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The New Dojo

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    Welcome to The Dojo. A ROLEPLAYING group and thread where you can write in ultimate fashion! We appreciate any form of writing, whether it be short stories to Role Play. Please feel free to join our group and have your life become more awesome!

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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]AHHHHHH EDGY POST[/spoiler] [u]Dojoville - Church of the Stars[/u] [u]6:30 PM[/u] [i]The dim red sun glazed over the horizons of waring Tatakai, the glistening light now darkening the previously blue skies with a reddish hue. Such a color was mixed with a bright orange and the darkened grey of clouds above the world, with their large, puffy bodies and their complex formations. It was this Wednesday afternoon at the Church of the Stars, a smalltime church of worshippers of "celestial beings", had begun their ceremonies.[/i] [i]The church itself was a fine place in design, designed upon the southern outskirts of the city, where the town would end and the mountainous wall of the Dojo's solitary mountain had then begun. The exterior was that of a welcoming temple, a large tunnel, structured of smoothened wood and barred by great light green doors. Halls stretched to the left and right of the tunnel's apparent ending, as the place of worship progressively rose up, until it had reached to a four-story tall tower. Upon that tower, a celestial image formulated, of a hidden, foreign meaning - a dilated, circular image, the inside connected by weaving strands of spiraling silver as if it was a complex spiderweb.[/i] [i]Within, the rows were filled with those whom worshipped these gods of a higher order, with a stark white pathway formulated between the seats. The people that took part were mostly dressed in black or white clothing for such an occurrence, though it was more than clear that they were the oddities of the Dojo. Mages, that hid away their dark intentions and cruel magics. Liars, thieves, murderers, and worse still, yet all here and repenting to a divine celestial creature. The side of the grand hallway were decorated with statues now - odd, almost eldritch creatures, most with many limbs, others with none at all. Some stood high and lean, some were fat and portly, and one was simply formless - an empty pedestal of where it's marble bust would be set, yet a god to these people nonetheless.[/i] [i]Soon, the preacher of these gods would arrive. Lean and solitary, his starry black robe was coated in glistening white fragments, perhaps of glass or some other shining material. His head was crowned by a hood of the same making and material, his wrinkled forehead accompanied by a swirling golden crown that wrapped around the back of his skull.[/i] "Brothers. Sisters. Children. We gather here, upon this time, as the stars align at last. Beyond this world. Beyond the Dojo. Beyond fiendish knights and beyond petty battles. Beyond corrupt tyrants and massacres in our own home. Beyond ourselves, there is a-" [i]*[b]CRASH![/b]*[/i] [i]The preacher's mouth froze as he quit shouting to his fellow worshippers, only for his glazing blue eyes to turn to the door, alongside the eyes of the entirety of the church's residents. For the door had been shattered - no, demolished, by a single blow of something.. massive.[/i] [i]Through the entrance came something.. remarkably disturbing, as a few of the churchgoers cried out at the sight of the newcomer to the place of warship. It was a female by the look of it, and that remarkably alluring strut that she did, like some sort of swooning cartoon character. It would drive some men into a haze of love, had she not been coated in fleshy bits and whatever was left of the poor souls who had been greeting the worshippers at the door. She was tall still, though not insanely tall yet, probably at a height of exactly six feet, no more and no less. Her choice of attire consisted more of a corset than an actual piece of functioning armor, though it.. worked. Gilded steel made up her chestplate and pauldrons, shining with a golden color and engraved with swirling images within the platings, yet also covered in thick stains of blood. Hell, it was hard to believe that it was intended for armor - her rather ample bust promptly stuck out, her chest, the smooth pale skin now coated with little bits of gore, revealed to those whom looked upon her. A gilded helmet covered her head, though the faceplate did not hide her face: chubby and almost childish, smooth and cute to some, with little dimples and light pink lips, with pearly white teeth accompanying the lips as well.[/i] [i]What probably scared people, though, would be the almighty hammer that rested upon her right shoulder, as she balanced it with only a strong, firm hand, a shining glove holding that into place as well. The head of the mighty weapon was wider than her being in general - she was rather wide, mind you, though not bluntly fat - the ridiculous sledgehammer, coated in more gore and blood, was then gripped by two hands, landing with a booming *Thud!* as she smiled wildly then.[/i] "...hi." ————————————————— [spoiler]Open for socialization or for all you JUSTICE types.[/spoiler] [i]When the deed was done, the hulking woman sat down in a center of the mess that she had made. The smashed bodies of the fallen would lay around her sitting being. The ground had gone from a marble white to a sickly blood red, dripping with the essence as if the place was more of a slaughterhouse than a temple. The seats were splintered into hundreds of pieces, shrines and statues of the eldritch beings crushed into the dust, amongst some of the gory paste and remains of the fallen. She hummed then, waiting on someone to.. well, come to church today, she guessed.[/i] [i]Oh, how fun it would be.[/i]

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    • "Valkyrie" [b]Trayven Shield Dome, Rubicon Embassy; Training Grounds. 1000 Hours. =========================[/b] "Alright O, take it easy. This is training, not an actual fight-" a man spoke, a giant really, standing at 7"3, with short cut brown hair and blue eyes. He was a sight, in a tight tank top, ripped yet lean body. The woman in front of him, "O", however, was similar. Having dirty blonde, shoulder length hair and green eyes. She returned the man's suggestion in an Australian accent. "Oh shaddup, Kaden, we both know how important this stuff is. If even Manders says it is, then we gotta take it seriously. Now then, hit me!" "Its not right to hit a lady-" "Right, I forgot it was-" "-good thing you aren't a lady!" He gave a shit eating grin then, the nearly 30 year old soldier still acting like a child, as the woman threw a punch at him. Despite her size, it looked slow, to which Kaden threw up both arms and blocked it. He retaliated then, lazily throwing a punch and yet still made it look faster than normal. "O" grabbed it, slamming his fist to the side and then pushed him away playfully. The act continued on for a bit, before a new voice was heard across the courtyard, a commanding tone. "OLIVIA!" The blonde Australian went rigid then, straight as a board as she snapped around to see Amanda, the squadron leader of their little group. Amanda, Kaden, Olivia, and Jared. Although she hadn't seen Jared for a few hour- "What did I tell you? Take it seriously, you could learn from those Trayven boys." The woman approached, short cut brown hair, ruffled so slightly, and a soft yet hard expression on her worn face. How was it she pulled off that look? It was menacing but reassuring at the same time. "Now watch, that punch he threw was easily avoidable even by our standards. Now watch." Amanda had made her way next to the two others by now, gesturing to Kaden to stand ready and hit her. He would have made another quip about being unladylike, but with Amanda being serious, now wasn't the time. Considering Amanda stood at 7"2, Kaden had to angle the punch down slightly, something he hated. Either way, he took a ready stance, giving Amanda a few moments yo prepare. Then he swung, a rapid, literal blur of movement as he jabbed at her chest, only for a smack to be heard and his arm to stop and change motion suddenly, and Kaden to yell "Mercy!" What had happened, was the second Kaden threw the punch, Amanda reacted in kind by slamming her left hand into his arm, then hitting it with her right, to which she then recoiled in an instant, and struck the base of his neck, over his right collarbone, effectively rendering him harmless. The whole seen was a literal blur of movement, untraceable by the naked eye without tech to slow it down. Within a matter of seconds of Kaden throwing the first punch, Amanda had ended it with one move. Kaden slumped to the ground, groaning. He hated that, he knew she would pull that exact move, and each time it hurt just as bad as the last. Olivia didn't seem to have registered it at first, but then nodded. She did understand, although now... Well, she needed a new sparring partner. [spoiler]open, either spar against Olivia, talk to her or Kaden, or try and dc anything with Amanda Opeeeeen[/spoiler]

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      90 Replies
      • [u]Its just so out of place[/u] Southern Dojo woods: The afternoon came along like any other day. The grind of work shifts were coming to a close, schools were wrapping up, it was those few hours many shared a short lived freedom from responsibilities. While some didn't know how to simply relax such as Ama and her tendency to actually enjoy large amounts of work, others ran free, wandering and taking walks to wherever their travels took them. Sometimes though, travels led to discoveries. As the sun was on the horizon, a young necromancer, Tibia came back talking about a building that was really out of place in the southern portion of the woods. From what she was describing, it sounded like it was the British Parliament. But why? How could that make any sense? Was she dillusional on top of her amnesia? No, there was a report similar only a few weeks ago! A few other adventurers grew curious of these reports and decided to look into it themselves. [spoiler]Open. Feel free to bring any of my character rooster or go in alone. It's the intro to Major and Un-parliament[/spoiler]

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        • [b][i][u]The Night Takes[/u][/i][/b] [i]The streets of Dojoville, patrolled by the Dojoville Night Watchers were relatively calm and quiet this evening. Minor disturbances of a drunkard here, a bar fight there. Nothing that could truly draw the attention any big players. That was until, the murder occurred. Or in this case, murders. Two of the Dojoville Night Watchers (DNW) had been walking down the street when they heard shouting in a nearby alleyway. Rushing to the sound of screaming, they walked right into a hail of gunfire. Within moments, the two DNW's were on the ground, dead and the perpetrators were moving out, headed straight for a nearby jewelery store. There were five total, and they didn't seem to be expecting the [url=]man[/url] that would arrive. The group approached the store and, presumably, the leader spoke to the others.[/i] "Let's get that glass cutter up and running." [i]The group parted slightly and the member in the back moved forward, placing a strange disc like device onto the glass of the store. It started humming quietly, the glass vibrating ever so slightly. That's when he arrived. Falling from the roof of the building, he slammed the bottom of his feet into one of the five robbers. The robber collapsed under the weight and was essentially crushed under the man. Quickly turning his attention to the others, the man grabbed a nearby robber by the shoulder and pushed him backwards. The robber stumbled back, falling into a second and the two collapsed backwards in a heap. The one unoccupied robber raised his shotgun, firing a shot at the man and causing a grunt in pain. The man wobbled to the side, slumping against the wall of the jeweler store while the glass broke down. [/i] [i]One robber unconscious, two on the ground but getting up, one holding a shotgun and the fifth drawing his own weapon. Whoever this man was, he would need help. Fast.[/i]

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          • [b][i][u]Whispers of Beyond[/u][/i][/b] "Momma? Where are you? Where did you go? Momma?" The woman looked into the sphere of chaos and power, frozen in time, with its bright white light shining upon her in a glorious manner. She stared at the child inside, with her white her and glowing blue eyes, transfixed. "Shh," the woman said, "It's okay. You're safe now. It'll be okay. We'll be okay. I love you, Anna..." ------------------------------- Caroline stumbled through a foreign place, a place with black structures and snowflakes and jagged rock. The sky was grey. Grey like another world. She didn't know what it was, or what it would be. All she knew is that she was lost. "Drake? Alpha? Anyone?" She said, stumbling about. "Is anyone there?" She would then approach [url=]some sort of structure, towering over her in size and stature.[/url] Whatever this place was, she had never seen it before. "Hello?" She called out, but to no avail. Her voice echoed across the rock and wind, but nothing answered. Caroline then chose to step inside. In the center of the room she stood in was a black machine, with wires that pulsed with red energy connecting to both the floor and the ceiling. Yet, amidst the machine was something else. A black stone throne. And upon it, a woman. With a child in her arms... [i]"...And the world began to slumber, beneath the falling stars."[/i] The woman sung as she looked down upon the child, her black hair flowing. Her face seemed beautiful yet seemingly unrecognizable. As if she both had form yet didn't. As if whatever it was didn't want Caroline to remember. [i]"And the moon began to sing it song, upon the worlds of men. Yet that was all it said...[/i] She stopped, looking at Caroline from her cold throne. Her full appearance she couldn't remember, but there was one thing. The woman's eyes glowed red. And the burned into the soul. [i]"Oh Caroline,"[/i] the woman said, dropping her singing voice for one of shadowy echoes. [i]"Look at you. What you've done."[/i] The baby vanished into dust, and red energy began to crackle in the woman's hands. [i]"Let me show you something."[/i] --------------------------------- An altar, a city, a pyramid in the sky. A girl. All of it was images. Images now. Chaos and uncertainty. Then the drifted to a solid setting of blackness. Cold, desolate blackness. "Is anyone there?" She called out, her voice echoing across the void. "Hello?" Then she realized where she was. A field of the dead. People she loved, people she cared about, people she had... killed. In some way or another. "Caroline?" Someone said in front of her. She seemed... familiar. She was... Caroline? She heard whispers, conversations, things. The yard of corpses she was standing in flicker in and out of existence. Images and faces. None of it made any sense. Yet in its flashing it focused on one experience. Red energy was crackling in her hands, and her mirror image was pointing a gun to her head. "Look what you've done." It said, it voice growing darker and more distorted with each word. [i]"Look at the pain and misery you have brought upon this world."[/i] More images, more experiences, more of her life. And words. A phrase, hiding amidst the whispers. [i]Kill him. And be free.[/i] Then, one last time, she saw her own face, strange and distorted. Red eyes, and a gun put to Caroline's head. [i]"And now is the time of retribution."[/i] ------------------------------------------- [url=]Andromeda-09, Concordian Orbit, Tatakai's Moon [/url] Caroline awoke terrified in [url=]large bedroom suite[/url], which was almost confusing since the methodology in which Frontier had held her had not been so... comfortable in the past. Next to her was a woman, with short blond hair and blue eyes. "Shhh. It's alright. You're okay now." The woman said calmly. "Who the -blam!- are you?" Caroline responded angrily, a look of pure hatred in her eyes. "Let me out of here. NOW." "Give it time. Stay calm. Just... rest. I'll tell you everything. Soon. Sleep now." Sedatives were sent coursing into her body, and she begun to drift. ------------------------------------ [url=]Dojo Woods, Tatakai[/url] In the midst of wreckage of some sort of battle, a small Frontier crew patrolled the area, along with an Atlas-Titan. "Scan for life signs." A grunt, presumably the leader, said to his men. "If they're here, we'll find them." [spoiler]Open to everyone![/spoiler] --------------------------------- A signal, coming from a site far west of the Dojo. Caroline. She had gone missing during the conflict between Frontier and a few of the Arrowhead crew, but it had seemed she had managed to communicate. Even if it was a trap, it would sure be interesting. [spoiler]Open for Ginger. I never got a reply from anyone on that post, so here is the approximate aftermath. If you'd like. You can comment to either.[/spoiler]

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            • [quote][url=] Attack of the Emu[/url][/quote] [b] Drums.[/b] That's all that could be heard throughout Dojoville, loud drums that slowly drew closer. They were deafening with their volume and in the distance a large cloud of dust was moving across the ground and toward the town. In an instant the cloud had gotten within hundreds of feet and...they were now visible...the most terrifying creatures...emus. "RUN!" People shouted and screamed, quickly running to shelter as the large birds filled the streets and trampled anything in their way. Some of the townsfolk attempted to fire at the emus, only to be overrun and pecked to death within seconds as the seemingly endless horde filled the entire area. [spoiler]Open. This is a legit new faction.[/spoiler]

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              • [b][i]Alone[/i][/b] [b]Dojoville, Tatakai[/b] [i]She woke up to find herself lying in the gutter on the side of an average street. Blinking her eyes, she took a deep breath and sighed, an expression of pain gripping her face. The cold was not helping. Forcing herself to her feet, she mentally cursed, the pain shooting through she entire body. Shakily, she observed her surroundings, and was quick to assume that she stood out. That was what years of training did... but those years of training didn’t prepare her for what she’d just survived. To any on the street, she was an almost disturbing sight. Her hair was a mess, looking as if she’d been through a nasty fight. Her right eye was a milky white, the product of an orbital blowout fracture. Her clothes, a t-shirt and combat pants, were both shredded, cauterized slashes visible across her chest, stomach, arms, and legs. Bruises and burns dotted her form as well. Dried blood coated her clothes in various places, and she seemed to have dried blood across the side of her face as well. How she was even alive was a miracle, though if she stayed out in the cold for too much longer with no shoes and short sleeves, she was done for. She knew it, too, and weakly, she set about looking for any place to escape the cold, but most things appeared to be closed at that time of night. Alone for the first time in forever, the woman looked around, feeling small in a place she barely knew.[/i] [spoiler]Open. Working on a mini-plot here.[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by Hal0T1nman: 1/23/2018 3:05:39 AM

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                  • Edited by Splashback77: 1/20/2018 2:33:54 PM
                    [b][u]A Gift From A Frienemy[/u][/b] [i]James's Aparment, 00:30[/i] James heard a noise from the door. He had been woken up by it. And was still in a white T-shirt and flannel sleep pants. His blond hair was all messed up. He was tall and buff, giving him a resemblance to Steve Rogers. The unarmed Titan crept into the kitchen from where he was sleeping on the couch (He had guests over.) James picked up a cast-iron skillet, holding it in both hands. He then tip-toed to the door. James opened the door, keeping one hand on the skillet's handle. As the door swung open, his other hand would move back to the skillet as he held it in a position ready to strike with it. To his surprise, nothing, or no one, was nearby. He looked down to find a package. It was labled, [i]To: Blonde Sentinel Dude, From: Splishy-Poo[/i] James stepped back inside and slammed the door. He sat down against the door, his teeth chattering as he began to think of what the package might be. "Something from the writer?" He murmured to himself, "Oh no. It could be a bomb. Or a reverse dream-catcher that radiates nightmares. Or even worse: Something that summons all of Phoebe's siblings. Or the worst option of them all: Mason Grey." He quickly recalled both times Mason had kicked his ass. James shivered. Mason really hated him. But Splash wouldn't be that cruel.... right? But yet again, the Titan's track record with Splash being his writer wasn't the best. First, his history before the Dojo. Next, her record of making him look desperate and reckless. Then, all the times she attempted to volunteer him for dangerous quests. Finally, she had basically set a bounty on him. The bounty that ended in James' surprisingly temporary permanent death. The death that gave him the scar on his neck. But, most recently, his discovery of Phoebe, all the confusion and reminders that came with that. He hated Splash more than he could anyone ever. James sighed. He stood up, turned around, stepped back, then, he opened the door again, skillet ready to bash someone's head in. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                    • *[b]kicks you down a hole[/b]*

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                      • [b]Chaos. Outside Dojoville limits 9:45 AM[/b] [i]Wanted for Mass murder....[/i] "Shit" As soon as it had gone up she had fled to her friends. She was reckless, but not stupid. Honestly, she knew it was coming soon. When was the question. Now she knew. "Shit!" She had armed her rifle and put on her armor, waiting on the ramp to her ship. It's weapons were active, and the railgun mounted on the back scanned for targets on it's turreted mount. "Damn all of you..." She had never wanted the front lines. To help was what she wanted. The family that took her in had been her saving grace, at first. Her medical skills (rarely used) were gladly received by the crew. Then with the Hermes, that changed. Her skill set went from medical and some light engineering to marksmanship and piloting. "Damn it to hell..." As her skill set changed, so did she. The girl used to love. She used to be a sweet innocent teen who just wanted to protect her family. In that way, she had broken in a way that even Amoridia couldn't have. "Come get me you bastards...." But the rest wasn't important. Her reflection, punctuated by cursing, was interrupted as she stood up. She looked around, priming the ionization chamber in her Rifle, and waited. For friend or foe, only time would tell [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                        • [i]“Pretty girls have a love affair With their eyes and their shining hair Fantasize that the world adores Tantalize like a cover girl”[/i] [b]~Blue Oyster Cult, Mirrors. [/b] [B]Dojoville, Midday. [/B] [i]    Diana looked down at the silver phone in her hand - No texts back yet, a damn shame in her opinion. She slipped her phone into the front pocket of her skin-tight, bright blue jeans and looked down the sunny street ahead. A mix of modernized tech, futuristic and past all clashed with one another, from cyber-age neon billboards and modern clothing on the people walking to the horses and cards of hay in the streets. It was strange to her, unfamiliar, but she made her way down the anomalous road. She found the nearest coffee shop and pushed the glass door open. [/i] [i]    Stepping inside, the redheaded woman - with hair that looked almost dyed brightly - straightened out her black tee shirt, her hand sliding past the hilt of a concealed pistol underneath it and a small switchblade in her pocket. After what happened last time she was in the city… Well, proper protection was a necessity. Thankfully it was hidden under the shirt and on her waistline, so there wasn’t really all too much firearm to stare at. She approached the counter and got her coffee with two shots of espresso in it, and left the shop soon after. [/i] [i]    She felt a vibration against her thigh and grabbed her phone with her free hand. Her pale reflection stared her down on the black screen, with her blue eyes analyzing her appearance - Makeup accentuated the brighter colours of her face, a light blush letting her complexion match her hair a bit more. Her vanity would keep her glaring at the high cheekbones and feminine structure of her face for a moment, before she finally turned the screen on, unlocked herr phone, and opened the texts app. She looked to the top of her recent contacts list, seeing the name “Aveline” at the top. She pressed on it and saw a quick message, before responding. [/i] [b]“D, meet me at my house. You can stay with me until you get back on your feet.” [/b] [b]“OMG thank you so much! I promise I’ll pay u back when i can!” [/b] [B]“I bet you will. Oh, and we need to talk soon - You’ll want to hear this.” [/b] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]    The ginger-haired woman arrived at the house a few minutes later. The neighbourhood around it felt cozy, if small and smelling lightly of weed. The house itself was a rather unattractive yet pretty one. White sidings and faded bricks made the outside, with a shanty garage and a wooden porch outside. It looked old, predating even the seventies but modern enough to look as if it was made midway through the nineties. Diana approached the door and knocked three times, her suitcase in the free hand. The blonde-haired Aveline was the one who opened the door, giving her a friendly smile. The two exchanged a brief hug to one another, but for different reasons - Diana was grateful, but Aveline needed to make her happy for what was to come. [/i]     [i]After Diana had unpacked all of her stuff, it was time for her to explore the area around the house. She stepped outside and started to walk down the road, not knowing what would come her way, or rather, who. [/i] ((Open!)) [spoiler]I'm trying something new and very specific with this character, so if y'all could just forget FN and Cyberpunk is her canon past, that'd be greeeeat. [/spoiler]

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                        • Edited by Chinkronomicon: 1/19/2018 6:20:20 PM
                          [b][u]Feather Funds | Dojoville, Undisclosed Cafe[/u][/b] [spoiler]For Pants or any faction leaders I guess.[/spoiler] Mason leaned back in his seat, waiting for his clients. His crutch was leaned against a spare chair meticulously, with his the brace he wore on his right leg hidden under the wooden surface of the table. The aging man could almost pass as a normal citizen rather than a cripple. Well, the definition of [i]normal[/i] was a far cry from an average townsperson in the Dojo. People of all sorts of races and backgrounds carried weapons of all kinds for the Dojo's norm of fighting. He ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair. He knew he wasn't there for that. Mason Cartier's fighting days were long over, and not just because of his crippled leg. A cripple was the equivalent of a unicorn in the Dojo, since there were so many alternatives like mechanical augments and healing magic. Strange, to say the least. But not unreasonable. Alas, he wasn't there to reflect on the nature of the Dojo. He was there for a business deal. Well, a deal at the very least, anyways.

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                          • [b][i][u]Chapter One: The City of Eternal Starlight[/u][/i][/b] [url=]Outer Sector, Starlight City, Midnight[/url] And so it began. After losing an artifact, and gaining a few... acquaintances, she found herself walking in a dirty alley in a city she hadn't been to in years. It had become dangerous, the place, so much in fact that it wasn't even safe to walk on the streets. Yet now, in the shadows of a great city, she had found a little hope. An old friend. Even if it did come at a price. It was raining, heavily in fact, as Sarah propped herself up against the brick wall of the building beside her. She got her phone out of her raincoat, dialed a number, and when no one answered, placed a message. "Jason is it? Sarah. Sorry I left in such a rush. Just... you know. Got into a little mess. There's a friend of mine that's supposed to be just outside the Dojo in a few minutes. Meet up with him if you're interested." [spoiler]Open for Driz. If you still wanted to do it. You be on a separate questline for the first few chapters then you'll merge in. It's not less in any way.[/spoiler] She hung up, put down the phone, and resigned herself to wait. If Gabriel would actually show up, it would be interesting to see where this meeting would take them. [spoiler]Open for Royal. The plot will become open to everyone again later on, if anyone wants to do it.[/spoiler]

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                            • [b]who called the exterminator[/b] In space above the dojo [spoiler]you don’t need to read the first part. But it would make more seance if you do. Plus I did write it for you to read it Daleks [/spoiler] The Krakens fury, above the dojo in space [i]the ambassador was standing on the bridge of the ship. Captain Oliver Roberts was on the planet below, so the ambassador was in command. His grey trench coat was swiping against the deck as he walked back and forth, messing with his sonic screwdriver. He wasn’t upset at all that his captain was in some bar somewhere. It wasn’t many times that the ambassador got to be captain of a ship. The vast bed of space somewhat comforted him. The problem was the ships crew. The lot of them where pirates, he only tolerated them. “ captain, a ship is approaching, its weapons are fully charged” a crew mate said “Use the communicator” the ambassador said “” the pirate asked. The ambassador just sighed, pointing his sonic screwdriver at the device, it started sending a message to the ship. “Should we Open Fire” the pirate asked. “No, anyone can be reasoned with” the ambassador said. There was a click, and the communicator turned on. “Hello, this is the ambassador, who are you” the acting captain said “WE ARE THE DALEKS. EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!!!” A all to familiar voice yelled out of the communicator. The ambassadors hearts skipped a beat when he heard that harsh cruel voice. “Load the cannons and fire when ready”!the ambassador ordered. “But what about the all things can be reasoned with” the purest asked “EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!!!” The voice from the communicator cried out. “Do they sound like they will reason” the ambassador said. Suddenly the ship started shaking because of enemy fire. “The shields are down” a crewman yelled “Fire”the ambassador said. The laser cannons shot, but if they damaged the Dalek ship, it didn’t look like that. The ambassador turned in the communicator. “Do you know who you are attacking. I am a timelord from the planet Gallifrey.” He said “IMPOSSIBLE!!! THE TIMELORDS WHERE KILLED IN THE TIME WAR!!!” The Dalek voice shot back. “ so was the Dalek race” “GOOD POINT!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!! EXPLAIN EXPLAIN!!!” “I just want to see my enemy, before I die. So the last thing I see is hate” Suddenly a wall of the Krakens furry became a screen, showing the Interior of a Dalek ship. “THE LAST THING MY HATED ENEMY WILL SEE IS MY FACE, THEN HE WILL DIE. EXTERMINATE EXTER...” The Dalek yelled “Wait!!!” You aloud me to see inside your ship, which aloud me to do this” he said pointing his sonic screwdriver at the screen. A control panel behind the Dalek erupted in flames. And the shield dropped. “HA!!!” The ambassador said as the Krakens fury launched a assault of cannons at the Dalek craft. The thing exploded and the remains crashed on the planet below. The ambassador gathered a crew of 4 pirates to go to the surface and make sure the Daleks where dealer with. The ambassador and the four pirates started going to the surface in a landing craft. [/i] ——————————————————— On the planet, outside dojo city [i]the five Dalek hunters, lead by the ambassador, checked all but one of the crash sites to find no signs of Daleks. As they approached the last one they heard screaming. As they approached they saw a Dalek. “Exterminate!!!” It yelled, shooting at one of the pieces of the broken ship, making it fall in the ambassador and another pirate. The other three got behind cover and started shooting at the Dalek with there laser guns. “EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!!!!” The Dalek yelled, shooting two blue lasers any two of the pirates, and the pirates that got hit instantly died. The third one was hiding behind a rock. The pirate got out of cover and started shooting at where the Dalek once was, to find out that there was no Dalek there. The pirate heard the words “EXTERMINATE” from behind. The Dalek was going to kill the pirate when... [spoiler]this is where you come in. Open [/spoiler][/i]

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                              • [b]Cat's will play [/b] [u]Time: noon Location: dojo courtyard [/u] [i]kimi and Keira had been hanging out with their friend Akiko who like them was a Fellpools but with a much darker complexion, bright green eyes and long silver hair that went to the middle of her back. Akiko had been showing them mona a very big predatory bird that was covered in pink and black feathers. Mona is currently sitting on the ground as they three girls talk this bird is actually big enough for someone to ride. The girls are chatting when mona turned heard something turning her large head to see who'sl approaching the girls as they clearly not paying attention. [/i] [spoiler]open [/spoiler]

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                                • [b][i][u]Rise[/u][/i][/b] [i]In Dojoville, a small crowd had gathered in one of the plazas. Mostly because, in the middle of this courtyard a [url=]man[/url] standing on a table and speaking to the people.[/i] "For years, the Dojo has stood on top of those mountains. And for years, they have brought enemies to our doorsteps and fought them in the streets. They have fought them in our homes and so many of our people have died." [i]There was a mumbling of agreement through the crowd, which was quickly silenced as the man raised his hand j to the air.[/i] "This is not their fault. It is our own. We chose to create homes here, and we choose to depend on the dojo. No longer. We must depend upon ourselves, only we can save our people from death!" [i]The crowd looked around, uncertain at the words of the man. Though, a few were hollering at this point, excited to see where this speech was going.[/i] "We will create an armed forces, dedicated to protecting the people of Dojoville from threats small and large. We will do this by calling upon the create Infinity Corp, who's own words are 'Protecting Takatai, no matter what.' It is time for them to live up to those words!" [i]The ground exploded into cheers, and the man smiled broadly as he stepped down from the table and shook hands with the people in the group. [/i] [spoiler]Open! Talk to the man, or ask the people in the crowd who this is. Haven't made a post in a bit, but I thought I might as well bring a plot with it. Say hello to my first political character. [/spoiler]

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                                  • Weebs

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                                    • [b][i][u]The Bandits[/u][/i][/b] [i]Malcolm Darimon, Voice of Dojoville had become a popular phrase through the streets. Whispers of his dealings with Lyndis and the Coldbourne children were already spreading, and he was truly becoming the voice he had set out to be. Dozens of people had opened their feelings to him, and dozens of changes were seen in the streets. There was a civilian night watch set up that protected Dojoville in the might. Taverns were paid a sum of money to ensure security against any threats that may arise and added security was given to stores. It was clear that Malcolm was seizing power. Now, Malcolm was spending time with Lyn. Planning on helping her give power to the ranks of the Infinity Corp. It started in the same plaza. Malcolm Darimon sat at a table in the plaza, holding a cup of coffee from Ama's nearby café. He was waiting for somebody... [/i] [spoiler]Mostly for Cthulu... But Open! [/spoiler]

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                                      • Edited by SwarmIntellect: 1/19/2018 6:47:29 PM
                                        [i]Mulligan, a familiar face, a skeleton in a black trench coat, dress pants, and reading glasses to most everyone else, walks in to the docks main arena[/i] Oh how I missed this place [i]as he steps done the ground beneath his feet starts to fade purples, which he is surprised by[/i] Oh, that much has changed [b]i lift up my right hand as my cephalon (a green-purple sentient Datamass basically) materializes[/b] Riven, frequency changed, would you mind? [b][i][u]of course sir![/u][/i][/b] [i]the purple fade back to its origin point[/i] I just wait....some one always shows up..... They always show up....atleast I hope they do [spoiler]open, going to be a fight, gotta stretch after my 2 YEAR HIATUS JESUS CHROST ITS BEEN THAT LONG[/spoiler] [spoiler]you probably don’t know me, hi I’m Mulligan, I used to “teach” magic at the ORIGINAL dojo back in 2013, Jesus I’m old, since then I kinda just disappeared while occasionally re-appearing, anyway, combat magic specialist, is actually 3 mulligans which are always of doing some other task, here to have fun (again)[/spoiler] [b][i][u]Lets do this!!![/u][/i][/b]

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                                          Like this pls

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                                          • [b]There would be a large tent that was set up during what was presumably the day. No one was able to see how or during it’s setup, it seemed to just appear one day. It was red, the outside looking like it was made of felt. The tent was also expanding and deflating, as if it was breathing. A sign was stitched into the front of the tent.[/b] [i]Professor Chyrth’s Wonder Emporium! First purchase free![/i] [b]Shuffling could be heard throughout the tent, constantly. It sounded like someone was already in there, since there was talking coming from it.[/b] [spoiler]Open as hell.[/spoiler]

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                                            • [b][u]Empress of Fire[/u][/b] [b]Chapter Three - Ragnarok[/b] [spoiler]Open to Cthulhu and Splash.[/spoiler] [url=]Darkeater Midir (Phase 1)[/url] The reign of lions, come to a halt, The siege of freedom, stopped at a fault, For in the kingdom of Khaom, as the false ran amok, The true dragons rise, amongst great Ragnarok.. -[b]Foretelling of "Ragnarok", twenty-four years before this day.[/b] [b]Khaom, 3:45 PM[/b] "[i]Ragnarok![/i]" [i]The ancient bells of Khaom, now relieved of their shells of dust and cobwebs, had fallen silent, without another booming ring. The mighty war horns of the warmongering city had been cut short. Only the screams of the false had pierced the skies of Khaom, amongst the crumbling of once standstill structures and the rise of a mighty dragon from beneath.[/i] [i]Ragnarok's wingspan stretched far and wide, casting a blackened shadow down upon the city's southern half as it rose, before a short moment, where it's obsidian mass would block the sun out entirely. The rays of sunlight would return as the creature would them fly back down, fluttering it's now stretched, leathery wings as it would streak downwards, it's massive tail fluttering behind it's being like a ginormous chain of flesh and darkened scales. A deep gurgling within the creature's throat broke the eerie silence, before flame - a deep, almost blackened flame, with traces of the red heat of fire yet within - would reveal itself through the creature's neck, as Ragnarok glided down towards the city. Towards the screams of those who feared it's unrelenting wrath.[/i] [i]Finally, it would open it's maw and release a blazing shower of abyss black fire, eating away at the buildings that were caught in it's wrath, devouring the lives and bodies of the civilians and soldiers that had attempted to flee. Ragnarok would rise up, releasing a bellowing roar that almost sounded as if it was.. laughing. Laughing, amongst the screams of the dying. A terrible creature, truly.[/i] "What.. is that thing?" [i]Rue murmured, upon her knees as her eyes widened at such a creature. She looked down at the ground, thinking, before her gaze would return to Traci then.[/i] "Time. I need time. I need a distraction. L-Liz. You can.. you can handle a ballista. Right?" [i]Meanwhile, Charla hung onto Fabio's legs as the two flew throughout the eerie city, with the elven woman's eyes glittering at the sight of the black flame. In the distance, Fabio could see a feeble attempt - archers, rows of archers, planning to fire upon Ragnarok. Catapults and trebuchets had begun to be revealed, stationed upon the towering stone walls of Khaom's city.[/i] [i]It was true chaos, to say the least.[/i]

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                                              • Edited by Viper: 1/17/2018 2:18:48 AM
                                                [b][/b] [u]12:40, Dojo City[/u] [i]It was a particularly chilly day in the Dojo’s resident city, and snow was forecast for later in the day, and many people were trying to get things done around the city before the snow fell. Sparrow was among them, a small girl only 14 years old, jogging around the city with an old, but sturdy looking camera. Her bright yellow eyes darted around in search of anything that stood out, like an artist in a museum looking for inspiration. Very occasionally she would catch her eye on an animal, or a flower growing in an alley, or maybe just a person standing at a window. Each click counted down the time, just up until the first flakes of the day fell. Sparrow hurriedly returned to her little shelter, a heated blanket under a folding table, with a stockpile of photos over a pile of blankets, which sat under all of it. The whole thing sat in one of the cleanest alleys Sparrow could find, and was also where she sold her pictures. She only had a few left to sell before she had to develop more, and she was already setting up shop again in hopes of getting them out before the snow got too heavy. In short time, she was sitting at the table, her legs under the heated blanket, with her pictures out on the table, the $5 price displayed on little scraps of paper under the pictures. Each one was beautiful, almost like paintings, with scenes that were rarely found in nature. Many caught the eye of passer byes, but none came to buy them. Yet.[/i] [spoiler]open, kinda bad intro post[/spoiler]

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                                                • [u]Location: Team 10 House[/u] Viar The Brave: if me 👦🙋 and my waifu 👧👫❤ both drowning 💦💦💧💧🌊🌊 and I can only save one 😭👆😭 there will be no survivors 👎⛔🚫 cause my waifu doesnt exist 🙅💔😤 and I want 2 die anyway 🔫🔪🔌💯💯

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                                                  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 1/16/2018 8:31:48 PM
                                                    [b]What One Hell Of A Surprise..[/b] [u]Time: Early Morning Location: Talath's Apartment[/u] [i]It was a early morning for talath it had at least a few months since aiyanna who is still at his apartment with her pups but they definitely have gotten bigger and their eyes have opened fully. They were mobile to but they were a handful when they were awake. But luckily for him the were still a sleep for the moment. He was asleep to until he heard a voice and a thump. "Ouch stupid table..."says a female voice His eyes snapped open faster than anything scanning the room for the intruder carefully glancing where aiyanna would be with her pups. But she wasn't there at all. So he got up quietly not wanting to startle or wake the pups sleeping nearby. He had got off the bed walking through the bedroom doorway to figure out. Who the actual hell is in his apartment as it's locked so no one should have been in there. He quietly walks out into the living room and sees a strange woman standing there he had never seen before wearing one of his baggy red t-shirt and she seems familiar. She had long jet black hair, a pair of wolf ears and a tail with snow white skin. Around the woman's neck was a purple collar it was aiyanna but how? He never knew she could do that at all. His mind overloaded by this information did the only natural thing the big guy had fainted and hit the floor with a loud thud. Last thing he heard before passing was her speaking again. "Well that's not good.."she says[/i] [b]Noon...[/b] [i]Talath had awoke to one pups licking his face and splitting headache to boot. he groans as he gently moves the lil pup his chest to which the pup was sitting on at the time. He thought he had been dreaming it until he had seen her again. She was sitting on his couch holding one of her pups in her lap. he sat up with a groan as he felt stiff from lying on the hard tile. He then heard a knock on the door standing up with a groan to open the door. He didn't know what to say or explain the situation to anyone that shows up. As all six pups had gathered around the him barking excitedly to whoever's at the door knocking.[/i] [spoiler]open [/spoiler]

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