, you know cause in the game theres the guy who was called the Traveler.
how about cracked destiny since they're making us change the names or maybe shattered destiny yyeeaahhh.....
How about Upholders of New Found Destiny, because everyone's destiny is worth fighting for, and their own destiny WILL effect yours.
Something simple like The Guard Tower
how about something like The Final Line? since bungie keeps talking about the guardians being the last line of defense...just a thought
Alpha Dawn
How about "First!" Sorry in advance. I have internet tourettes.
Last city tavern
Gaurdians Of Destiny Sounds Good
The White Orb Guys.
Guardians of Eden. The Last City and the Traveler represent the Garden of Eden and we are their Guardians.
The Destiny Gang. (Adventure Time reference :P)
I agree with both "Guardians of the Traveler" and "Guardians of Destiny".
How about Destiny's child? jk... I agree with "The Guardians of Destiny" as well as "The Guardians of the Traveler"
How about something along the lines of "Forward Unto Destiny" or "Enter the Destiny" or "Destiny Revolution" or "Call of Destiny" something powerful that reaches the depths of your inner gamer.. deeep
Guardians of Destiny. i know kinda lame but think about it...its a massive game with 10 years content...and we guard our destiny. :) (sry for my english...just my brain is "default mode" now.:D)
Guardians of the Traveler is a great name. Go go go!