DadsOfDestiny Harbingers
"Praesagionis Paternitas - Harbingers of Fatherhood"
originally posted in:DadsOfDestiny Harbingers
Harbingers FAQ
Answers To Questions From New Members specific to DoD Harbingers ([url=]link[/url])
[b]0) The clan is FULL? What can I do?[/b]
Well, you have lots of options! Assuming you want the DoD clan tag, you can join any other DoD clan found in the [url=]DoD Clan Connection[/url]. Being in a DoD clan gets you the tag...but you can join as many groups as you like! Joining a group let's you read and post in that group's forum! Make friends and group together to push back the darkness.
If I were you I would join [url=]DoD Spartans[/url], [url=]DoD Harbingers[/url] [u]and[/u] [url=]DoD Knights[/url] (our sibling groups) and pick one of them for your clan. Then hang out here in the DoD Harbinger forum with the whole gang when you aren't killing Fallen or smooshing Hive.
[b]1) Why are you called Harbingers?[/b]
We had a relatively short poll. Alternate names included: Hooligans, Hawks and HoneyBooBoos.
[b]2) Harbingers of what exactly?[/b]
Generally accepted as "Fatherhood" in reference to the DoD. But during conversations in forum and in-game you can mold it into whatever the situation demands. Anything you want! We aren't too terribly strict so long as you don't embarrass the clan itself. If you want to be a "Harbingers of Flaming Laser-Death for Hive" then by all means knock yourself out. Just don't be a Harbinger of [Bad Things] for [Family, Fathers, Friends]. That's not cool.
[b]3) The motto?[/b]
[i]"Praesagionis Paternitas" - Harbingers of Fatherhood[/i]
This is something in the "haha...but serious" category. That motto means something real. DoD was founded on the responsibility of being a Dad (note the capital 'D') and it's something to be proud of and stand up for. In a sea of attention-starved and raving anonymous internet-children (regardless of calendar age) spewing vitriol and slinging mouthfuls of disrespect at anyone, we are a bulwark against chaos and madness. We are [i]Guardians in the truest sense.[/i]
Stepping down off the soapbox...Latin was also (voted) to sound cooler. Our hipocracy is limited, but does exist. :) If you want to learn how to pronounce it correctly (theatrically if not precisely) you can visit the [url=]pronunciation guide audio file[/url]. You could also wave a magic wand while you shout it and maybe a glowing reindeer will fly out of your backside. Stranger things have happened.
[b]4) How do I JOIN?[/b]
[url=]View the video.[/url] If you have questions, post them in the forum.
[b]5) Do I have to be a DAD?[/b]
No. But you do have to do this...
a - Raise a hand. Either.
b - Place it over your favorite body part.
c - State clearly in your mind:
[i]"I will kick butt while playing Destiny, but do so while upholding the spirit of the clan. I will not act like a juvenile pedant. I will be a good sport. I will learn from losing. I will teach by winning. Just like a Guardian and a Dad."[/i]
d - Pat yourself on the back. You're an honorary Dad.
Thanks for reading. Don't hesitate to post questions!
More info as it becomes necessary/known.
JLHardesty and starkaudio