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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: Dojo Bio Page
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 1/21/2018 11:14:31 PM
"[i]One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are, and to live without belief - that is a fate more terrible than dying.[/i]" ~[u]Joan of Arc[/u] ———————————————— [b]Name[/b] Victoria Ira, literally translated to "Victory Wrath" to Latin. Nicknamed "Vic" by closer companions, previously a Palatine of the Order of Our Martyred Lady. [b]Age[/b] Somewhere in her later twenties. Approximately twenty-eight. Birthday is October 17th. [b]Gender[/b] Female. I think. [b]Race[/b] Human. [b]Description[/b] [url=]Link[/url] [spoiler]Of an average yet still prosperous figure, Victoria's overall physical stature is stereotypically top notch like every single roleplay character ever- erm, considerably successful, for a form suited for combative situations. Like most women, Victoria is of an average height, at five feet and eight inches tall and weighing in at one-hundred and forty pounds in total. Her overall physical form is toned into a more athletic, even partially muscular shape, with lightly tanned skin, though she is pale for the most part. She isn't particularly curvaceous - so that's one positive I can say about her, when comparing her to 99% of other RP females - though being feminine, she still has some curves and chest yet. Goddamnit, I contradicted myself. Victoria's left arm, however, is entirely gone. Or at least, her original arm - meeting the charred stump that now remains upon her being is a more masculine and fairly tanned arm. This arm belongs to Vance, in fact - cauterized and brought onto the bleeding mess that was Victoria's previous shoulder. Because that's how arms work, damnit. Victoria, while inherently pretty, has still faced some hardships, and as such is scarred due to those complications. Her fair, pale face is roundish and smoothened in design, yet accompanied by high cheekbones and plenty of faded scars and blemishes. One such scar runs from the left corner of her nose and chipping through her lip, with yet another scar running down the right side of her face. These are the more recognizable blemishes. Stamped upon her right cheek, like some sort of insignia, is a black fleur de lys tattoo, acquired from her past in the Imperium of Mankind. Her eyes are a light sapphire color, similar to the gem itself, while her ashy white hair is slightly curled, though remains straight and in a bob-like hairstyle for the most part.[/spoiler] [b]Weaponry[/b] [u]Melee Weapons[/u]: [url=]"Sunset"[/url] [spoiler]A longsword that was gifted to Victoria in a resistance of a temporal darkness that spread across Tatakai. "Sunset" is a weapon that, due to it's length of twenty-eight inches, with the blade making up twenty-one inches of the weapon, can be freely used in one hand just as well as both hands. The weapon's blade is made from a metal known as Amberite - as such, it glistens with a shining amber color. Amberite's composure allows it to match steel in strength, and due to magical properties within, has the capabilities of literally expelling and eradicating souls if one is slain by such a weapon.[/spoiler] [url=]Power Gladius "Fury"[/url] [spoiler]A gladius imbued with Imperium technologies that generates a field of energy around the blade when activated. Fury in total length reaches at thirty inches, the blade at twenty-five inches in total. When the weapon's energy field is activated, the blade is surrounded by a clear, light blue energy, as if coating the adamantium metal. When a solid object comes into contact with the blade in it's powered state, the molecules of whatever the blade comes against will split, as such making the weapon advisable for heavily offensive approaches.[/spoiler] [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield: Sword Formation[/url] [spoiler]The sword formation for the swordshield, a tool that Victoria utilizes for switch-ups for offensive and defensive situations. Once, Kalahan's Swordshield belonged to a cannibalistic monstrosity that nearly killed Victoria. This sword form shifts the weapon into a fifty-two inch long weapon, classifying as a longsword and styled as a claymore would be, with the thick blade at forty-three inches long in length. The adamantium blade is charged with runes of which disrupt magical energies and such, rendering them null entirely.[/spoiler] [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield - Shield Formation[/url] [spoiler]The second portion of Kalahan's Swordshield, now transformed into it's more defensive formation: the shield itself is designed in a crest fashion, the primarily component being a sturdy adamantium plating. As such, the shield is incredibly potent. Alongside a fortification against magic, the rims of the shield can emit a field of plasmatic energy if necessary, allowing for offensive maneuvers in melee if it is a necessity.[/spoiler] [u]Ranged Weapons[/u]: [url=]Godwyn De'az Pattern Bolter[/url] [spoiler]A Bolter with the sigils removed and repainted purposefully to match the velvet red of Victoria's own armoring. A utilized pattern of the Adepta Sororitas, the Godwyn De-az Pattern Bolter is a weapon created for the usages of both Sisters of Battle upon the field and humanoid combatants that fight for the Imperium, for standard Astartes Patterns tend to be much too powerful for the regular usage from regular beings. As such, the Godwyn De-az Pattern was created. Still utilizing the same components as a Bolter of a Space Marine, this weapon fires .50 caliber rounds, holding thirty rounds in total. Each bullet is designed to penetrate and explode within their targets, exploding with a brutal tungsten core within each bullet. It also utilizes a vicious bayonet called a Sarissa, curved and intended for quick, savage close quarters if necessary.[/spoiler] [url=]Godwyn De'az Pattern Bolt Pistols ([b]x2[/b])[/url] [spoiler]Two Bolt Pistols utilized by Adepta Sororitas, created in the Godwyn De-az Pattern. Both of these weapons are practically miniature Bolters, except smaller and built to be sidearms. Victoria rarely dares to dual-wield the Bolt Pistols, instead using them for close ranged combat or alongside her melee weaponry, specifically behind her shield.[/spoiler] [b]Armor[/b] [url=]Modified Executor Helmet[/url] [spoiler]Accompanying Victoria's customized Executor set is a helmet shaped in a similar manner to that of a barbuta helmet of medieval times. The helmet itself is carved and made from ceramite, and buffered by similar technologies that would be within a Sabbat Pattern Sororitas Helm. Where the eyes would be, a thin glass covers it, shielding Victoria's gaze. Alongside being personally modified with a radio system and communications network, the helmet comes with a integral rebreather, allowing Victoria to operate in total vacuum for a limited time, and fluctuates gases and the sort as well. Additionally, psycho-oculal buffering maintains Victoria's mental stability and ensures that she keeps focused - even in the most hellish of situations.[/spoiler] [url=]Executor Set[/url] [spoiler]A modified set of particularly knightly armoring, yet still bolstered with more futuristic elements - the Executor set is Victoria's chosen apparel for armoring. The plates themselves, armoring her chest, abdomen, back, shoulders, forearms, and legs entirely consist of ceramite plates, while a gorget is kept around her neck for additional protection. These black ceramite platings are heavily heat resistant, as well as particularly capable against ballistic and melee forms of damage. Additionally, the armoring is styled with a cloak and hood of dark red, gilded with golden weavings.[/spoiler] [b]Companion[/b] [u]Fenrir (Sunika Kubrow)[/u] [spoiler]A Kubrow acquired by Victoria after supporting the war effort of Velinnea and the Clones. Fenrir is taller than the average human, and taller than Victoria, with his shoulder reaching at six feet and eight inches tall in height. Yes, I checked out some things - Kubrows and Warframes are seriously tall. Fenrir's fur is a mixture between an ashy grey color, streaked with shades of white and red, while his eyes are a shade of light red themselves. The Kubrow is not only efficient in combat due to breeding and genetics, but is armored with plates of kevlar and carbon fiber around it's vitals general being, and head.[/spoiler] [b]Abilities[/b]

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  • [u]Contractee Abilities[/u] [spoiler]After a particularly fun encounter with a giant cannibal whom promptly cleaved Victoria's left arm off, her partner, Vance (Cazberry's character) saw only one thing to do: after slaying the beast, he had decided to amputate his own left arm and cauterize the stump left behind, sewing it onto what remained of Victoria's arm, ensuring her life as a heretic - er, restoring her to a decent condition. I won't argue the logic nor why he didn't just cauterize the wound, because I like my green fire. Anyway - the conjunction of Victoria's body and Vance's left arm allowed the Sororitas to tap into the flame magics of the Contractee, while she has taken to utilizing spells and abilities of of her own. These spells are extremely volatile, capable of burning through flesh and armor as if melting through in seconds.[/spoiler] [spoiler][u]Total MP: 7500[/u] [u]Vance's Fire Abilities[/u]: [b]Body of Flame Passive[/b] Victoria's left arm is extremely resistant to heat, burns, fire, and the like. Even stranger is the ability to literally consume fire, making her abilities stronger and regenerating mana. [b]Flame Shield Active Buff[/b] Summons a wall of green flame wherever user wishes, and follows the nearest ally. The flame turns all projectiles that strike it in ashes, however only lasts two posts. The more damage it blocks, the more mana is spent. [b]Flame-Infused Arm – 100 MP/post Active Buff[/b] Infuses arms with green flames. Causes extreme pain and destruction, but not the most lethal magic. Great for burning down structures and burning off skin. [b]Legs of Flame – 150 MP/post Active Buff[/b] Infuses legs with green flames. Trails flames behind user as they move, causing massive destruction and burn. Slightly boosts speed, although not by much. [b]Eruption – 300 MP Active[/b] Infuses arm with green flames. Upon contact, creates a massive explosion of flame; this is not caused by the fire itself, but by a burst of magic energy that takes place upon contact. The blow deals massive damage and massive destruction. [b]Fire Orb – 1000 MP Active[/b] Created a massive ball of green flame, dealing a large amount of damage to unarmored enemies, cooking armored enemies, and creating huge amounts of destruction. [b]Flame Body – 1250 MP Active[/b] Body turns into green flames to avoid all damage, and harming physical attackers upon contact. Only lasts one post. [u]Victoria's Fire Abilities[/u]: [b]Compacted Fireballs - 150 MP/per grenade[/b] Generating a small fireball within her palm, Victoria can throw these balls like grenades, with different variations. [u]Regular Explosion[/u]: Nothing special. Two-foot wide explosion of heat. [u]Blast[/u]: +25 MP, releases several fragments of molten metals generated within the grenade. [u]Sun[/u]: +45 MP, releases a thirty-six by thirty-six inch sun-like aspect of green flame. Capable of incinerating targets in armor, used as a zone attack. [b]Spout of Flame - 200 MP/post Active[/b] Victoria releases bursts of green flame towards her target, the spout reaching five feet and being eight inches wide. The compacted flames are capable of burning through metal and flesh. [b]Blade of Flame - 450 MP Active Buff[/b] Victoria coats whatever weapon that she is using in vibrant green flame, allowing her to cleave and stab through her foes while cauterizing and spreading flames across their bodies. [b]Flaming Quake - 500 MP Active[/b] Upon slamming an object down, usually a foot, a burst of foot-wide, green fire shoots forwards, to a distance of twenty feet. Victoria can call back the flame if necessary, exhausting 50 more points of MP. [b]Melting Greatsword - 700 MP Active[/b] Unleashes a seven-foot long greatsword from the user's chosen hand, staying for around four seconds. The weapon in design is double-edged and scorching with compacted green flames, leaving behind a trail of fire and destruction when swung. Extremely effective against flesh. [/spoiler]

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