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The New Dojo

"Yes, we're still a thing."

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    Welcome to The Dojo. A ROLEPLAYING group and thread where you can write in ultimate fashion! We appreciate any form of writing, whether it be short stories to Role Play. Please feel free to join our group and have your life become more awesome!

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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/25/2018 4:22:10 AM


[i] The Dojo. Located on the diverse planet of Tatakai, the Dojo consists of the largest gathering of fighters the universe has ever seen. Men and women from all different cultures, races and worlds come to train, compete and fight together. Many battles have been raged on its soil, but it remains standing. Here, one can write, fight and talk with other writers who seek to create stories with one another. All you have to do is start typing.[/i] [b][i]The New Dojo(JOIN HERE!)[/i][/b] [spoiler]Join our group! Free of charge! I swear! USE THIS LINK IF THAT OTHER ONE DOES NOT WORK. Once you pass your test and have joined the group sign here: NOTE: You do not have to be tested to join the dojo. Only to PvP. [/spoiler] [b][i]Who we are[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is an ENTRY LEVEL AND ONE OF THE ONLY PUBLIC RP THREADS. RP is A way of interactive creative writing. Where you can go on adventures, have fights and generally have fun. Think of dungeons and dragons, but its horribly imbalanced since there is not an experience system or dice. Its great! The Dojo loves different opinions, ideas and writing no matter if you are new to RP(roleplay) or extremely experienced. If you have an opinion to share about how to make the dojo better, contact one of the Sensei's that run the place (We would prefer this rather then excessive and unintelligent shit talking). Every work of writing is appreciated and accepted (shitposts…maybe not so much). [/spoiler] [b][i]How we work(list of Admins included)[/i][/b] [spoiler] The dojo is run by a group of Sensei’s. These Sensei’s will make up most of the game changing decisions to benefit The Dojo. BUT Everyone's opinion matters a great deal. So the Sensei’s will make poll’s within the group for the members to vote and decide on big issues/ideas. Even then, the sensei’s will inform the group of changes and decisions made. The list of sensei’s are as follows: Inflatablepants/Pants(GONE ON HIATUS) The God-Eater/Cob Royalblade/Royal Fresh Cazberry/Vio nullCth/Cth And the leader of the dojo union: Tubbs [/spoiler] [b][i]OUR GOAL[/i][/b] [spoiler] At the dojo, we want to provide an amazing place for you to improve on your writing in a fun way. We love new faces, and will accept you as soon as you walk up to the door. We also love other RP threads that have really awesome stuff, and we want to invite them all here so we can have a hub world of sorts. Whether this is through an interdimensional portal, space ships or whatever. We want everyone we can to be a part of this and interact with everyone! This way, you can meet people you never would have met before. If you are a leader of an RP group and are interested in this, please contact me so we can discuss further! I like discussing stuff! [/spoiler] [b][i]RULES[/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]How to PvP[/i][/b] [spoiler] Player VS Player Is what the dojo is known for. Basically, you can fight each others characters with your own, to see who’s the best or to simply make some kick ass action. Please follow all the rules while you fight, so you can make it as badass as possible. In order to PvP you must be tested by a sensei, or a designated tester of the dojo. You can find out who is a tester by seeing "How we Work." Also, When you fight another player make sure that you always react to their move. The best way to do this is like this. >Have a stanza dedicated to your reaction from you opponents last reply. >Have a stanza dedicated to your attack. If you completely block another opponents attack, its courteous to not attack them within the same reply. This way, you’ll never go wrong. [/spoiler] [b][I]World Creation(Getting started at the Dojo starts here)[/i][/b] [spoiler] This is the most important section for you RP experience. This is where you make your characters, their stories, where they could live. Also, this is where you can create a Faction to participate in the thread, as well as having access to writing for the group(The stories you write do not have to relate to the dojo at all) Bio's(RECCOMENDED) Backstory for Characters Property Creator Writers Hub Faction Creator [/spoiler] [b][i]The Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] Physical Appearance NOTE: The dojo only uses Mac Cannons for any kind of defense. If you are lookin to invade with your discount armies, you will be fighting the characters of the thread and possibly their factions. [/spoiler] [b][i]The World of Tatakai[/i][/b] [spoiler] Map of Tatakai: Landscapes of Tatakai Lore  (WORK IN PROGRESS) Landmarks of Tatakai Cities of Tatakai [/spoiler] [b][i]The Digital Dojo[/i][/b] [spoiler] The Digital dojo was what we had used before this new Dojo. Here is a link to the old thread, as well as the old group. Please read our past works! Digital Dojo Thread: Digital Dojo Group: [/spoiler] [b]The OP(Inflatablepants) is on hiatus. If you have any questions please refer to the following people:[/b] [spoiler]Cobalt Pheonix: CobaltPHNX Royal: JustAStranger Caz: PoisonousBerry Tubbs:Bler (Tubbs is not actually an admin, but he has been here long enough and is like an ever existing presence. Kinda weird.)[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 1/16/2018 8:31:48 PM
    [b]What One Hell Of A Surprise..[/b] [u]Time: Early Morning Location: Talath's Apartment[/u] [i]It was a early morning for talath it had at least a few months since aiyanna who is still at his apartment with her pups but they definitely have gotten bigger and their eyes have opened fully. They were mobile to but they were a handful when they were awake. But luckily for him the were still a sleep for the moment. He was asleep to until he heard a voice and a thump. "Ouch stupid table..."says a female voice His eyes snapped open faster than anything scanning the room for the intruder carefully glancing where aiyanna would be with her pups. But she wasn't there at all. So he got up quietly not wanting to startle or wake the pups sleeping nearby. He had got off the bed walking through the bedroom doorway to figure out. Who the actual hell is in his apartment as it's locked so no one should have been in there. He quietly walks out into the living room and sees a strange woman standing there he had never seen before wearing one of his baggy red t-shirt and she seems familiar. She had long jet black hair, a pair of wolf ears and a tail with snow white skin. Around the woman's neck was a purple collar it was aiyanna but how? He never knew she could do that at all. His mind overloaded by this information did the only natural thing the big guy had fainted and hit the floor with a loud thud. Last thing he heard before passing was her speaking again. "Well that's not good.."she says[/i] [b]Noon...[/b] [i]Talath had awoke to one pups licking his face and splitting headache to boot. he groans as he gently moves the lil pup his chest to which the pup was sitting on at the time. He thought he had been dreaming it until he had seen her again. She was sitting on his couch holding one of her pups in her lap. he sat up with a groan as he felt stiff from lying on the hard tile. He then heard a knock on the door standing up with a groan to open the door. He didn't know what to say or explain the situation to anyone that shows up. As all six pups had gathered around the him barking excitedly to whoever's at the door knocking.[/i] [spoiler]open [/spoiler]

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  • [b]Daydrinking // Marshal's Rest // 3:30 // Meghan[/b] [i]"Another tequila please, neat, top shelf." Meghan spoke into her cup, staring through the looking glass at the brown bar beneath her. Empty, aside from two half melted cubes of ice inside. She had been holed up in this city with Thebes for a few days now, and while she didn't mind it, she certainly longed for something new coming up. The scraggly-haired bartender placed the glass in front of her and she swapped glasses, and took a sip from it. Her green gaze turned towards the door, wondering who would be the next person to come through the door. [/i] [spoiler]Open. [/spoiler]

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    • [i]A Return, of Sorts[/i] [i]8:40 PM[/i] [i]Dojoville[/i] "Why am I back here at this shithole, Kris? Because I felt like it. I was born here, and I think it's time I came back." "[i]Eve, you know it's not safe here. Your father, and everything, they could sti-"[/i] "Shut up." Kris sighed disappointedly as he followed his companion out of a small freighter. "It's changed a lot, ya know. They've added onto the defenses and the village... I almost preferred this place more open." [i]"I think you should shut up this time."[/i] Eve chuckled and followed the path into the village, Kris following. "I think we should stop by the bar, see if we can find anything... or maybe..." Eve turned to face Kris, a happy smile on her face. "Some[i]one."[/i] [i]"God I hope not."[/i] The duo eventually made their way to a crowded but acceptably clean bar and entered, Kris holding the door open for a drunken, vomit-covered man. "Ew." [i]"Mhm. We've seen worse, take a seat."[/i] [spoiler]O[/spoiler] [spoiler]P[/spoiler] [spoiler]E[/spoiler] [spoiler]N[/spoiler]

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      32 Replies
      • [spoiler] You do not have to read the beginning but you can if you want to.[/spoiler] [u] Refueling[/u] [b] Somewhere in space near the dojo the pirate ship krakens fury was in orbit of the planet Tatakai getting ready to dock at the city called the dojo and refuel. About 16,000 meters away was another pirate class ship but this one was more futuristic and advanced looking than the krakens fury.[/b] (Krakens fury) “Captain I’m detecting a frigate 16,000 meters away, it’s a pirate class”. The first mate who goes by the name the ambassador. “Get the crew to load the laser cannons”. The pirate captain responded. “Captain they are hailing us”. “Can we even answer hails” the Captain responds looking around at the primitive tech the spaceship is made of”, “No”. “Then arm the cannons”! [b] The other pirate ship continued to close in on the krakens fury until the two ships were side by side. The frigate then shot a photon torpedo to weaken the krakens shields but the kraken did not have shields so it simply hit the ship and blew a small hole in it violently shaking the kraken. The kraken returned fire with several dozen laser cannons that quickly destroyed the other ships shields and devastated the left side of the ship.[/b] “Fire a EMP I don’t want the frigate to explode before we can get any loot from it”. The captain of the kraken said. [b] Soon a EMP shot out of the kraken turning all the frigates weapons, defense, and movement offline. Throughout the next hour the captain sent boarding party’s over to loot the now undefended ship. The captain was not a heartless and cruel man so he let his enemies crew live except for the ones who died in combat.[/b] ____________________________________________ [b] The dojo a few hours later.[/b] [b] The ship krakens fury landed in the water a few miles away from the Dino’s docks and sailed the rest of the way to the city. The captain of the ship Oliver Roberts left his second in command in charge of repairs and refueling while his first mate The ambassador said he was “saving the world from aliens”. Roberts on the other hand had much more important things to do like go to a bar and get a drink of rum. So the captain took a few of his crew and went to that one bar in the dojo that everyone goes to but no one knows the name of. Once he found out the bar had rum he bought a round for everyone their sat down and enjoyed his drink.[/b] [spoiler] Open[/spoiler] Captain Oliver Roberts

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      • [b]the first officer[/b] A ship port, somewhere in the dojo city place [i]the ship “the Krakens fury” was in port this particular day. Mainly for a resupply trip, also to refuel. The ship wasn’t here in the dojo long enough to earn itself a reputation, so no one knew what type of ship it is. The first officer, only known as the ambassador, was taking a walk that day. The first officer didn’t really like traveling with pirate, but there captain has skills he needed. Also he believed he could change the captains heart, to making him more good. Anyways, the ambassador was sticking out in the crowd of civilians that day. The 6 foot 1, slim man, was wearing his customary long grey trench coat, and his purple tie. But in his face where some weird, handmade, vr looking goggles. They where connected to his sonic screwdriver by a wire, and he was scanning around with his screwdriver, making lots of noise. Anyone in the area could feel a chill down there spine, but not because of this mysterious man, because if something more vile... [spoiler]open. If you want to see the captain of the ship, look for ImaDrizzits post that he is going to make soon. [/spoiler][/i]

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        5 Replies
        • Geez, the Dojo is still here? Thought it was destroyed a while back. How's everyone doing?

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          • [spoiler][i]this is open, but is meant for the faction representatives. But anybody could join [/i][/spoiler] [i]it was a dark and Rainy night. Raveon was standing outside, his trench coat was soaked. He had a rain jacket but it was covering up his patrol beckon, so it didn’t get wet. He needed that beckon. His entire career as a privet investigator was failing. He had no money and no clients. soon he wouldn’t even be able to pay his rent. So he spent the rest of his money on a brand new beckon, programming it to broadcast to anyone who needed help, he was hoping for a rich faction agent to hire him. Now came for the worst part, waiting in the cold rain for anyone to respond [/i]

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            • Edited by Skatch142: 1/13/2018 7:12:37 PM
              [i][b]Lanterns[/b][/i] [b][i]Dojoville[/i][/b] [i][b]3:25 PM[/b][/i] *As usual, there was a slight disturbance in the affairs of the citizens of the city beneath the Dojo. This attack took a more usual form than most, however. A pack of animals was loose within the city streets.* *They were dogs, or at least they resembled them. Six feet tall with flesh that looked to be forged from solid metal, circular lenses in place of eyes which shined like spotlights. On each one’s back was a handle, though they were pointless due to the size of the creatures. Their tails were a jumble of exposed metal wire ensnared in the same flame which spilled through their mouths from the hollowness within and danced behind their lenses.* *Each creature was made from a different metal. The pack leader was blackened and rusted cast iron, whereas the others were in far better condition. Silver, brass, and copper were the three others which stood out the most.* *The cast iron dog had cornered a woman, slowly approaching her as she screamed for help. Just when it was about to lunge, Sapphire landed on top of it and crushed its head with her boot. She lifted the creature into the air and threw it into another. They both rang out as they collided and fell to the ground. The crushed head of the cast iron dog suddenly began to reform, each dent popping out with a [i]tong![/i]* [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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              • [b] Rebirth[/b] The medbay of the Arrowhead was deserted as usual. Alpha was usually unable to convince the rest of the Arrowhead to come and have their health checked This time, that's what she wanted: solitude The singular surgery bay was bristling with a thousand and one arms and machines, programmed and waiting. They seemed to invite her into their embrace, and she felt it'd be damn impolite to say no. So, she disrobed and laid on the bed. A light trill of fear arced through her body as the machine activated....but even as the plexiglass windows of the surgery bay automatically dimmed to give her privacy, alarms rang out as power dropped in the ship's reactors. The surgery was so draining the reactors actually dropped in their output..... ------ [i]Takatai, Dojoville[/i] A girl walked down the main Street, looking around. Her blonde hair seemed to cover her shoulders, which were themselves covered by a purple hoodie. Her blue jeans and boots were worn, but comfy-looking. Her left eye was missing, but that did little to detract from the effect her look had, with sharp blue eyes. She sighed, smiling. It was a new lease on life .... [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                62 Replies
                • Edited by Lordbakon: 1/12/2018 9:47:04 PM
                  [b][i]No Place Like Home...[/i][/b] [b][i]Woods around the Dojo...[/i][/b] [b][i]Daun had gotten tired of sleeping under tree and hastily made shelter, and after having been on the road for a while she decided it was time for her to make a nicer living area, if only temporary. She was fortunate to have command over nature, one of her shamanistic powers, as she ascended a staircase made of vine and wood, surprisingly rigid as it led up and up. It led up maybe about 30ft into the air, though the trees in this section ascended even higher. It connected to a large circular platform around the tree, a balcony rail keeping people from falling off the fairly wide section platform made of the same materials as the staircase. The lowest platform was a mere 10ft off the ground, a large hole in the center for one to descent into the lake around it, a staircase descending into it. The highest platform ascended above even the treetops, Maybe 60ft or so in the air and large enough to have a clear view from miles. Some platforms had walls, others did not, all made of dark green vine and dark spruce like wood though, natural glowing plants and such acting as lamps. There were only a few platforms built as of now, though more were forming even as she admired the view... As she looked over the balcony on a platform maybe 15ft from the ground, she was pleased with her work, removing her mask as she so rarely did as she took a deep breath in. The clean air of the first hit her face with a cool breeze. Birds chirped around her and animals continued on their business as if the structure had always been there, the few platforms that had been built being enough for her for now.[/i][/b] [spoiler]preferably don’t start on the staircase up or anything. Start by just discovering it or something.[/spoiler]

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                  109 Replies
                  • [spoiler]Okay, actually open post, lol.[/spoiler] [u]A Hellish Ride[/u] [u]Tatakai's Orbit, 3:22 PM[/u] "[i]Are you fuсking kidding me-[/i] they blew our left thruster!" [i]The "Extinction Event", the bright emerald and onyx black ship that streamed through orbit, smoked with a destruction haze, smoke bellowing from the left side of the hulking ship as it was drove down towards the planet beneath it. Behind the giant, oddly colorful yet harmed shuttle, two bulky, gunmetal ships trailed behind, with their clouded cannons pointed towards their target.[/i] [i]Within, Thor cursed to himself as he would rush to the cockpit, after putting out a small flame upon the left side of the shuttle. The shot had rendered the left thruster and it's supporting boosts entirely null, though the Event wasn't left as a helpless hunk of junk just yet. The Exo gripped the steel walls of the ship, finding the cockpit where Judas wildly piloted.. well, everything. Their survival was in the Titan's hands, to be terribly honest.[/i] "Judas, can you at least get us to the ground-" "Can you stop your bitсhing and man the ship." [i]The human Titan would respond, in a standstill, emotionless tone, even as he was mildly irritated by the entire situation. His previously ivory armor, modeled after the set worn by the ancient Warpriest of the Dreadnaught, was coated in soot and wear, his tattered maroon bond now accompanied by several medallions, badges.. Cabal standards, of different legions and rankings. Though those trophies, and Thor's own craving for "the schematics to recreate the Almighty, or something similar" had led them to the dire situation that they were pinned within now.[/i] "We're having a rough landing. Area.. Job?" [i]At the mention of "Job", a diamond-shaped shell that was decorated within Cabal sigils and platings would appear. It also boasted the translucent Void webs of a Psion Flayer, while a deep, masculine voice left it's small body. A Ghost.[/i] "[b]Tatakai. Home of the Dojo, whatever that is. Few Guardians here.. ooh, Vex too.[/b]" "If we got one break from the Vex, I swear.." [i]Thor murmured, as yet another flame would spark within the ship, causing the Warlock to sprint back in a hurry. Judas would tighten his grip, studying his choice for a crash site.[/i] "There." "[b]You sure?[/b]" "Well.. we'll certainly bring some attention." -------------------------------- [spoiler]Open, anyway.[/spoiler] [u]The Perimeter of Dojoville[/u] "So I was.. y'know, hanging around, right. Next thing I know, there's this huge blaze - building's on fire, I rush out and there's this giant monster thing. Oh, and some chick and her army of knights rolled in-" "Hey, shh. You hear that?" [i]The two guards of the Dojo, or at least members of the local militia, upon the perimeter of the wall that surrounded the city would fall silent as they would hone their senses quietly. In the distance, a deep humming noise would be heard in the background, as something - a large, black and green object - would enter the field of view of the two, only followed by two deep grey shuttles.. firing at it. A stray shot would whistle past the green ship, flying towards the wall.. and the two guards.[/i] "What the- shit, cover-!" [i]One of them yelled, as both would sprint and duck for cover just in time as the blast would strike the portion of the stony wall. Rubble flew across the area as the resounding explosion would spread the structure's remains upon the ground, shattering it quickly.[/i] [i]The green ship in the air, still bellowing smoke and now inflamed, would begin to rise up, directing it's course for an open field upon the outskirts of the Dojo as the two grey ones would continue to open fire upon it. Without warning, as it plunged towards the earth's wintery surface, of which was coated in a light snow - the ship would pull up, then rocking across it's open plain as it began it's crash. The shuttle would grind and screech with an agonizing noise before it came to a halt, a road of dirt left where it had torn through the earth's surface, parting the ground and the snow entirely.[/i] [i]The grey attackers of the Extinction Event would hover overhead, before the sides would creak with the moving of machine doors, as they would open for the inhabitants of the ship: eight foot tall, hulking creatures would crash upon the ground, their insignia a burning blue fist while their armor was a deep ocean blue and yellow mixture. Within their hefty palms, they carried large energy weapons, of which held a deep void energy within their thick bases. Eight of these alien lifeforms would begin to study the wreckage, searching for.. well, the inhabitants, for one.[/i]

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                    183 Replies
                    • [url=]Dojoville Late Night[/url] Behind the Bar...y’know, the one JT picks up chicks at and everyone goes to. It’s generic. Several gunshots were heard, originating from a large handgun held by what seemed to be the leader of a small group of criminals. They all had surrounded a small, 5’2” woman. She shook in fear, wrapping herself up in her white cloak that covered the short, blue dress she wore underneath. Her silver hair blew a little in the cold wind, her deep blue eyes glancing around at all the scary men around her that had backed her against a wall. The gun was aimed at the woman, but the bullets stopped mid-air, held in place by a strange blue aura. The group stared at the bullets in confusion for a second before shrugging it off, this was the Dojo afterall. “Come on, I’d rather not have to beat such a beautiful face in, but...oh well. Come ‘ere, lil girl….” [spoiler] Open. Join them, figure out why they want her dead, figure out why they want her dead and kill them only to go after her yourself, or defend her. Do whatever.[/spoiler]

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                      564 Replies
                      • Edited by Splashback77: 1/24/2018 3:02:51 AM
                        [b][u]Vert with Envy[/u][/b] [i]Rubis Brillant, Dojoville, 13:42[/i] In the jewely store, behind the counter, stood Désirè. The man in his usual gray pinstripe suit, and white vest. Pinned to it, was a pin of a ruby. He stood at 6 foot 1. His curly dark hair draping the sides of his face. His silver eyes gleaming as he scanned the room. Next to him, stood his translator. A young lady, only 19 or so, only about 5 foot 4. Her hair marked her as a brunette. She wore a dress shirt and a pencil skirt, and high heels. The customer was a man, looking for an engagement ring to give to his girlfriend. He was looking through the rings at a different display case. "Nikita!" Désirè called, "Si sa femme aime le vert, je recommande l'anneau de trois pierres bordées de malachite." Nikita turned to the man, "He recommends the three-stone ring lined with malachite." The man decided, "What stones are those?" "Two peridots, with an emerald in the middle," Nikita would answer him. "She's going to love it," he muttered, "How much?" "Deux mille soixante-quinze euros!" Désirè shouted. "Twenty five hundred dollars," the woman translated. "J'ai dit des euros. Pas des dollars américains, mon cher," Désirè replied. "Oh... shit," the man muttered. "Five payments of 500 dollars should work. Monthly, five months," Nikita replied. "Je vous ai embauché en tant que traducteur, pas en tant que négociateur," the Frenchman muttered. "Actually, how about 750 now, and five payments of 350 for five months," the man offered. Nikita looked to her boss. He sighed. "Écoutez, je vais vous laisser prendre la bague maintenant, avec cet acompte," then his voice grew hostlie, "Tu ferais mieux de payer à temps. Ou je vais envoyer mes hommes après vous." "What?" the man asked. "He says, you can take the ring with you now after down payment. But you must pay your payments on time," she translated. After the purchase was made, and as the man left, Desire spoke: "J'espère que ta chıenne irlandaise aime la bague!" After the shop door closed, Nikita looked to her boss, "Pourquoi es-tu si mal élevé?" Désirè replied with what English he was picking up, his accent tinting it, "It's called a hustle, ma chérie." The young woman scoffed, "Tout est amusant et amusant avec vous." [spoiler]Translation of ^^ "It's all fun and games with you."[/spoiler][spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                        • [b]The Discovery...[/b] [u]Location: plains Time: noonish[/u] [i] its a fairly sunny day for snow being on the ground there's not going on this stretch of plains right now. Or so it seems as someone is seen suddenly falling through the snow quite literally with a loud scream as they disappear into the undiscovered depths. If anyone had seen the person fall through they would see that it was clearly one dojo members. It was akiko a five foot one fellpool (cat girl) with very dark skin, bright green eyes and long silver hair. She also had a pair silver cat ears and fluffy tail to match. The spot she had disappeared into was unknown as it had been mark on any map. But anyone up there would see a hole the sized of a sewer cover big enough to let most people fit through it.[/i] [b]inside the new discovered hole in the ground.[/b] [i]Akiko had looked up at where she just and then around at where she was now. She didn't recognize anything and she could barely see but what she did make out from where she was sitting was a very large old looking ruins carved into the walls stretching off into the darkness. She would have explored but was still wondering how she would get out. As she looked up at the top of the hole.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                        • Edited by Stitch: 1/11/2018 6:24:41 AM
                          [quote][url=]Everyone has to start somewhere?[/url][/quote] "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" In front of the town of Dojoville, stood a short, middle-aged man standing at 5'6" wearing a cheap shark suit bought at a dollar store with the tail duck taped on. He smiled maliciously at the town with a pose of confidence as he laughed like a cliche villain. "Today is your reckoning, Dojoville! For I, LaserSharkMan, shall conquer you! I will have you all become my minions of evil and wear matching outfits while you do my evil deeds...which are totally not the chores my mom keeps bothering me about!" He cleared his throat. "ANYWAY! Is there no hero to rise and meet my evil?! Or is your hero a coward?! Too scared to face me! I can't blame him...or her...or it...whatever the hero identifies as! For I am truly the embodiment of the evil in this world!" [spoiler]Open. I know, he's terrifying, but I believe in you guys. You can take him down.[/spoiler]

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                          • [i][u]Introductions.[/u][/i] [i]The outskirts of the vast forest near the Dojo.[/i] The sun hung low on the distant horizon near the seemingly endless forest a few hundred miles from the Dojo, and night was quickly approaching with each fleeting moment. Nighttime in the forest proved to be deadly more times than not, as the creatures and wildlife of the night that dwell within the forest are not so welcoming. Nevertheless, some still venture into the forest, even with the apparent dangers that lie within. Those that are not equipped or ready to fend off anything they may face within usually do not emerge again. As the sun began to set in the distance, creating a mesmerizing array of colors along with its gradual departure, a lone figure slowly approached the forest, stopping on a sort of ridge overlooking it. The figure stared out at the brilliant sunset atop the ridge, the radiant sunlight illuminating her face and body, as well as the sheathed sword at her hip. This lone figure wore a large black jingasha atop her head, and a black bandana covered the left side of her face, hiding her left eye from sight. This unknown female figure was known as Suzume Hiroshi—though most regarded her as just a wanderer with some [i]excessive[/i] skills with a blade. As she peered out at the mystical sunset that she could barely view over the tops of the towering trees, she made note of her surroundings, glancing around to see if anyone else was nearby. Her golden lion-like tail flicked around a little bit as she returned her gaze to the sunset, and she sighs quietly, looking down for a few moments. As she did so, she heard faint footfalls nearby, and she instinctively moved her hand to the scabbard on her hip, ready to draw her blade if necessary. [spoiler]Open. Been forever since I did anything here. [/spoiler]

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                            • [spoiler]Woohoo, post time.[/spoiler] [spoiler]But first - development. Closed.[/spoiler] [i]Silence would return to her ears. Her ears were throbbing, so grievously that she wanted to cry out and scream. Why were they stinging with such unnatural agony?[/i] "Breath in," [i]The Awoken murmured to herself. Both of her hands, hands of metal and fake flesh, were upon her cranium, her body laying in a curled, pathetic position upon the hard, tiled flooring. Next to her were remnants of a shattered glass, the bits and pieces coated in a crimson wine, like blood. Celkym's body would loosen up then as the silence came upon her, though even then she remained motionless.[/i] [i]Then it return. That evil, metallic humming in her ears returned.[/i] "Stop it, stop it." [i]She murmured in her own panic, clawing at her face as she rose up into something of a sitting position. The room had begun to grow darker, her vision clouded by a slowly consuming darkness. The darkness began at the corner of her eyes, only to cloud them entirely. Celkym screamed at that, pounding her fists against the flooring as she panicked.[/i] [i]Her state returned, again. Only this time, those fake hands were filled with sharp agony and shards of glass, pain igniting within those metal palms as Celkym yelled in fright at the scene. She stumbled upwards against the wall, shaking her head wildly as she looked down at her hands.[/i] "Not you. [i]Not you![/i]" [i]The glass shards that had embedded within Celkym's hand only reflected a hazy red, cyclops eye. Something that burnt so deeply into her being that she fell silent, out of horrid fear. That same eye that had been burnt into her mind.[/i] [i]That's when everything fell silent again.[/i]

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                              • Edited by Warlock Holmes: 1/10/2018 1:18:24 PM
                                [b][i]privet investigator[/i][/b] [i]raveon was relaxed in the chair of his new office. His legs where resting on his desk. The elf was staring at his door, the door that read “Raveon Private Investigator” The elf sat bored in his chair. He had almost everything he needed, skills, a office. He just needed clients, an he didn’t expect any on this dark rainy night. That was until he heard a knock on the door “Come in” he said, staring at the door...[/i] [spoiler]open [/spoiler]

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                              • "Betrayal" [b]Unknown Location, Bandit Territory. =====================[/b] "WHAT!?!" A shrill yell was heard over everything else, the shrill yell of a rather cruel bandit leader; Marie Quartz. The reason being, was be- "Yes. It sounds like a fairy tail, but yes, its true. Rose fell for a Trayven sorceress." A fist slammed onto a table then, Marie's tent wasn't the most sound proofing thing. The mahogany wood didn't help either. A loud thud resonated in the air. "Who? I want a name, now." Words laced with venom where spoken, Marie wanted the name. She wanted to know who stole her precious Rose, who stole her little chipper red flower. "Niki... Something something. I forgot the name, although we do have eye witness and pictures. Those two spent an awful long time ogling each other." Marie growled then. "Bring it all too me. If she thinks she can steal my flower so easily and not get away from me without any... "Accidents", she's mistaken. As for Rose..."

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                              • Edited by Splashback77: 2/9/2018 3:35:16 AM
                                [b][u]Four Titans, One Bar, and A Lot of Alcohol[/u][/b] [i]Bar of Blades, 21:22[/i] So there it was. A blonde Titan sat at a bar, chugging beer. James finished off his 25th large mug of beer. He was bored, and maybe a little buzzed. A few seats down, two dark-haired Titans toasted and clinked their rubber mugs together and then chugged. They were giddy. One could not say "Tıddıes" without bursting into a laughter. One of these two Titans wore a pair of thin-framed glasses. He was very drunk. The other was a rowdy ponytail gal. She was the one who had said "tıddıes". The other one laughed. Then, a reckless and clearly drunk Titan bursted into a bar. He took his flask of whiskey and drained it faster than Qrow would. He stumbled a bit, knocking down a table. This older looking newcomer swayed as he stomped over to the bar. His eyes as brown as shit and chocolate hair peppered with greys. He leaned against the bar, then slammed his flask on it. "More whiskey, on the double," he demanded. The bartender, a older woman with a nose piercing, scarlet hair, and was built like a Olog, took the flask and filled it up. "So I'm not the only one a bit buzzed," James muttered. "Shut your mouth, boy," the newcomer slurred. James looked to the man. A slight chill of fear hit the younger Titan as he saw that scar under his left eye. That one scar. James then realized, this man was drunker than him. His actions would be slower than his. A smug grin ran across his face, as he quipped, "I'd like to see you try." The darker-haired Titans, began to chant, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" The older one dealt the first blow. His fist came crashing into James's jaw. The blonde went flying into the wall, along with a few of his teeth. He got back up, picking up a table and throwing it at the older one. The older Titan got slammed by the table, stunning him, and knocking him on his butt. "Jade? You wanna fight these bastards?" The glasses wearing Titan asked. Jade laughed like a madwomam, and slammed her mug into her friend's face. "YEOOOW!" he screamed. Blood dripped from his nose. "You are not a worthy opponent, Blake!" Jade bellowed. James tackled Jade, shoving her into a table. The table collapsed, and they were on the ground. He grabbed her head, slamming in into the table. The wooden tabletop cracked. The older Titan, got up again, breaking the tabletop off the rest of the table and smashing it on Blake's head. Blake would step to the side. The table would slam onto his shoulder plating, breaking into two pieces. He threw both of those pieces at James. Jade rolled them both over, punching his face multiple times. The drunkest grabbed Jade, slamming her into the bar. The next punch was aimed, but slow. Jade grabbed his arm, and judo-flipped him into the ground. "The Grey man doesn't have as many tricks as you would think," she said. Blake's shoulder would collide with her armpit knocking her down. He turned around. His and James' fists connected, knocking them both to different ends of the bar. Mason would rise again, "Grey man does still have tricks," he ripped a bar stool from the ground, hit Jade like a golf ball as she flew toward Blake. He threw the bar stool at the two. James jumped at him, roaring with his fists first. Mason grabbed the blonde's arm, and slammed him into the ground. He picked him back up again, and slammed him into the ground once more, before grabbing his other arm and flinging him into a wall of booze. James groaned as he lie on the ground. Jade had gotten back up. She picked up Blake, and threw him like a javelin at Mason. Mason would use his elbows to slam down the human projectile. Jade would charge at Mason, her leg flying to his face. Her foot hit his nose. He yelped, then grabbing her leg and slamming her into the ground. James rose from behind the bar, ripping the tap out of the wall and throwing it over the bar and sent it smashing into Blake. Other bargoers either fled or began to fight each other. The entire bar quickly became a mad mess of a minature fights and chairs and glasses flying. If one were to enter, one would find an absolute madhouse. But was one so brave? [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                • [spoiler]First post of the new year. I might reply within a day, if you are lucky. :)[/spoiler] [b]Eastern Courtyard, Inner Dojo[/b] [u]22:36[/u] [i]The faint glow of green filled the courtyard, accompanied the sound of rushing wind as Shadow practiced. A swing right, a slash down turned into a roll completed by a hamstring. Shadow’s fully armored form fought imagined enemies in the moonlight. A dive under a swing turned into a push off of a rock to sever her non-existing opponent’s head.[/i] [spoiler]Open to anyone, really.[/spoiler]

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                                  • [b]Mr. Creed/Dojo Complex/The Hallways[/b] "Are you sure you wanna do this? I've haven't fired a gun in years and even then it was just mandatory training." "[b]That I am sure of Daniel. Once you agreed to work with me and eventually some acquaintances you knew that this might happen.[/b]" The two men conversed with each other in one of the many hallways that littered the complex called The Dojo. The more reluctant of the two was pale as a ghost, wearing a plaid shirt and slacks with a neat pair of dark green, rectangular spectacles that matched his own eyes with a head of messy brunette hair. He was a rather skinny due to lack of exercise and a high metabolism. In his hands was a revolver clearly not meant for a man like him, a Mateba Autorevolver with .357 rounds. "I'm going to break my wrist shooting this thing!" "[b]Not if you hold it properly, like a man. Not a little girl.[/b]" The taller and more mysterious of the two said as he corrected Daniel's hands into a proper grip on the revolver. He was a mystery when compared to Daniel, choosing to wear a purely white three piece suit and dress shoes. His identity was obscured due to a gunmetal mask hiding about every part of his face besides his stark blue eyes. The mask was a human face, cold and expressionless as it stared at Daniel, a white hood hiding the mystery man's head. It was capable of inducing fear in the less courageous beings. It did not help Daniel in the slightest. Weapons had been hung up on the walls, ranging from spears to axes to even guns. This was going to be target practice. "[b]Aim for that hatchet on the wall.[/b]" The masked man told Daniel of which the more nervous of the two did. "...[b]FIRE![/b] Daniel had jumped from the sudden shout, pulling the trigger and missing the hatchet by a good 2 feet. The recoil forced him to drop the gun on the ground which had gotten a sigh from the masked man who picked up the gun. "[b]We're done here for today. I gotta get a drink...[/b]" "Bu-...okay." The masked man had went down one direct of the hallway, putting the revolver in his suit jacket. Daniel had went down to a room which had his named marked beside it. Inside the room was a multitude of monitors and computers, one corner being dedicated to making equipment. He did consider making this a business once but decided against it, due to the fact that everyone would just beg him to create insane gear. He loved a challenge like that...he just didn't want to do anything insane. However he did have to get Titanium for his most recent project, as one of the monitors reminded him. So he had decided to reach into his closet and bundled himself up in a thick sweater and a large blue wool coat paired with boots, two grey and black scarves and a ushanka. He exited the room and went outside to be greeted by a blizzard as he made his way to Dojoville [b]Dojoville[/b] The blizzard had died down, snow crunching underneath his feet as he looked around the rebuilt town, attempting to make out the correct shop. [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                                    • Edited by Kruos the Wicked: 1/6/2018 5:13:52 PM
                                      [b][i][u]Prologue: To a Place Once Called Home[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]Doing something a little different. Haven't seen much of these, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Treasure hunt! Well... sort of. Just trust me it'll be fun. If anyone has any adventurers, treasure hunters, explorers, or anyone who fits the bill, please. Throw them here. Or not. It honestly doesn't matter that much in the big picture. Just trying to add some variety here. And yes, there will be a reward.[/spoiler] [url=]A (Not Really) Random Bar, Dojoville, 11:19pm[/url] [url=]Sarah Childs[/url] walked into the building casually, soon sitting down at the bar. She eyed the people there, making sure she wasn't being watched, and then proceeded to wait for the bartender to come around. Once he did, she got out the money in advance, and placed her order. "Hey. Get me a glass of that weird stuff," she said, a calm yet spirited air to her voice, "The glowy one. I forget what it's called." The bartender nodded, grabbing a bottle and pouring the glowing liquid into a glass. She paid, got her drink, and took a sip. Satisfied, she assured the bartender she didn't want anything else. But that wasn't necessarily her choice. A man, dressed in a very tasteful business suit, sat down next to her. He was a fairly familiar acquaintance of hers, and it had been years since she had last seen him. Wavy brown hair and green eyes. It was like it she was back in time. But now, she recognized her former friend as a thief who prided himself on how much he could pass as a legitimate business man. William. "I'll have a glass of... well... you know." The man said to the bartender, who would soon move to the back in an effort to find the drink. Will turned to Sarah, smiling slightly with a look in his eye. It was hard to tell if his emotion was genuine, but regardless. She still had a [i]big[/i] problem to deal with. "Hello Sarah." He said, his tone cold yet calm, "Nice to see you again." She looked at him curiously, wondering where this conversation would go... "Yeah? What the fuсk do you want, Will?" She replied, "I just want to sit here, have a drink or two, and leave. You know, like a normal person." "You and I both know that I can't do that. I told you what would happen if you came back here, Sarah." "Please, just let me go. I don't want anybody to get killed today." "Oh don't worry. No one in here is going to get a scratch. You on the other hand... well... you're not going to be in here. Boys! Take her out back." ------------------------------ [url=]Back Alleyway, Three minutes later...[/url] "You son of a-" she said, before being kicked in the stomach. Sarah spat at the ground in defiance as the man looked at her. "Give me the device. Now." He said. And with her silence he ordered his men to hit her again, and again, and again. That was until a small black, pyramid-shaped device fell from her jacket. William reached down slowly, picking it up with great caution. He inspected it, verifying its authenticity. Once he was satisfied, he slipped it into his own pocket. Yet Sarah remained silent. "Thank you for your contributions," he said, taunting her, as a sleek black car pulled up at the entrance to the alley. He got into it, closed the passenger door with a loud [i]thud[/i], and drove off. "Well, well, well. Look who we have 'ere," one of the grunts said, as he felt through her hair. A bandit probably, judging by his accent and demeanor. "What's a pretty lass like you doin' in a place like this, eh? Oh, we're gonna have some [i]fun[/i]." He was about to do something, until a piercing whistle got the man's attention. He took his hand away from her face, and the others let her go. They went inside, closing the heavy metal door behind them. She was alone. Sarah stood up, spitting residual blood at the ground. She limped out of the alleyway, and sat down against the brick wall of an abandoned building next to the bar. Taking out her lighter, she lit a cigarette, and resigned herself to the reality of her situation. She had just lost one of the most important artifacts of her career to a complete idiot, who would probably just sell it on the black market, and had barely any idea on where he could have gone. Here's hoping luck would shift in her favor... [spoiler]Open! Mainly for interaction. If you're interested at all in the plot itself, tell me in a spoiler. It'll dictate what she tells you. Only need a few people though.[/spoiler] [spoiler]And if you [i]are[/i] wanting to partake in this interesting Uncharted/Tomb Radier-style treasure hunt, please don't bring anyone super OP or magical. Takes the fun out of it.[/spoiler]

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                                      • [b][i]HOLY SHIT, NEW CHARACTER INTRO INCOMING[/i][/b] [b][i]IN, LIKE, A FEW HOURS, BECAUSE I NEED TO SORT OUT THE BACKSTORY[/i][/b] *looks at Ginger*

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                                        • [b][u]Dojo, the Starbucks of All Places. 15:38 PM.[/u][/b] [i]It was late in the afternoon when a decently new face in the Dojo was at the the last place she'd wish to be caught dead... the Starbucks. She was simply sitting on the stool at the very right side of the counter, sipping what seemed to be pure, bland, completely black coffee from a white cup with what could be deciphered as "Helaynah" scribbled on it. She was surprisingly relaxed, figuring the police had quit their search by now. Because, oh yeah, her first expression had consisted of blowing up a bar. The woman, who was actually named Helena, was dressed in her usual getup, though she was left without her archaic helmet. She wore simple, midnight black combat boots that went mostly hidden into the sleeves of her dirty beige brown jeans. Over her torso, she wore a mostly buttoned up, gunmetal grey trench coat that concealed whatever was underneath. Her hands were shrouded in fingerless, pitch black gloves. Her sharp, angular face was framed by thick locks of steely grey hair, the tips coloured a shade darker which caused a barely noticeable yet undeniably pretty contrast in her shoulder-length hair as it hung like a curtain around her head. The ends curled rather obviously, because she didn't just have boring straight hair. Her eyes were a burning yellow, like a cat's.[/i] "Starbucks's still fuсkin' trash," [i]She muttered beneath her breath with a heavily accented voice, the edge of it coarse and rough, though it was otherwise left light and feminine. Her comment earned her a dirty look from the barista, who only got a nonchalant shrug in response.[/i] "Sorry lassie, but the truth's the truth." [spoiler]Lacklustre post, yes, but whateveeerrrrrrr Open for shittery[/spoiler]

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                                          • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 1/5/2018 12:02:44 AM
                                            [b]Lost and Found[/b] [u]Time: evening Location: dojo[/u] "Aiyanna... come here where are you?''says Talath [i]Talath is seen walking out and about with aiyanna's leash in hand. But something is clearly wrong as is heard calling her name and whistling for her. Apparently she has gone missing as very urgent look on his face like he was really worried about her. Which couldnt be first time he has had. But there was very good reason for as he noticed becoming more and more uncomfortable lately and generally more irritated. Which he knew the reason why that why he want to find her. As he is heard whistling for her still. [/i] "Damn where is she."says talath [b]elsewhere...[/b] [i]aiyanna was actually a lot closer than one might think as she had dug a big hole underneath a large porch a few days ago and was now there hiding in the hole she had dug for herself. But oddly enough anyone that would been smart enough to look in the under the porch would find aiyanna curled up around something protecting it. But thing was she had heard talath but wasn't listening because of six small black and grey somethings she was curled up around and had exhausted look to her. As she could still hear talath nearby though still.[/i] [spoiler]open for wehb[/spoiler]

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