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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/12/2016 12:48:36 PM

Dojo Bio Page

This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here! What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EACH CHARACTER TESTED. ONLY ONE. [spoiler]If you are bugged by the dojo posts. You have a mute button. Use it. It's much faster than you making a post showing a lack of intelligence to use a mute button![/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Wheatley: 7/23/2017 6:52:16 PM
    [i]"Really? You'll have to do better than that.[/i] Name: [Redacted] Alias: Cain Age: 132 (appears 34) Sex: Male Species: Human/Cyborg Appearance: [spoiler]Height: 6"1 Weight: 162 Ib Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue Detailed Description: Minus all of the cybernetic enhancements, Cain appears to be human. Only other things notable is that he has a long scar down his left eye (but the eyeball itself is unaffected), a well trimmed beard, and human flesh down to the collarbone. The rest of him is purely cybernetic/synthetic.[/spoiler] Equipment: [spoiler][b]Armor and Clothing[/b] [u]Mk. IV Modified "Hunter" Armor[/u]- A personal set of military issued armor that has been adjusted to serve the needs of a rouge. It is accompanied with a hood, retractable mask, booster pack, and a shield generator to ward off damage. Built for any environment and optimized for combat. [b]Weapons[/b] [u][Redacted][/u]- A custom auto rifle built for mid-range encounters. Can alternate between standard, armor piercing, and explosive ammo types [u][Redacted][/u]-A custom pistol/sidearm designed to work well in any situation. Can alternate between standard, armor piercing, and explosive ammo types. [u]Throwing Knives[/u]- Self explanatory. Can be set to explode on impact. [b]Note[/b] He does have the ability to call for several different weapons found on his ship. What these are is unknown. [/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler][b]Cybernetic[/b] [u]Teleportation[/u]- Can instantly move anywhere within a short range. [u]Technology Manipulation[/u]- Has the ability to affect anything that relies or is based on a technological premise. All systems may be vulnerable. [u]Matter Manipulation[/u]- Is able to influence most objects in some way, giving him something that resembles magic [u]Enhanced Abilities[/u]- Including but not limited to enhanced sight, hearing, speed, resilience, reflexes, and mental processing.[/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]A loner in most cases. Mischievous and cannot be trusted.[/spoiler] Weaknesses: [spoiler]Now why would I give you that information? Figure them out yourself.[/spoiler] Backstory: [spoiler]I bet you don't care.[/spoiler] Additional Possessions: [spoiler]He owns a personal starship fit for agile space travel. Is able to move at warp speed, and is designed for minimal crew members. Anything else he possesses is not included in this file.[/spoiler]

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    • Edited by Crrowly: 8/9/2017 4:12:38 PM
      [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Caye (???) [u]Age:[/u] Mid twenties [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human (???) [u]Status:[/u] Dead. Killed by Sam, via railgun round to the chest. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'10" [u]Weight:[/u] 170 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Silvery white–jaw-length [u]Eyes:[/u] Icy blue [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Caye is a tall, athletic individual, with a muscular physique and overall physical prowess. She has a more pale skin tone and smooth complexion, with angular features that are in no way delicate. Or something like that. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=][i]"Dragonskin"[/i][/url] [spoiler]A sleek, gunmetal gray exosuit made of carbon fiber. In addition to being lightweight and resistant to bullets and many melee weaponry, it possesses a few abilities. [u]Passives:[/u] It provides boosted overall physicality (strength, speed, durability, senses, reflexes, etc.) Helmet visor grants zoom, night vision, thermal vision, as well as the ability to monitor the vitals of self and others. [i]"Dragon's Flight"[/i] In this armor, Caye has extreme mobility; could be compared to flight with how high she can jump, in addition to being able to jump off walls/wall run. [u]Actives – 500 BP:[/u] Only one can be active at a time. [i]"Dragon Ice"[/i] A small device in the Dragonskin's right wrist allows the hand to be surrounded in sharp icicles. Drains 10 BP per post. [i]"Dragon Flame"[/i] The same device allows the right hand to ignite in flame. Drains 15 BP per post. [i]"Lightning Beast"[/i] The same device is able to charge the right hand with electricity. Drains 30 BP per post. [i]"Barrier"[/i] The same device is able to create an energy shield that stops magic, bullets, projectiles, whatever, however is easily bypassed by some sort of melee weapon. Drains 60 BP per post.[/spoiler][url=][i]"Dragonspear"[/i][/url][spoiler]A six foot long spear, utilized in melee combat where more range is necessary. When necessary, it can also be thrown as a javelin. Additionally, the spearhead is able to transform into the barrel of a gun. The spear fires tank shells instead of normal bullets; [url=]30x173mm[/url], to be exact.[/spoiler][url=][i]"Dragonclaw"[/i][/url][spoiler]A black scimitar, its blade about 2'5" in length while the entire sword is about 3 feet. Made of carbon fiber, lightweight, and very durable; good for slashing, thrusting, parrying, whatever, however falls short against heavy armor. Its pommel is a barrel, and a trigger on the grip fires .44 caliber bullets from the pommel.[/spoiler][url=][i]"The Beastcleaver"[/i][/url][spoiler]A 5'6" greatsword with a blade 4'6" in length and a 1' grip. It is not the best for thrust or stab attacks, however can be extremely deadly with slashing attacks. Also made of carbon fiber, the greatsword is actually lighter than it looks; despite still being heavy, Caye can wield it with a single hand. Its pommel is a barrel, and with the pull of a trigger on the grip, the sword fires a .50 BMG bullet from inside the grip.[/spoiler][u]Abilities:[/u] For starters, Caye is a very skilled swordsman, in addition to being skilled with utilizing the gun part of her swords. Even without her armor, her physicality is quite above average. [i]"Dragon of the Storm"[/i] Caye's left arm is able to transform into that of a dragon's. The dragon arm has superhuman strength–enough to crush skulls with bare hands–in addition to extraordinarily resistant, metallic scales, and long, four inch claws. In order for Caye to transform her arm, however, the left arm of the Dragonskin must be detached. When the dragon arm is active, Caye gains the ability to manipulate wind, all three states of water, and electricity, as well as high resistance to these elements and the ability to consume electricity. In addition to this, Caye is also stronger when it's raining; the harder it rains, the more powerful she becomes. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] (???) [u]Backstory:[/u] Bet ya don't care!

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      • Edited by Crrowly: 8/10/2017 2:08:18 AM
        [quote][b][i]"You'll be killed in the onslaught!"[/i][/b] [i]"I am the onslaught."[/i][/quote][b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] "END(U)" – pronounced "Ee·en·dee" or "End" – Elimination of Notorious Defectors (Unit) [u]Alias:[/u] Kyra Cestner [u]Age:[/u] 18 [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Species/Race:[/u] Genetically Modified Human [u]Status:[/u] Alive. For now. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'11" [u]Weight:[/u] 180 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Long, brunette [u]Eyes:[/u] Electric blue [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorphic [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Kyra's entire physique is far above the average of both her gender and her age. Standing at 5'11", she's already much taller than most other girls, as she stands at above average male height. Additionally, her 180 lbs are of mainly muscle and bone, with very little fat. Her body is muscular enough for some to consider it unattractive, however that's all opinion. Her face is a different matter; angular, with thin lips and a small, perky nose, combined with her smooth, fair skin tone–she's no eyesore, to say the least. For her casual attire, she generally wears a dark colored tank top and sweatpants of similar colors. She generally prefers to roam barefoot, however will don running shoes if she feels she might run into trouble and, or course, the exosuit boots of her armor if she knows she'll run into trouble. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=]END(U):AS – "The FrenzySuit"[/url] An exosuit that seems to have been designed more around fashion than practicality. Tight against her body, thin metal, even exposing parts of her torso, along with royal red cloaks draped around it–one might question its practicality in combat. In truth, it isn't meant for taking blows, rather it is meant for dodging them. Within this exosuit, Kyra's agility is vastly improved, making for easy flips, swift dodges, and even with one special perk that took up 3/4's of the suit's price. The visor on the mask of the suit is capable of detecting fast moving projectiles–like bullets–and determine whether to activate this perk or not by itself, before sending a wave of information to Kyra's senses. The perk slows Kyra's sense of time dramatically, enough to see and react to things moving as fast as bullets. To people who aren't Kyra, it looks as though her body moved so fast that it almost looked as though they didn't move, just avoided the bullet somehow. Additionally, the park doesn't remain active for more than half a second. Kyra can't do a Celon. For each post that this perk is active, 25/100 of the suit's electricity points are deducted. So essentially the max on this ability is 4 posts. Additionally, the visor provides perfect visibility regardless of environment or light, as well as a thermal vision option if necessary. [url=]END(U):MAW – "Frenetic Mania"[/url] A simple looking curved sword, about 2'8" in length, with its blade 2'2" and its grip about half a foot long. The blade's curved, single edged design is meant for quick, small slashes and not so much for thrusts. It is made of carbon fiber, resulting in high durability and also low weight. The MAW also has a perk just like the AS does. When a button on the grip is pressed, a pulse is sent throughout Kyra's entire body, causing in a great increase to her speed and agility for three posts. The amount her speed and agility are increased is extremely great, almost making her a blur when in combat. However, the battery cost for each activation os 33/99, making the maximum amount of usages 3. Additionally, the blade has a strange and unique property. It is constantly converting its kinetic energy into heat, and heating up the blade itself. When it actually cuts an enemy and causes them to bleed, a great amount of heat is added to the blade. And the hotter the blade is, the easier it can cut through armor and flesh, as well as potentially being able to cauterize/carbonize cells to either stop bleeding or stop regeneration. [url=]END(U):SAW – "Mistmaker"[/url] The SAW is a gauntlet worn on Kyra's left hand. It is gunmetal gray in color and made of both carbon fiber and insulating material. There are multiple special things about this gauntlet; first is the small gun barrel located on the back of the hand. This small barrel is capable of firing .44 Magnum bullets. And attached to the wrist of the gauntlet is an extendable, eight inch blade of carbon fiber. The SAW, too, has a couple perks. Upon activation, lines designed on the gauntlet glow electric blue. The fingers and palm of the gauntlet crackle with electric blue electricity. When the gauntlet is pressed against a living entity, a near lethal voltage of electricity is charged through them. Lethality depending on if the opponent is an NPC or an RP'er. Each shock drains 10/100 battery power. Or, when the lines grow electric blue, a smokescreen of vapor is sprayed from the gauntlet's palm. The amount of vapor is huge, enough to act as a smokescreen that can shroud an area up to 30 sq. ft. in vapor. Kyra can activate thermal vision when she does this and fight while her opponent is blinded. Each usage drains 30/100 battery power. [u]Abilities:[/u] Due to genetic modifications during puberty, Kyra's physicality is far above average, with great strength, speed, endurance, tolerance, etc. as well as her five senses and reflexes being massively improved. Your stereotypical genetically modified superhuman abilities. [url=]END(U):EM0027F:D – "Plasmatic Mass Manipulation"[/url] When genetic modifications were taking place, thousands of nanites were introduced to Kyra's bloodstream. They attached themselves to her blood cells and reproduced along with them, until each one the blood cells in her body had a nanite attached to them. These nanites provide for the creation and manipulation of a strange, red mass of energy, which floats above Kyra's gauntlet when formed. This red energy has a temperature of 7000°C, similar to plasma. Its quantity and shape can be manipulated at will, allowing for many creative things to be done–from defense to offense. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] She swings either way, likes pasta, hates seafood, is blood type O. [u]Backstory:[/u] Bet ya don't care! But I'll put something in anyways.[spoiler]She was born into an orphanage within a large city. The orphanage named her Kyra, but gave no surname. She was told that her mother had come to the orphanage on one rainy night, pregnant and bleeding heavily from multiple stab wounds on her legs. She went into labor a few hours later, but before Kyra was even all the way out of her mother, the mother was dead. The orphanage told Kyra that the mother never gave her own name, and as such they didn't know what surname to give to Kyra. She would live a decent life at the orphanage with the other kids as well as the adults that worked there. At the orphanage, Kyra had always been the most physically active, partly due to her blood type O nature, partly due to her wanting to get revenge on the person who stabbed her mother. Then, one night very similar to that night that Kyra's mother stumbled upon the orphanage, there was a knock at the door. The orphanage keepers would answer it, and invite the two figures at the door inside. They held a rather tense conversation for quite some time, before the figures left. The next day, Kyra would not awaken at the orphanage. What happened next? FIND ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF... DOJO RP![/spoiler]

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      • [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] The woman simply goes by Crow. [u]Age:[/u] 25 [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Species/Race:[/u] [i]Homo sapiens[/i], Caucasian [u]Status:[/u] Alive and well. For now. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [url=]Appearance link[/url] [u]Height:[/u] 5'9" [u]Weight:[/u] 165 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Black [u]Eyes:[/u] Brown [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorphic [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Uhh pale skin complexion, athletic build, angular facial structure, whatever. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=][i]The Demoncleaver:[/i][/url] A greatsword, stained with the blood of countless men and monsters. There's nothing particularly special about it; it's just a sword, but has seen Crow through many encounters. And because of that, it is her prized possession. [url=][i]The Crow's Wings:[/i][/url] Without wings, a crow cannot fly. It's primarily nice, edgy fashion; a feathered cloak gifted to Crow by one from his past. The cloak itself is attached to a black, kevlar chest piece, which is worn over a set of carbon fiber plating. It provides ample protection against small caliber rounds. [u]Abilities:[/u] [i]Swordsmanship:[/i] Crow is an aspiring swordsman of great talent and improving skill. She is of course not masterful, but she believes that one day, her goal will be achieved. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] Too lazy

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      • Edited by Crrowly: 8/9/2017 4:16:35 PM
        [url=][b]Another Updated Bio[/b][/url] [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Victor, Vance, Dean, whatever the hell. He doesn't know his name. [u]Age:[/u] 24 [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Species/Race:[/u] Caucasian Contractee [u]Status:[/u] Lacking a left arm, recently awoken from coma, but alive. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'11" [u]Weight:[/u] 180 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Jet black [u]Eyes:[/u] Emerald green [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] The man has a lean, athletic build, standing at about average height–5'11", and could be considered in peak condition had it not have been for the fact that he lacks a left arm. He has a fair, yet slightly tanned skin complexion, riddled with scars from his youth. His shaggy, jet black hair is usually rather messy, yet not in the all-over-the-place way. Meanwhile, his green eyes are filled with emotion; sadness, sorrow, anger, and loss. It is the one part of the man that suggests that he led a very abnormal childhood. Generally, he wears the clothing he would wear in battle; some sort of t-shirt or light jacket, along with a pair of combat pants and boots, maybe a leather glove on his right hand. He lacks armor so he can stay as mobile as possible, and blast enemies from range with flames. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] Aside from his clothing, the man has no equipment. Surprising, I know. [u]Abilities:[/u] [i]"Beast of Flame"[/i] The man is highly resistant to all attacks regarding fire, and is actually capable of eating fire to cause his power to grow. TL;DR don't use fire to fight him. [i]"Pyromancy Ensemble"[/i] The man utilizes multi-colored flames, having red, orange, gold, green, blue, and violet flames. Of course, he can also use normal fire, if he so wishes. Red flames heal wounds and repair broken bones. Causes no destruction. Orange flames buff allies' physicality–their strength, speed, endurance, tolerance, senses, reflexes, etc. Causes no destruction. Golden flames provide warmth/heat and last indefinitely, unable to be put out. Causes no destruction. Green flames destroy everything, ranging from property to people to wildlife. Blue flames only burn flesh, so animals and people, and burn them much faster than green flames would be able to. Causes only flesh destruction. Violet flames protect; they can create impenetrable barriers that simply burn any unwelcome entity that enters them, or even render the person the flames protect completely invisible. Only causes destruction something attempting to harm the person the flames protect. [b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b] [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] He is a quiet individual, and doesn't talk very much. When he does, he tries to make whatever he says meaningful. He rarely angers, surprising of a pyromaniac, and maintains a cool head in many situations. He is no anti-hero or villain, rather he would help the innocent whenever the chance would arise–however he is also constantly preoccupied with his goal, of killing human mutants called 'Contractees' and finding a certain batch of scientists.

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      • ((NERFED FOR BALANCING)) ((This is the form of Victoria that I shall likely use in separate roleplays.)) "[i]I've already learned my lessons of karma. On retribution. Everything always comes back around - only to nail you in the face.[/i] [i]It's just life.[/i]" ------------------------------- [u]Name:[/u] Victoria, previously Palatine Victoria of the Order of Our Martyred Lady [u]Age:[/u] Looks to be within her mid-twenties Actually twenty-four [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Armor:[/u] [url=]"Fury" Power Gladius[/url] ((Ignore that weird bone pommel.. odd.)) [spoiler]A Power Weapon, carved into the design of a gladius and primarily used in one hand by Victoria. The entire weapon is twenty-eight inches long in length, the blade being twenty-four inches in length and crafted from adamantium while the handle is five inches long. Fury's blade, formed into the shape of a gladius, is double-edged for extra hack 'n slash potential, while it is pointed for stabs as well. The blade's width is about four inches, allowing for it to punch through armor with such a considerably large blade. Fury's hilt allows for the weapon to parry and deflect other attacks, while the pommel ends with a teardrop shape, allowing for bashing attacks that could dent and destroy armor.[/spoiler] [u]Kalahan's Swordshield[/u] [spoiler]A weapon that was taken from the great cannibal Kalahan, a monstrous being whom nearly killed Victoria, had it not been for a friend that sacrificed his wellbeing for her safety. It is made out of near unbreakable adamantium, and can transform back and forth in a fraction of a second with a quick push against the handle of the active mode. [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield (Shield Formation)[/url] The shield form of the swordshield, this defensive formation becomes a large crest shield, finishes off with a skull within the center mass. A capable shield, to be used in defensive procedures and defending herself and her allies from harm. [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield (Sword Formation)[/url] If Victoria takes to the offensive, she can transform her adamantium shield into a forty-eight inch long, or four foot long, greatsword. The weapon is double-edged and intended for usage against larger enemies, and can disable projectile magics as it passes through them.[/spoiler] [u]Abilities:[/u] [u]Contractee Abilities[/u] [spoiler]After a particularly fun encounter with a giant cannibal whom promptly cleaved Victoria's left arm off, her partner, Vance (Cazberry's character) saw only one thing to do: after slaying the beast, he had decided to amputate his own left arm and cauterize the stump left behind, sewing it onto what remained of Victoria's arm, ensuring her life as a heretic - er, restoring her to a decent condition. I won't argue the logic nor why he didn't just cauterize the wound, because I like my green fire. Anyway - the conjunction of Victoria's body and Vance's left arm allowed the Sororitas to tap into the flame magics of the Contractee, while she has taken to utilizing spells and abilities of of her own. These spells are extremely volatile, capable of burning through flesh and armor as if melting through in seconds.[/spoiler] [spoiler][u]Total MP: 7500[/u] [b]Body of Flame Passive[/b] Victoria's left arm is extremely resistant to heat, burns, fire, and the like. Even stranger is the ability to literally consume fire, making her abilities stronger and regenerating mana. [b]Flame Shield Active Buff[/b] Summons a wall of green flame wherever user wishes, and follows the nearest ally. The flame turns all projectiles that strike it in ashes, however only lasts two posts. The more damage it blocks, the more mana is spent. [b]Flame-Infused Arm – 100 MP/post Active Buff[/b] Infuses arms with green flames. Causes extreme pain and destruction, but not the most lethal magic. Great for burning down structures and burning off skin. [b]Legs of Flame – 150 MP/post Active Buff[/b] Infuses legs with green flames. Trails flames behind user as they move, causing massive destruction and burn. Slightly boosts speed, although not by much. [b]Eruption – 300 MP Active[/b] Infuses arm with green flames. Upon contact, creates a massive explosion of flame; this is not caused by the fire itself, but by a burst of magic energy that takes place upon contact. The blow deals massive damage and massive destruction. [b]Blade of Flame - 450 MP Active Buff[/b] Victoria coats whatever weapon that she is using in vibrant green flame, allowing her to cleave and stab through her foes while cauterizing and spreading flames across their bodies. [b]Fire Orb – 1000 MP Active[/b] Created a massive ball of green flame, dealing a large amount of damage to unarmored enemies, cooking armored enemies, and creating huge amounts of destruction. [b]Flame Body – 1250 MP Active[/b] Body turns into green flames to avoid all damage, and harming physical attackers upon contact. Only lasts one post.[/spoiler]

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      • Edited by Crying to Radiohead isn't : 7/19/2017 6:54:53 AM
        Name: [spoiler]Mr Foster[/spoiler] Age: [spoiler]32[/spoiler] Appearance: [spoiler]See above image[/spoiler] Place of birth: [spoiler]Chelmsford, Essex, UK[/spoiler] Backstory: [spoiler]Foster had wandered into day trading from a mediocre English private school education, with the classic "you'll never amount to anything, Foster" ringing in his ears from the school's careers officer. Not that Foster really cared. But, bizarrely, he found that day trading suited him. He started to generate large sums of money and thoroughly enjoyed it. Not that he would admit to enjoying a job, obviously. Eventually being hired by Horzine Biotech as a mercenary, his current occupation is being an undead slaying badass. He also had a habit of verbally abusing authority figures. This led to Foster being seen as a clever, smart guy, with a sardonic sense of humor and great taste in clothes and cars. Or a jumped-up little tool. You decide.[/spoiler] Gear and equipment: [spoiler]The Eviscerator, A hybrid of a crossbow and a chainsaw that shoots saw blades. Its fuсking great. Bone Crusher- Improvised Mace and shield, gotta love a baseball bat covered in blades and a spiked hubcap AA-12 Auto shotgun, 20 round mag of pure full auto goodness RPG-7- Shouldn't have to explain this one pal Microwave Gun- A flamethrower of sorts, fires directed beams of microwaves with an explosive burst of an alt fire. Don't get hit with this if you have metal on you, won't feel nice RailGun- Fires a high speed slug using magnets, penetrating flesh and armor like tissue paper Kriss SMG- 33 round mag SMG, Sprays bullets like no ones business Dual .500 magnums- Just don't get hit with these you Muppet Stoner 63 A LMG- Not drug related, believe it or not. Medical Syringe- Allows him to heal himself and others on a short cooldown Kevlar armor. Its self explanatory [/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler]None, he's human you prat[/spoiler] Quirks/Misc: [spoiler]Birth sign: Dosh Likes: Money, exploiting the stupid Dislikes: Poor people and anything cheap[/spoiler] [spoiler]That should be everything, let me know if I missed something[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 10/9/2017 6:23:26 AM
          [i]"Intelligence is necessary for the survival of mankind...and for the continued evolution of humanity."[/i] Name: Ergonomic Lazarus Armada Robotic Automaton 3.0 (or ELARA, for short) Age: Unknown Species: Advanced Artificial Intelligence (or a 'Vorshin', according to her) Homeworld/ Homebase (?): Earth, Timeline 42DA409C, or Septimus Timeline, Year 72,396 Appearance: See picture above. Bio/Backstory: [spoiler][i][Uploading Conscious...Accessing General Information of Septimus Timeline][[ERROR, Septimus Timeline No Longer Exists, Preparing Second Solution][/i] The year is 72396 AD (should you be specific). For over 2000 years, humanity had been at war with advanced AI's that turned on their creators, being simply known as the Vorshin Initative. However, humanity now spends its final moments on Earth, fighting a desperate battle of attrition against the Vorshins, who had grown exponentially in number. After being reprogrammed by humans to turn on her kind, ELARA had fought with the humans for 200 years against her own kind. In a last ditch effort to save ELARA, humanity sends her through an unstable rift on Earth, the Vorshins right on humanity's doorstep, both sides fully aware that neither would exist once ELARA falls into said rift. She now ends up at the Dojo, and in unfamiliar territory. With her weapons and advanced intelligence capabilities, ELARA could potentially help humanity return itself to its golden age. But will she? Or will she follow her creators and attempt to restart the Vorshin Initiative once more? [/spoiler] Weapons:[b] GL-32 Kybers[/b]: Built within her wrists, are energy SMG's (think Deadshot's wrist blasters, but fully automatic.) that can be used during firefights. Abilities/ Powers: [b]"Tactical Stealth"[/b]- ELARA could use advanced holographic projection to disguise herself as a human. Originally used by the Vorshins as something amassed to spying and information seeking, or just silent assassinations, ELARA usually uses this as a way of hiding herself as an AI, in case corporations or others gain a...'particular interest' in her. [b]Strength[/b]- Naturally built as the equivalent of a soldier, ELARA as increased agility than a normal human, and also could theoretically use any weapon given to her. Not expertly, but she could use it ok. Advantages: [spoiler]-Her intelligence allows her to predict moves of those humans (or humanoids) who're armed with guns or any lasers. It also allows her to hack into MOSTLY anything. -Her mind contains blueprints for powerful weapons that both humanity and the Vorshins had created, allowing her to be a weapon expert. [/spoiler] Disadvantages: [spoiler]-ELARA, albeit good at close combat, could be beaten this way, if they were close combat experts. -An EMP blast of any caliber could theoretically shut down most of ELARA's systems, with the exception of the senses, and such. -Humanity wasn't able to fully reprogram her, so once in a while, she could turn against humans via her original programming. Fortunately, she can relapse from this within a few minutes.[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Crrowly: 7/18/2017 5:04:28 AM
          WIP [i]"No more death shall ensue."[/i] [b]BASICS[/b] Name: Tori Acciaroli Age: 21 Sex: Female Race: Caucasian human Role: Support Status: Alive [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] Height: 5'6" Weight: 120 lbs Hair: Brunette Eyes: Violet Skin Tone: Pale complexion Facial Structure: Angular Body Type: Mesomorph [b]COMBAT[/b] Equipment: [url=][b]MK6 "Ranger"[/b][/url] A sleek, black compound crossbow, able to automatically nock bolts as long as they are loaded. Fires at up to 450 fps, or 306 mph. Has multiple arrow types; 6 explosive, 3 poisonous, 10 invisible, and, of course, uncountable amounts of normal. [url=][b]"Survivalist"[/b][/url] A simple, 12" bowie knife. Not many things special about this. [url=]First Aid Kit[/url] Complete with all your average first aid items; [i]-2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches) -25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes) -1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch) -5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram) -5 antiseptic wipe packets -2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each) -1 blanket (space blanket) -1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve) -1 instant cold compress -2 pair of nonlatex gloves (size: large) -2 hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each) -Scissors -1 roller bandage (3 inches wide) -1 roller bandage (4 inches wide) -5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches) -5 sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches) -Oral thermometer (non-mercury/nonglass) -2 triangular bandages -Tweezers[/i] How this all fits? Magic. Abilities: MP: 7500 [b]Healing-[/b] Healing Glow - 250 MP Cast an aura that heals all minor wounds within the area around caster. Healing Orb - 250 MP Gradually heal a specific person over time with a healing orb, heals all wounds eventually. Repair - 500 MP Repair a single broken bone within the body. Healing Mist - 500 MP Create a healing mist that gradually heals those inside it until all their health has been recovered eventually. Heal Blast - 500 MP Send a golden orb of energy to AoE heal, healing moderate wounds. Health Purge - 750 MP Purges all diseases, poisons, and other foreign, harmful viruses/bacteria/whatever from a person's system. Pain Transfer [Ultimate] - 1000 MP Transfer the wounds and pain of one entity to another. 5 post CD. Life Box [Ultimate] - 1000 MP Enter a state in which caster rapidly heals all those within a given area, healing all wounds–even fatal ones–extremely quickly. [b]Defending-[/b]

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          • Edited by BraveKinkajou14: 7/18/2017 3:28:46 AM
            [b]Name:[/b] Gregor Roberts [b]Alias:[/b] Birdcaller, Big Hat Greg [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Personality[/b] Greg is a friendly guy, who doesn't dislike people, but he prefers the company of the birds. He's a helpful guy, you just gotta ask nicely. [b]Weaponry[/b] [i]Fists[/i] Greg does not carry any traditional weaponry, aside from his gauntlets, which are studded with metal to act as fist-fighting weapons. [i]Birds[/i] Greg can call a variety of birds to assist him. From small sparrows to huge eagles, he is capable of commanding them all. [i]Michelle[/i] Michelle is the large turkey that follows Greg wherever he goes. Michelle is no ordinary turkey however, as she is technically immortal. She achieves this by somehow reverting to an egg every time she is mortally wounded. [b]Biography[/b] No.

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          • Edited by MeGa Mysterious: 7/17/2017 6:35:39 AM
            Name: Gabriel McNylann Age: 794 Race: half human Height: 6' 3'' Profession: unknown Origin: Earth, Brooklyn NY [b][u]Background[/u][/b][b]:[/b][spoiler]I was normal until I turned 21. On my birthday that year, my father, whom my mother told me died in an accident, came to me. He is the arch angel Gabriel. From there he told me about what I was and what kind of abilities I had. At first I hated him for leaving us the way he did, but after a while I understood why he left the way he did. He would come to me occasionally and help me understand and harness my abilities. I thought I was lucky to be like this, until I out lived everyone I knew and loved and still look like I'm in my twenties. I have since left earth and ventured far beyond the planet I was born on and searched far and wide for a purposes and a home. I'm 794 years old at this point and look like I'm barely 25. I can never stay in one place too long, lest I get too attached. The life of a wanderer is hard, but nearly 800 years of life has taught me how to deal with it.[/spoiler] [b][u]Personality and quirks[/u][/b][b]:[/b][spoiler]generally laid back and cool and also extremely random and incoherent, but if the need arises, I will destroy you.[/spoiler] [b][u]Armor[/u][/b][b]:[/b] [spoiler]Abados Major/Abados Minor. Found floating on a dead body in the lost colony of Abados 3. The body was horribly mutilated with deep claw marks all over the face and and body. Abados Major Abados Major is a chest plate, grieves, and helmet. They give the wearer 100% fire resistance and gives them major damage resistance. The armor seals when you enter making the wearer impervious to any airborne poisons or weapons, and is suitable for space. (Appearance: black with red stripes that run along the arms, legs and on the top of the head. The face plate has four long claw marks going across it. Along the stripes on the arms are strange tubes filled with a red fluid that are connected to a pack filled with similar fluid on the back. The tubes end at the wrists and have strange fittings on them as though something hooks up to them. The armor is very bulky (think of fallout hell fire power armor), but surprisingly agile due to the hydraulics and neural interface) Abados Minor A set of gauntlets that, when worn, allow the wearer to blast white hot fire from the palms of their hands (about 50 feet). These jets of fire can be used to attack or fly up to about 15 feet off the ground and relatively fast for the weight of armor. The attack is very damaging. (Appearance: black with red stripes running from the wrists and along the backs of the fingers. The tubes on the Abados Major attatch to the tubes on the Abados Minor, and run down the hand until the tubes go in to the backs of the gauntlets. On the inside there is a large needle that enters the backs of the hands injecting the strange red fluid in to the hands of the wearer. The palms of the hands have holes that expose the skin allowing the wearer to expel the fire from their hands) Secondary Armor (worn below Abados Major/Minor) GAB Dermal Weave-6 A suit of lightweight and flexible armor invented by Gabriel McNylann. Woven out of atomic strands of titanium and carbon fiber. It is set up with a neural interface and field of nanobots that mend wounds (not instantly, but relatively quickly), and are able to refract most energy based weapons. These nanobots can become spread thin if taking too many shots or attacks. (Appearance: minus the helmet) [/spoiler] [b][u]weapons[/u][/b][b]:[/b] [spoiler] Draorian Blade of Truth, which is a blade forged in the fires of Mt. Silerian by the great Draorian smith Granksis. It has the ability to send out waves of pure energy up to a range of about 25 feet (appearance: red black with intricate designs on the blades and deep blue, purple, and red gemstones that glow softly on the handle) RT1 Bludgeoner: a rail gun that fires white hot projectiles that explode in balls of molten metal when they miss, and is semi auto. The Bludgeoner was created by Flickerwood industries in an attempt to make rail gun weaponry a mainstream weapon type, but sadly this was the only model made. (Appearance: all grey with three small windows to the heat sinks with wires and tubing going in to each one. It has an acog scope, and ergonomic stock which are also grey) Star Fire BSG: a heavy rifle used for taking out heavy armor or targets. It is an energy weapon that that fires extremely dense plasma rounds that rapidly expand outward after impact, causing thousands of shards of burning plasma to bounce around inside of the tank or armor[/spoiler] [b][u]abilities[/u][/b][b]:[/b] [spoiler]incorporeal- the ability to live between planes of existence allows me to go incorporeal at anytime Wings of Time- i can sprout large white wings, when not in my Abados armor Blood of the Angels- I can heal my self up to 50% health and gain a temporary shield, but only when near death Angel's Fury- I become blindingly fast, and deal triple damage with my sword (can only use once a day) [/spoiler] [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b][b]:[/b][spoiler]conventional things such as lasers, bullets, etc. in large amounts, but my main weakness is darkness. Not like night time or shadows, no, I mean darkness as in the darkness in which pure evil resides[/spoiler]

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          • [b]Name:[/b] Rip McKilroy [b]Faction:[/b] Death Sticks Proprietary Union [b]Race:[/b] Rancor [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Gear:[/b] Infinite Supply of Death Sticks [b]Biography:[/b] A mad scientist transferred his brain into a Rancor, which turned out to unlock his Force sensitivities. He's also a Bounty Hunter with Mandalorian training and special Mandalorian armor, which is impenetrable to everything. He has lightsabers for claws, and his lightsabers use special crystals that are more powerful than any others and can cut through anything, even other lightsaber beams, and can take down ships from low orbit. He commands an Eclipse SSD, which he controls from the Death Star III, which he built himself to be bigger than the Starkiller Base. He's also a Grey Jedi, who can control both sides of the Force completely, both separate and in tandem. He lives to become Snoke, and Rey is his daughter, but he's also secretly part Yuzhaan Vong, and plans to have sex with Rey (incest is wincest) to keep his bloodline pure. He's gone to the weird pyramid planet and claimed the Force power to be found there, just like that one lady did, but he can control it and is superior and more powerful in every way, but is also Yoda's master and the Emperor's brother. He also has a secret army of Phase III dark troopers that are also force sensitive and lightsaber resistant. Oh and when he breaths, he exhales a potent aerosol form of the blue shadow virus that is harmful to everyone but him and those he loves, it's also so potent that it destroys every material known to man that isn't blessed by his own power. He further has three dragon-headed headed mega-penises that are also sentient and Force sensitive, which he can grow on command due to his connection to the Force. His balls are Mandalore, twice. He can summon a sexy babe to do at any time, but he doesn't because he's a faithful husband to his human wife, despite the fact that she died super tragically, in childbirth. His children are all Force Gods, and include the Father and his lineage. Finally, he can not only teleport instantly anywhere across the Galaxy, but he can also activate his Force-God mode, sprouting wings and spikes, while becoming all smoky and dark with glowing red eyes. His eyes are normally blue. [b]Extra Info:[/b] His only weakness is that he's heavily addicted to crack, and can only receive it in the form of an enema.

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            • "[i][b]Humanity's expanded into the stars now? Then I pity the stars, because they must've thought we'd all kill each other first, and spare it from ourselves.[/b][/i]" [b]Name[/b]: [i]Cain[/i] [b]Alias[/b]: [i]Kane Adamsson, The First Son, The First Murderer, The First Warrior[/i] [b]Age[/b]: [i]Unknown, Irrelevant[/i] [b]Race/Ethnicity[/b]: [i]Human, Caucasian[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: [i]Male[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: [i][/i] [b]Armor[/b]: [spoiler][i]He wears no armor, as he himself is highly durable, and as per his ability, conflict only strengthens him further. His clothes however, are as any others, and are easily torn apart in battle, though they seemingly regenerate over time, as a few hours after battle they are once more whole.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Weaponry[/b]: [spoiler][i]The First Blade -The First Blade is an integral part of Cain. With it, he slew his brother Able in his youth, and later he wielded it as a warrior against the clans of men that arose in the early era just after the Fall. As such, the First Blade has acquired a status as his reputation has grown in death. It's abilities are thus: =The First Blade, though composed of bone and leather, is unbreakable. =The edge of the First Blade is forever sharp, needing no maintenance or care. =The First Blade draws the life-force from its victims. The weapon does not need to wound or kill to achieve this, though wounds and kills draw an exponentially larger portion. When simply hitting armor or shields, it draws only a tiny portion of life-force.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Abilities[/b]: [spoiler][i]The Mark of Cain -The Mark of Cain has two effects on its bearer: =Any life-force drawn from the enemies of Cain is absorbed into his body, healing any wounds. If there are none, it is used to strengthen his base stats, giving him greater speed, strength, agility, comprehension, etc. This is done at a very slow pace, and different enemies supply different amounts of life-force to him. =When he is critically injured, Cain can enter a berserker frenzy, in which all damage given and taken during the fight is garnered and turned upon his opponent sevenfold. His damage, durability, speed are the only stats affected in this. He loses all control, and simply tears apart any soul unfortunate enough to cross his path. (This is available once in a fight, every seven fights. No shortening of the cool down. Lasts for ten turns, then he goes into a tired state.)[/i][/spoiler] [b]Biography[/b]: [spoiler][i]He is currently resurrected for an unknown purpose by an unknown entity. The story of how Cain killed his brother is known enough, but not much is known about the rest of his life. He went on to become the First Chief as well, his Blade conquering many peoples and slaying many foes. His Chiefdom enveloped the known world at the time, and he ruled as the First Tyrant, brutally suppressing that which he had unleashed so long ago. However, on his death, he was absorbed into the Holy Grail, a false chalice filled with Heroic Spirits. As a Heroic Spirit, he would be summoned time and time again to fight for the false cup, winning whenever summoned. Unfortunately, the artifact that was required to summon him was among the rarest of artifacts, jealously hooded by its keepers. One way or another, it was taken through blood and strife, until Cain's current Master took it. This time, though, there was no War, as his Master had thought there would be. As such, he had no Command Seals to control his Berserker before Cain took the Blade and left him, going out into the world to see the legacy of man, and whether he would need to purge it from the stars.[/i][/spoiler]

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            • Edited by Haknir: 7/15/2017 4:41:14 AM
              "It may be hard to to get by in the cold winters out here, but we still survive just keeping to ourselves." >scanning... key word found... [winter] Name: XXDD AXAGD GDDXX FDFD XFVDA AGFXF >decrypting... nivibus obrutus... translating... "Snowbound" Aliases: leader of the snowbound village (in the ko rudo mountains), "Nivis" Height: 5'11" Age: 35 Description: [spoiler]Nivis is an average height white man with somewhat long dark hair. He has a well groomed beard and mustache and his hair is normally a little bit messy. He's lean and strong, and a capable fighter.[/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]Nivis is a leader for his people and as a result, acts like one most of the time. He's caring for people, but can be a stern commander as well. [/spoiler] Weapons: Cryostriker- a large two handed sword that Nivis uses which is shiny silver. The pommel has a bright blue crystal. The blade gets colder as it hits enemies. Frozen vigilant- a crossbow that is powerful, but is slow to draw and reload. Survivor and Lost Soul- two large ivory white daggers. Lost soul has artistic grooves and bends in the blade whereas survivor looks jagged, like it was carved instead of forged. Survivor does less damage, but allows Lost Soul to do more damage for a short time which chains back to Survivor. So when hitting in rapid succession, they do more damage (stacks three times). Apparel: [spoiler]When not in combat and not in the cold, Nivis wears ordinary civilian clothes, a sweater, jeans, things like that. When in the cold and in combat, he wears a coat with armor plating in it as well as thick pants, also armored. He wears a mask and cloaca which cover over most of him. [/spoiler] Abilities: Nivis has a resistance to cold due to living in it (and maybe other things). He gains a slow resistance to damage when being hit multiple times. He also is quite fast and can easily clear obstacles. Backstory: Nivis has lived in a small village in the ko rudo mountains for a long time, many of the people living there want only peaceful lives, but anyone who has seen the village knows that there's more to it than that.

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            • Name: Leon Rivas Age: 27 (yes, young, considering his bio) Race/gender: Human Male Appearance: Looks like in pic: Height is about 5'9", and his eyes are not blue but a indigo colour, as is his electricity. As for clothing, he usually wears blue jeans, a sleeveless white t-shirt, a brown leather jacket, and has two black sleeves over his arms, going from a bit under the shoulder, to a bit over the wrist, covering his tattoos mostly. He wears black leather boots, good for travel. Weapons: - M48 Spear: A more modern looking spear, it's about 5 feet long. It can be used for slashing or stabbing, and is very durable. Hard as hell to break. Usually rests on his back right above his rear, and collapses down to 2 ft. The handle is a mahogany wood design, with white tribal designs on it, and a red and blue feather hand off the base of the blade, a purple one at the bottom. - K22 Swords: Like the swords, these blades are more modern. They are short swords meant to be used one handed, and like the spear are very durable. The blades are pitch black, military standard, with custom grips to fit his hand perfectly. Sheathed on hips. - Ballistic shield: A small, arm mounted buckler, able to block up to one shot from a .50 sniper. It is light, durable, and painted all black unlike in the picture, with a stylized sun on the centre in white. Sheathed on upper back. - Javod MK-15 Military crossbow: A crossbow with a ridiculously fast 3 second load time, this weapon hits as hard as a low cal sniper rifle. It's deadly accurate, with a lot of power behind it. Usually on back if spear and shield aren't there, or on his cycle. Armour: he wears ballistic plated under his pants, and a ballistic vest like so on his chest when fighting: It is very slash and stab resistant, and helps reduce impact from blunt blows. It it weak to bullets and energy though. He wears a helmet like this: It has the same characteristics as the body armour. He also wears tough leather boots. Abilities: - Skilled with sword, spear, knife, crossbow and shield combat - Electrokinesis (very skilled, prefers to not use it) - Skilled mechanic, and good at jury rigging. - Skilled at moving around because of his past. Parkour, freerunning and athletics come naturally - In very good physical condition, like many a warrior. Bio: (Note in the Earth he is from, guns are not a thing.) Born to a poor family in Pachuca, Mexico, Leon grew up a thief and brawler, to the dismay but survival of his parents. He had three brothers, one of which died at a young age from disease, and another of which was killed when Leon was 14 in a gang fight. His family lived in a small slums area, where gangs ruled, keeping an iron grip over people. Leon, luckily didn't fall into this, instead joining the military when he was 16, lying about his age. He served for 2 years as a front like troop with sword, spear and shield, but his skill with bikes was noticed during one mission. He was put into a Strike Team, a hit and run tactic squad using spears and bikes. He was deadly efficient with this, serving for 5 years before his squad was wiped out, with Leon deserting, roaming as a hired blade to support his family, lying he was still in the military. Fun facts: - Owns a motorcycle like the one in the picture. It's been customized to off-road, and have enough storage for at least 3 weeks rations if MRE plus hold 3 quivers of crossbow bolts. Sword sheath up on the right spoke of the front wheel, and a spear mount under the right handle bar:

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            • Edited by Xeno: 7/15/2017 1:37:58 AM
              [b] [/b]

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            • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 7/20/2017 6:22:56 AM
              [i]I've already learned my lessons of karma. On retribution. Everything always comes back around - only to nail you in the face.[/i] [i]It's just life.[/i]" ------------------------------- [u]Name:[/u] Victoria, previously Palatine Victoria of the Order of Our Martyred Lady [u]Age:[/u] Looks to be within her mid-twenties Actually twenty-four [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Armor:[/u] [url=]Adepta Sororitas Power Armor, Order of Our Martyred Lady[/url] [spoiler]Power Armor worn by those whom proudly served the Order of Our Martyred Lady. The suit of armor utilizes excellent forms of strength-enhancing technologies, boosting Victoria's already above average strength by a noticeable amount while within the suit. The primary plating of the armor is ceramite, providing an amazing defense against ballistic and melee weaponry, while underneath lies adamantium which provides even more defensive bonuses. Thanks to the servos implemented into the armor, Victoria's speed remains the same, if not better. The helmet of the armor is a Sabbat Pattern Sororitas Helmet, providing a comm link for communication with allies, a rebreather against toxins and atmospheres with no oxygen, and filters and psycho-ocurel buffering to protect human minds and enhance them to be more resistant against the fatigues of battle. The armor is a deep black paint in color, weathered by battle yet repaired slightly by the blacksmiths of the Dojo's residency. Crimson red fabric lines the armor, tinted with a light golden fabric, though they have had all holy symbols removed. In fact, all of Victoria's symbols have been removed, in recognition of her disappearance from the Imperium and her acknowledgement that other Sororitas would not bother to search for whatever happened to her.[/spoiler] [u]Weapons:[/u] [u]Godwyn De-az Pattern Bolter[/u] [spoiler]A utilized pattern of the Adepta Sororitas, the Godwyn De-az Pattern Bolter is a weapon created for the usages of both Sisters of Battle upon the field and humanoid combatants that fight for the Imperium, for standard Astartes Patterns tend to be much too powerful for the regular usage from regular beings. As such, the Godwyn De-az Pattern was created. Still utilizing the same components as a Bolter of a Space Marine, this weapon fires .50 caliber rounds, holding thirty rounds in total. Each bullet is designed to penetrate and explode within their targets, exploding with a brutal tungsten core within each bullet. It also utilizes a vicious bayonet called a Sarissa, curved and intended for quick, savage close quarters if necessary.[/spoiler] [u]Two Godwyn De-az Pattern Bolt Pistols[/u] [spoiler]Two Bolt Pistols utilized by Adepta Sororitas, created in the Godwyn De-az Pattern. Both of these weapons are practically miniature Bolters, except smaller and built to be sidearms. Victoria rarely dares to dual-wield the Bolt Pistols, instead using them for close ranged combat or alongside her sword, Fury.[/spoiler] [url=]"Fury" Power Gladius[/url] ((Ignore that weird bone pommel.. odd.)) [spoiler]A Power Weapon, carved into the design of a gladius and primarily used in one hand by Victoria. The entire weapon is thirty-one inches long in length, the blade being twenty-four inches in length and crafted from adamantium while the handle is seven inches long. Fury's blade, formed into the shape of a gladius, is double-edged for extra hack 'n slash potential, while it is pointed for stabs as well. The blade's width is about four inches, allowing for it to punch through armor with such a considerably large blade. Fury's hilt allows for the weapon to parry and deflect other attacks, while the pommel ends with a teardrop shape, allowing for bashing attacks that could dent and destroy armor. But alas, the weapon has one primary function that makes it a Power Weapon: with the simple press of a button, Victoria can allow an aura of vibrant blue light to surround Fury's blade, encasing it in bright energy. This energy has the capabilities to split and separate molecular bonds, practically cutting through.. well, everything, to be quite honest. Don't ask what happens if a Power Weapon meets another Power Weapon.[/spoiler] [u]Kalahan's Swordshield[/u] [spoiler]A weapon that was taken from the great cannibal Kalahan, a monstrous being whom nearly killed Victoria, had it not been for a friend that sacrificed his wellbeing for her safety. It is made out of near unbreakable adamantium, and can transform back and forth in a fraction of a second with a quick push against the handle of the active mode. [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield (Shield Formation)[/url] The shield form of the swordshield, this defensive formation becomes a large crest shield, finishes off with a skull within the center mass. A capable shield, to be used in defensive procedures and defending herself and her allies from harm. [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield (Sword Formation)[/url] If Victoria takes to the offensive, she can transform her adamantium shield into a forty-eight inch long, or four foot long, greatsword. The weapon is double-edged and intended for usage against larger enemies, and can disable projectile magics as it passes through them.[/spoiler] [u]Abilities:[/u] [u]Contractee Abilities[/u] [spoiler]After a particularly fun encounter with a giant cannibal whom promptly cleaved Victoria's left arm off, her partner, Vance (Cazberry's character) saw only one thing to do: after slaying the beast, he had decided to amputate his own left arm and cauterize the stump left behind, sewing it onto what remained of Victoria's arm, ensuring her life as a heretic - er, restoring her to a decent condition. I won't argue the logic nor why he didn't just cauterize the wound, because I like my green fire. Anyway - the conjunction of Victoria's body and Vance's left arm allowed the Sororitas to tap into the flame magics of the Contractee, while she has taken to utilizing spells and abilities of of her own. These spells are extremely volatile, capable of burning through flesh and armor as if melting through in seconds.[/spoiler] [spoiler][u]Total MP: 7500[/u] [u]Vance's Fire Abilities[/u]: [b]Body of Flame Passive[/b] Victoria's left arm is extremely resistant to heat, burns, fire, and the like. Even stranger is the ability to literally consume fire, making her abilities stronger and regenerating mana. [b]Flame Shield Active Buff[/b] Summons a wall of green flame wherever user wishes, and follows the nearest ally. The flame turns all projectiles that strike it in ashes, however only lasts two posts. The more damage it blocks, the more mana is spent. [b]Flame-Infused Arm – 100 MP/post Active Buff[/b] Infuses arms with green flames. Causes extreme pain and destruction, but not the most lethal magic. Great for burning down structures and burning off skin. [b]Legs of Flame – 150 MP/post Active Buff[/b] Infuses legs with green flames. Trails flames behind user as they move, causing massive destruction and burn. Slightly boosts speed, although not by much. [b]Eruption – 300 MP Active[/b] Infuses arm with green flames. Upon contact, creates a massive explosion of flame; this is not caused by the fire itself, but by a burst of magic energy that takes place upon contact. The blow deals massive damage and massive destruction. [b]Fire Orb – 1000 MP Active[/b] Created a massive ball of green flame, dealing a large amount of damage to unarmored enemies, cooking armored enemies, and creating huge amounts of destruction. [b]Flame Body – 1250 MP Active[/b] Body turns into green flames to avoid all damage, and harming physical attackers upon contact. Only lasts one post. [u]Victoria's Fire Abilities[/u]: [b]Compacted Fireballs - 150 MP/per grenade[/b] Generating a small fireball within her palm, Victoria can throw these balls like grenades, with different variations. [u]Regular Explosion[/u]: Nothing special. Two-foot wide explosion of heat. [u]Blast[/u]: +25 MP, releases several fragments of molten metals generated within the grenade. [u]Sun[/u]: +45 MP, releases a thirty-six by thirty-six inch sun-like aspect of green flame. Capable of incinerating targets in armor, used as a zone attack. [b]Spout of Flame - 200 MP/post Active[/b] Victoria releases bursts of green flame towards her target, the spout reaching five feet and being eight inches wide. The compacted flames are capable of burning through metal and flesh. [b]Blade of Flame - 450 MP Active Buff[/b] Victoria coats whatever weapon that she is using in vibrant green flame, allowing her to cleave and stab through her foes while cauterizing and spreading flames across their bodies. [b]Melting Greatsword - 700 MP Active[/b] Unleashes a seven-foot long greatsword from the user's chosen hand, staying fir around four seconds. The weapon in design is double-edged and scorching with compacted green flames, leaving behind a trail of fire and destruction when swung. Extremely effective against flesh. [/spoiler]

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            • Edited by Splashback77: 1/17/2018 10:38:42 PM
              [spoiler]Mfw I'm so addicted to making guardians.[/spoiler] [b]Name[/b] Fabio [u]Pronounciation[/u] Fay-bee-oe [b]Class[/b] Hunter [b]Mastered Subclass(es)[/b] Bladedancer- Full Extent Nightstalker- Can throw a Spike Grenade. That's it. [u]Light Type[/u]- Arc/Void [b]Species, Gender[/b] Human-ish, Male [b]Description[/b] Sand blond, medium, shaggy hair; 5 foot 8, appears to be about 18; Ice blue eyes. Skin only 5 more shades tanner than Michael Jackson. [b]Usual Armor[/b] [armory]Iron Companion Mask[/armory] [armory]Iron Companion Sleeves[/armory] [armory]Iron Companion Vest[/armory] [armory]Iron Companion Boots[/armory] Full Wolfskin Cloak with the hood from [armory]Wolfswood Cloak[/armory] [b]Weapons[/b] Fabio has been gifted many weapons from different people. [spoiler][armory]The Clever Dragon[/armory] [armory]Felwinter's Lie[/armory] [armory]The Distant Star[/armory] [armory]The Silvered Dread[/armory] [armory]The Titanium Orchid[/armory] [armory]The Blinding Blaze[/armory] [armory]Efrideet's Spear[/armory] [armory]Nirwen's Mercy[/armory] [armory]Finnala's Peril[/armory] [armory]Young Wolf's Howl[/armory][/spoiler] [b]Bio[/b] Okay... how to explain this.... Fabio used to a wolf. In fact, he was a cub of two of wolves running around Felwinter Peak. Because they do stuff other than lie around and maul Splicers. Anyway, the most lore-breaking event that happened-- A.K.A. the Rez that puts all Mercy Mains, myself included, to Shame-- when Sarah Grey resurrected the Iron Lords. It left behind a light anomaly that transformed Fabio from wolf to human, and gave him power. He went back to Felwinter Peak, where a Ghost named Centauri was compatible with the Hunter and decided to make Fabio his Guardian. He is only a few months old in terms of how long he has been a Guardian. The only other planet he has been to in the Solar System is Venus. On Venus, some Vex sent him to Dojoville and BAM! That's the story of Fabio. [b]Personality[/b] Fabio is a very soft-spoken person. He doesn't like people. Or bugs. The only people who have been good to him are Efrideet, Saladin, and a mysterious Hunter named Lukas. He is socially awkward, very easily startled, and angered. No one has ever seen him smile. EVER. To add on, he tends to fall into random fits of rage, where he shifts into animal and is on a rampage. [b]Centauri[/b] His Ghost, Centauri, is a chromatic white. Like super shiny. He sounds like Gordon Ramsey. [b]Special Ability[/b] [u]The Predator[/u] Thanks to the anamoly of light that gave him this power, he can shape-shift into any animal that eats a living thing. [b]Skills[/b] Fabio is only skilled in a few things: --Fighting in animal form --Fencing --Evasion Tactics --Talking to animals (Except Bugs. He hates bugs)

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              • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 7/12/2017 9:32:39 PM
                [quote][i]The Devil whispers "[b]You can't withstand the storm.[/b]" The warrior replies: "[b]I am the storm.[/b]"[/i][/quote] -------------------------- [b]Name[/b]: Primus Ventrius, Olivia, Daughter of the Dragonslayer and the Blue Flame [b]Age[/b]: Mid-twenties, or somewhere around that mark. [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Underneath the adorned armor that usually encases Olivia's body, truly lies a woman which has been molded by combative experience and growing stronger. Olivia outside of the armor is still a remarkably tall woman, at six feet and five inches tall, while her bodily frame remains a nice fit between muscular and feminine. Not ridiculously muscular, not stupidly busty or curvy, just.. normal, least for her height. [b]Known Titles[/b]: 1st Primus of the Revenants of Steel, dedicated to the destruction of hostile alien lifeforms. Titanslayer, after slaying the giant Goliath that was assaulting Dojoville. [b]Weapons[/b]: [url=][b]"Justice"[/b][/url] The spear known as "Justice" was built in the model of the Dragonslayer's spear, likely to commemorate and honor his memory. It is Olivia's only weapon of choice: near suiсidal, and idiotic, until one learns of the weapon's capabilities. The general length of the entire spear, staff and head, is surprising: it is forty eight inches long, or four feet long, with the titanium alloy spearhead being ten inches long in length. The shaft of the spear is made of hardened steel and coated in rubber, the end of the staff structure completing with a sharpened, arrowhead-like point that could be used as a pommel, oddly enough. The weapon itself is supercharged by a considerably large lightning gem found within the spearhead, found by Olivia while hunting a dragon of old. The electricity had met a slab of titanite and infused within it, mined out later for Olivia's own usages. With each successful attack, a jolt of electricity (around 50 mA. Also, don't ask how Olivia isn't shocked to death, lmfao. I just want a lightning spear) enters it's target, shocking them violently. [b]Lion's Guard[/b] (Literally named after a kid's show -.-) A round shield that is wrapped around Olivia's left hand and forearm (usually), this shield is primarily intended to deflect attacks rather than endure them, though Olivia's height and prowess allows her to block heavier attacks that come to her way. [b]Armor[/b]: [url=][b]The Lion's Armor[/b][/url] Personally crafted for the Primus by the finest blacksmiths within the Fifth Regiment, this set of armor would be created to heighten Olivia's very strength and capabilities within combat. The exoskeleton of the suit utilizes an alloyed titanium to hold it together. Covering the exoskeleton is an inch thick layer of ceramite, least around the chest and vital region, covering her center mass and back. Her forearms, shins, thighs, pauldrons, and helmet are also reinforced by lighter alloys of titanium and ceramite. [b]Abilities[/b]: Olivia utilizes the miracles once used by the Lord of Sunlight Gwyn and his followers later on, alongside her own. [u]Total MP: 5000[/u]

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              • Edited by Doos: 11/25/2018 4:36:46 AM
                Shadow Master Corps: Maya Sundaresh Maya: 1st degree Master of Shadows, previously 3rd degree Master of Shadows(aka Shadow Master 3°)/also part of a secondary, elite hunter group. Motto: I'm a hunter. Master of tricks and traps. No method too low. No stakes too high. I enjoy the length of the hunt. Not the kill. Physical appearance: [spoiler]Age forgotten, appearance of age, approximately 25. black hair with red highlights. One red eye while the other is a gray blue. Slender build. Whitish skin with a light tan. Wears a black and gray cloak and tunic with many patched areas. Tight black leather trousers. Wisps of smoke constantly drip off the edges of the clothing. [/spoiler] Armor: [spoiler]uhhhh... Well.. There's none. Maya Sundaresh is better at dodging (not in the godmod way but like a nimble on the feet way)[/spoiler] [spoiler]wait! There is a vambrace on her arm. That's her armor. It has ten notches for arrows that she has set aside, because of various attributes(exploding, poison, gas, confetti, etc.) also an extremely small shadow veil shield pours out and solidifies from the vambrace. It's meant to slow down piercing projectiles and cushion the blow of blunt force. A last resort flimsy shield.[/spoiler] Weapons: [spoiler] [u]Small black knifes.[/u]: Multitude, stored within the shadow realm. The left hand carries a single edged blade. The right a double edged. When left alone for a short amount of time, they dissipate back into the shadows(the blades.... Not the hands...) [u]Long bow[/u]: made of a pure black wood. Extremely strong and fires arrows powerfully. When being fired, Maya grabs in front of the string ripping an access point open to allow the next arrow to notch. Pulling back and grabbing the string as well. Allows continuous firing without moving the arm down [u]Spears[/u]: conjured by retrieving from the Shadow Realm, this is a preset weapon, and has no copies(if stolen I have to get it back). This weapon is hardly used except in desolate anger. When facing a dire situation, this spear can be revealed to be a thin sword by removing the wooden staff outer edges. It is a Cursed blade stolen from Maya's father. Composed of metal that grows within the City Under the Sun. Nigh unbreakable. Believe me. Maya has tried again and again in anger to destroy it. It enhances the speed of the wielder tenfold which increases quickly after that from the curse. And there is very little it cannot cleave. Magic has no effect on the Cursed blade. It resists transfer of any energy based attacks (not blocks, just resists which means strong enough energy can still get past albeit weakened). Can be destroyed by throwing it in a new born star, and left alone for two months. Any other somehow successful destruction. The curse it wields will be released upon destruction. (The curse is a trio of shadow Demons from the shadow realm. They are unified and speak through one raspy voice. Always hungry for destruction. Greatest wish for them is to be released in this dimension where if they do get released, they will never ever be captured again except by the entity of the Shadow Realm herself (One of Twigs characters) It's downfall of using the blade unprotected by the staff's form is that Maya will begin to become possessed. Once fully possessed. The sword must be physically removed from her person and she must be exorcised of the demons. DO NOT ALLOW HER TO ENTER THE SHADOW REALM WHILE POSSESSED. IF THIS HAPPENS. SHE COULD WREAK HAVOC WITHOUT EVER GETTING APPREHENDED AGAIN. So use large flash bangs to wash out all shadows, or plunge everything into pitch black darkness (second option is more dangerous but easier to accomplish for lengthy periods of time. Dangerous cuz the possessed version of Maya can still see perfectly) Update: Maya transcribed a greenish seal into her hip that helps her control the Cursed Blade when in use. Not a permanent solution. Just to help slow the possession down or to negate the possession when not in an intense fight.[/spoiler] Abilities:(via Shadow Master Corps) [spoiler]Shadow manipulation/A very tight grasp of shadow world control. (An interdimensionary realm of shadows. Imagine a gas cloud in space if you want a mental image but darker and chock full of red and black. The shadows take on a more smoke like appearance there. Easy to get lost for the newer shadow trainees.) Included: teleportation, (oneself and other objects) clones, traps, (I.e. Dig a hole. Fill it with shadows and change the appearance to convey normalcy) storage, a safe zone, shadow barrier [A thick wall that can be pierced only by the strongest of projectiles but not blades.(needs considerable speed and momentum to pierce.)] and to skrew the vision of opponents and prey. Also possible: forcing the shadow down the throats of enemies to cause obstruction of breathing. Ability to hide in plain sight just by standing in a normal shadow. There is one dangerous ability/move I can use. You may have seen me use it once before. But I'm not revealing its nature here. It's extremely dangerous to me. Even fatally so... It's a last ditch power move. If it pops up on any fight of mine. I'll explain it then. Not before. It's secret. Haha[/spoiler] Abilities: (via the elite hunter group) [spoiler]Keen eyesight (dark/length), strong sense of smell. Ability to grasp the intent of animals communications. (I.e. Warnings, targets, basic info etc). One of the best trackers around. Knowledge of hiding without the use of 'Shadows'. [/spoiler] Weakness: [spoiler] · an excess of light as such that no shadows can be seen anywhere. A shadow is needed to enter or access the shadow realm. But exiting can be done without the need of a normal shadow. · Pitch black. Some form of light is needed for shadows to be seen.... ·Pure light. If the light successfully washes away every shadow available. Them I can't access the shadow dimension or it's abilities · A normal human body so... Fatal stabs, cuts, etc. Anything that would kill a strong hooman. It'll do the same to Maya. Minor injuries are inconsequential as minor injuries are quickly healed through shadow abilities, so no making her tired or bleed out from massive amount of minor injuries[/spoiler] Healing: [spoiler]i have no major healing mid fight. Smoke Bandages yes. Healing no. Requires a long time of sitting in the shadow realm. Lost limbs are not easily repaired. The other end of the limb is required. And even then it's healing and reattachement is not guaranteed. (Basically? If you cut my leg off. I attempt to finish the fight or lose quickly. So I can go back into the shadow realm. Irl I flip a coin with my eyes closed. Heads= leg is fixed. Tails=..... Well... I'm gonna need a prosthetic with a hollow part so I can fill it with tea and liquor[/spoiler] Backstory: [spoiler]Maya Sundaresh was a terminally ill child. Her parents mostly ignored her, assuming she'd die eventually. Even going so far as to having another child and naming it the same name; Maya Sundaresh. Maya, fed up with this treatment left at the age of 10 and went into the world. She stumbled into a dark padoga that seemed religious. Being there, she accidentally made contact with the being that is the Shadow Realm. (It's a living dimension. Everything within is one entity. All of the tangible physical shadows, creatures, demons, etc. Everything) The Shadow Realm dimension entity offered her power for her soul and a cure to her terminal illness. She accepted and then was found by the Shadow Master Corps (very small group who also made pacts with the Shadow Realm entity. Mostly unknown group) The Corps trained her for 30450 years (unlimited life when in a life bonded pact of the Shadow Realm) before she became a 3° master of her own and was allowed to live her own life in accordance to the Shadow Master Corps religious doctrine. Joined the dojo, began to train Roy, a child of light and dark with an affinity but not pact with the Shadow Realm. Eventually left the dojo in search of the method of the Green Seal to slow down the possession rate of her Cursed Blade and to work on getting promoted two more times to 1st degree Master of Shadows. She is now one rank away from attaining Shadow Priest. The final Testament to her long journey as a Shadow Realm religious apostate. Promotion will happen soon and will come with a slew of new abilities. [i][b]Roy Is another rp character from a separate person[/b][/i][quote]that's all I got for backstory for now[/quote][/spoiler]

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              • [i]"I am the words, the hands, and the acts of the Circle. Their gratitude, their fury, or their judgement - I've played those roles quite well."[/i] --------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Ambassador Charlia Isabella Fenderan, prefers to go by simply Charlia or even Isabella. The title "Ambassador" or "ma'am" are not titles that she asks for. [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Two-Hundred and Eighteen Years Old [b]Species/Race:[/b] Elf [b]Physique:[/b] [url=]Link:[/url] Ectomorph [b]Personality/Quirks:[/b] In simple terms: Charlia isn't right in the head. As ambassador for the Circle, Charlia on the outside is a very kind and compassionate individual, taking her time to evaluate every situation that she is thrown into. In some sense, she is an intense strategist, and an intellectual being due to the history that she has studied and her own experiences. Underneath that facade is pure and utter hatred: an anger that Charlia has yet to let loose. It fuels her to do whatever she can to see success, to see that she would never fail her mission. In combat, Charlia is relentless and brutal, taking every chance to end the confrontation. She's dishonorable as can be, and will do anything to keep herself alive. [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=][b]P320 Pistol:[/b][/url] [spoiler]A simplistic, military-issue pistol, which holds around fourteen 9mm Luger rounds. Charlia usually has it outfitted with a red dot sight and a silencer, for stealth purposes.[/spoiler] [url=][b]Shortsword:[/b][/url] [spoiler]A shortsword that Charlia keeps at her side, the weapon is approximately twenty-two inches long. The sword's blade is made of an alloy of titanium, the blade itself double-edged and slanted for more slashing value. The weapon's hilt is efficient for parrying weapons of its size, while the pommel is tear-shaped and made of magnesium, allowing for fierce bashing.[/spoiler] [url=][b]Dagger:[/b][/url] [spoiler]A weapon intended for murder, Charlia's dagger is a weapon that she took great lengths to obtaining: the weapon is ten inches long, and sharpened to a deadly edge. With each stab, an enchantment activates, which worsens the bleeding and causes much more pain than a regular stab would.[/spoiler] [b]Abilities:[/b] Charlia is an exceptional mage, and could indeed could be considered a "gunmage", utilizing abilities that work well with firearms and yet, using magic that would support stealth and assassinations. [b]Total MP - 4500[/b] •[u]Gun Enchantment: 350 MP[/u] Charlia enchants the current firearm that she is using, encasing the rounds fired from within with charges of flame, which explode upon contact with a solid object. •[u]Reload Assistance: 550 MP[/u] In a dire situation, Charlia can immediately reload her weapon without having to manually do it. Cooldown is eight turns. •[u]Muffle: 650 MP[/u] Charlia's footsteps are muffled for approximately ten turns, unless she attacks or deactivates it herself. •[u]Vanish: 675 MP[/u] Charlia vanishes entirely, her figure suddenly dissipating from this realm, although her noise is not hidden. Lasts for five turns. •[u]Out of the Frying Pan: 755 MP[/u] Charlia immediately slams down an orb of darkness, which spreads a cloud of darkness around where she slams it. Used for evasions. •[u]And Into the Fire: 1000 MP[/u] Charlia concentrates all of her magical energy to suddenly "teleport" five feet away from her current position, fading into the darkness and reappearing soon after. Cooldown is ten turns. •[u]Golden Flight: 300 MP per use, 150 per turn[/u] Charlia concentrates her magical abilities to create two vibrantly golden, dragon-like wings, seven feet in wingspan. These wings allow her to fly rapidly through combat, while her overall stamina has been increased for their usage. Dissipate into golden particles when they are deactivated. •[u]Regen: Regains 75 MP per turn.[/u] [b]Faction:[/b] The Circle [spoiler]JK JK AOA ALL THE WAY![/spoiler] [b]Backstory:[/b] Charlia's background is something that I need to reveal via RP. [b]Additional:[/b] •Loves all forms of music. Especially orchestra. •Charlia loves watching comedic acts and sarcasm, while she enjoys it when people question her. •Christian in origin. She still believes in God, even for her terrible acts. •Extremely respectable to Pheronites and Humans. •...Despises most Elves. •Fluent in several languages.

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              • [quote][i]"This world shall not feel the burden of change and the outcome of temporary peace, unless we are so willing to act and bring that upon these paths. And must I even say..[/i] [i]...I am more than willing to bring those outcomes."[/i][/quote] --------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Gideon Pavus Fenderan [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 281 [b]Species/Race:[/b] Elf [url=][b]Physique:[/b][/url] Gideon is unique, at least in terms of physical condition - unlike most mages, who are slim, weak, not athletic or all three, he is actually somewhat fit, maintaining a lean yet highly athletic body. He is built for speed and long-term sprinting, due to both his peak condition and his stature of five feet and eleven inches tall. His skin is a lightly tanned color, smooth yet slightly rugged due to his life within the outdoors. Upon his right forearm is a coiled dragon tattoo, black in color and designed flawlessly: the tattoo itself is decorated with intricate Elven symbols and signs, hidden within the dragon's body and eyes. Gideon's facial structure suggests an intelligence, as it is sharp and angular in design. His head is a shaven bald, his ears representing his elfhood by being long and sharp, like daggers protruding from his head. Gideon's eyes are a vibrant blue color, like the oceans east of Caelia. He also has a slight scar upon his forehead. [b]Personality/Quirks:[/b] Peaceful, thoughtful, and yet, one who seeks judgement for those who have committed sin - Gideon is no warmonger, as he is in a constant search for a pathway for a relatively perfect world. He is intelligent and takes things slowly, considering every option in his disposal before acting. That does not mean that he is merciful, however. Gideon also has an odd hatred for Elves, even though he is one. Perhaps one day, this shall be revealed.. [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=][b]Corrupted Drake Staff:[/b][/url] The staff that Gideon uses as a catalyst for his magic is long corrupted by an ancient curse - originally a staff belonging to a legendary warlock who studied and protected dragonkind from fearful humans and elves, it has been infested by a deep blood-colored rocky substance, bounded to it for the remainder of its existence. Even Gideon isn't aware of what the corruption is, although he is more than knowing of its darkness. The staff itself is made of an old alloy of titanium, allowing it to be considerably strong yet heavy as well. The intended grip is wrapped with darkened leather to comfort one's handling of the weapon, while the end of the staff is a jagged point, sharpened by Gideon to form a double-bladed spearhead intended for slashes and stabs in the case that he needs to assault in melee combat. The head of the staff is shaped into a dragon's roaring headpiece, its maw widened af revealing a glistening red crystal where it's tongue should be. Here, the catalyst of the staff is formed, as spells will originate from this point. [url=][b]Drakeknight Robes:[/b][/url] Ancient robes worn by the warlock who died fending off humans and elves who were assaulting his dragon for its skins, Gideon has taken up the garb and remodeled it for his own purposes, so that both the warrior may be remembered, and the enchantments upon this armor shall be utilized in combat once again. The armor set itself consists of a first layer of steel alloy, covering Gideon's chest, stomach and side regions from harm. His left arm is encased within a skin-tight layer of chain mail when equipped, while steel plate covers his left forearm, palm and shoulder, serving as a pauldron. The right arm is extremely powerful, crafted from a titanium alloy and extraordinarily strong. It serves as a pauldron, while both allowing major defense against swords and such and something that Gideon may use to literally punch his foes with. A chestpiece of titanium alloy also covers his chest region, protecting his vitals and ribs from injury. The crimson robes of the armor go down to his knees, while wool insulates him underneath the armor to provide heat. The enchantments placed upon the armor both lighten it significantly, allowing Gideon to move quickly while being considerably tanky as well, at least against melee weaponry. An energy shield consisting of generated magic can emit from the right arm, which eats away and literally devours what meets it, unless it is biological. If it is a magical projectile, it can be stored inside and used later. The enchantments also increase Gideon's strength considerably, although he isn't the damn Hulk. [b]Abilities:[/b] A mage in origin, and due to his upbringings within the mountains of Caelia, Gideon is exceptionally capable of magic involving the usage of spirits and the realms beyond ours, alongside controlling the earth frequently. Using these capabilities, he is able to serve as a colossal force upon the battlefield: ripping apart his foes with stone and ravaging their armies with summoned spirits, while supporting his allies with constricts of earth and shields of spirit essence. Total MP - 7,500 -Spirit Spells- •Projectiles - No MP These projectiles are fired from the catalyst within Gideon's staff, scorching their foes and burning through light armor. •Faded Shielding - 300 MP Per Shield Gideon covers his allies with durable shields of magic, which deflect melee hits, spells, natural effects, bullets depending on their rounds, and more damage. These shields are not invincible, but they are considerably powerful. •Spiritual Guidance - 550 MP Gideon asks for the insight of the spirits that have passed onwards, as he is then blessed with knowledge - he is revealed with information about his combatant's weaponry, armor, magical abilities, and locations. •Releasing Spirits - 725 MP Gideon summons a singular Pheronite warrior, one who he had released from a curse long ago. This Pheronite stands at seven feet tall and is mute, wielding a jagged sword and a hardy shield alongside durable armor. It is stronger than the average being, yet can be banished if struck by wounds that would kill a regular being. •Consumption: Gideon's left hand glistens with raw energy, as he grabs his foes in close-range combat and consumes their energy. From this, he regains 500 MP and, if the target is knowledgeable with magic, will learn one of their spells. I'll try to keep this selection as randomized as possible, so that he doesn't get an apocalyptic spell (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) -Earth Abilities- Gideon's earthly abilities are not measured by spells, but by their capacity. If they are small, then not much MP is required. Larger spells will require much more effort from him, and as such, more MP. Small-scale Earth Manipulation (pebbles, small-medium sized rocks) - 5-50 MP Apprentice-leveled Earth Manipulation (rocks, larger stones, and controlling dust) - 51-200 MP Adept Earth Manipulation (larger stones, small boulders, and shifting the earth slightly) - 201-500 Intense Earth Manipulation (boulders, shaking the earth, golems, and raising the earth) - 501 to 2000. [b]Faction:[/b] NDF. [b]Backstory:[/b] Learn it, cuck. [b]Additional:[/b] •Oddly fond of classic rock music, in contrast to his love of peace. •Usually spends his time meditating.

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              • [i]"...I don't...really feel like some sort of hero, when I play my part in this world. I don't feel like a heavenly crusader against evil, or a shining light in the dark, or...any of those things.[/i] [i]I just think that I'm a regular young woman, playing her part in the world. That's my story - it may change, it may not. There's only one way to find out, isn't there?"[/i] -------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Annabelle Reese Swordheart, "Swordheart" [b]Age:[/b] Approximately: Twenty-One Years, Two Months, Thirteen Days and counting. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=][b]Link:[/b][/url] Five feet and nine inches tall, with a thin, yet fit build suited for a knightess. Known for her soft, angular face, which is lightly tanned and accompanied by light green eyes. Typically ties her hair into a braid. [b]Abilities:[/b] [b]Swordsmanship:[/b] While she isn't the best, Anne is still a fine swordswoman, adept with straight swords and longswords as well, alongside utilizing a medium-class shield with a straight sword. Her skill with said weaponry can be matched, as she had yet to master such weapons. [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=][b]Swordheart Helmet[/b][/url] [spoiler]A piece of the Swordheart Armour, and indeed what could be considered the pinnacle of the set: The Swordheart Helm, once worn by Alexander Swordheart and passed down until it reached Adele. In the style of a closed helmet, this barbuta knight helmet is visorless, although it provides significant defense against weaponry. The helm itself is made from steel alloy, while a "T" serves as holes for eyesight. Engraved into the side of each cheek is a cross formation, carved into the steel in a beautifully delicate manner. [/spoiler] [url=][b]Swordheart Armour[/b][/url] [spoiler]The set that makes the warrior - the Swordheart Armour is the signature set worn by one Anne Swordheart; a set of knightly armor bestowed upon the great Alexander Swordheart years ago, and passed throughout the ages until it reached Anne, this armor has been thoroughly repaired and upgraded over time. The primary chestplate of the armor is coveted by steel alloy plating, allowing slashes and stabs to be deflected, least from small-medium swords. Maces and heavy weaponry is useful. Underneath the plates consists of mostly chain mail, and under that, cloth to comfort Adele. Her kneecaps, leggings, boots, pauldrons, and forearms are also guarded by steel plate.[/spoiler] [url=][b]"Honorbound"[/b][/url] [spoiler]Honorbound - an elegant sword, wielded long ago. The origin of the blade is unknown, although it has made its way through history, occasionally appearing in text as a legendary sword. Although it possesses no unnatural capabilities, it is still a weapon to behold. Honorbound is a twenty-five inch long straight sword, the blade and edge crafted out of a steel alloy while the handle is made of brass, the pommel in a teardrop shape utilized for bashing.[/spoiler] [url=][b]"Knightly Wall"[/b][/url] [spoiler]A classic wooden shield that Anne acquired near the beginning of her dastardly journey, off the body of a mutilated knight, one whom she had respected. This crest-shaped, ancient shield is not entirely powerful, outside of the solid steel eagle head in the center, which can be utilized for bashing. Intended against light-medium weaponry.[/spoiler] [b]Basic Equipment:[/b] [spoiler]Annabelle carries around a medium-sized back as she travels, which contains all that she has ever lived with: a small hatchet for chopping wood, a skinning knife for separating pelt from flesh, a basic fire starting rune, which ignites a small flame onto whatever it touches (isn't too useful in combat, unless placed upon one's face or an exposed area. Requires a cool down of fifteen posts), a wrapped up sleeping bag, a flute, sixty-one pieces of gold, and an old, burnt picture of Anne as a child, alongside her family.[/spoiler] [b]Bio:[/b] [spoiler]To some, Swordheart is a hero. To others, she is a disgrace. Born about twenty years ago, within The Plains, and more specifically upon the homestead of the Swordheart lineage - Annabelle Swordheart was the youngest, and the only girl out of seven children, all destined to become warriors and mages of the future. At a younger age, Anne was beaten in swordplay by one brother, outsmarted by another, yet...none could make her creativity, or her charisma. That was all that civilians could get out of her childhood. Now? The Swordheart estate is...gone. Where there was a massive farm and manor, reduced to burnt ashes. The rest of the Swordheart family, gone. Annabelle was thought to be their sole survivor - and yet, even their murderer, although she denies it. From this day forward, she travels as a wandering knight, seeking a cause worthy to serve. [/spoiler]

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                • Returning character. You'd best believe that her bio will be lazy asf. Name: Vio Age: Uh... good question. I actually don't know. I'll say she appears 20. Sex: Female Sexuality: Straight up homo Appearance: Violet, boyish haircut. Violet eyes. Pale skin complexion, thin lips, angular face. Abilities: Illusions. So many illusions. Is that your mom? Is [i]that[/i] your mom? Or is... [b][i]that[/i][/b] your mom? Oh, and she breaks the fourth wall almost 24/7. Watch out for that. Weapons: I dunno. A chainsaw. Bigass chainsaw. Backstory: Good question.

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                • [i]"Alllllllll in. I got a feelin' 'bout this hand."[/i] [b]Name[/b] Vel'noi, zilma ei Valinrous ien Xinrhobia. Katour ei zlaminas, Retnugr ei shla Zizixgy, Zizizgy Tarvimsr, Sevimor ei Drami'vla, shla Ziziygy flaino ximator. Xevimor ei shla Zizixzy. [b]Alias[/b] Vel [b]Appearance[/b] Vel appears as a Caucasian male from the waist up, tanned slightly, with brown hair and eyes. He appears around 25, perhaps older. His hands do however appear in a more purple hue, strongest and darkest at the fingertips. Vel wears a light t-shirt, of varying color depending on the day. He changes clothes ya weirdos. Over this he wears a thick tan jacket, something an explorer would wear. He carries a leather knapsack with him. From the waist down he appears to be some form of snake of about 6 feet in length, half slithering. It is deep purple in color, with lighter spots present. Upon further inspection, they are in fact two large, long tentacles joined together, capable of separating and operating autonomously of the other. The tentacles appear capable of changing shape like certain species of octopi, although to a much greater extent, and usually exhibit scales of a snake when joined together. [b]Weaponry[/b] [i]Voidcaller[/i] Vel intrinsically can summon the void with his bare hands. This mainly means tearing portals open for short periods. [i]Zithral[/i] A jagged shortsword, serrated and infected with the void. [i]Yithlu[/i] The Deep's final gift to Vel, it is a bracelet on his left wrist that allows him to summon forth a shield of it's vile waters, leaving barnacles on anything that touches it. [b]Personality[/b] Vel is a nice... thing. He's not aggressive and tries to help out when he can. He's cheery and encouraging, very unlike a creature of the void. He's a smooth talker but doesn't lie for the heck of it. [b]Bio[/b] Warning: Long-ish. Not very interesting. [spoiler]Vel'noi, zilma ei Valinrous ien Xinrhobia. Katour ei zlaminas, Retnugr ei shla Zizixgy, Zizizgy Tarvimsr, Sevimor ei Drami'vla, shla Ziziygy flaino ximator. Xevimor ei shla Zizixzy, is not your typical abomination from the Void. Spawn of Valinrous, the Lying King, and Xinrhobia, the Deepsinger, he is a creature of the Zizizxy, or Below. He was born to kill and lie and trick and steal, maybe more so than others, as he was the spawn of a king of tricking men into selling their souls, and a creature of luring people to the sea, just to drown them. As a Zizixzlima, or VoidSpawn, he does not age and has always appeared as he does. But he has grown since he was spawned. He originally was as he was intended, a trickster and killer. He was like this for a very long time. He earned many titles from this, from his service to the higher creatures of the Void, Deep, and Abyss. He was named a Liar of the Void, one capable of tricking the most powerful of creatures. He earned the title of Abyss Strider, one who could traverse the empty blackness of the Abyss with certainty. And he was a soldier of the Deep, one who would rise from the sea to wage war. But this is not as he is now. He has changed so much since them, which has earned him two new titles. Deserter of Drami'vla, for his abandonment of the demon's service. And Xevimor ei shla Zizixzy Outcast of the Below For his rejection from The Deep, Abyss, and Void. His rejection stems from him learning two things. Compassion, And morality. He now wanders, slipping around the universe with quick slips into and out of the void, searching either for purpose. [/spoiler]

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                • Edited by Xeno: 7/11/2017 5:39:48 PM
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