originally posted in:Adamas Veritas
So, just being a schedule oriented person with a lot going on. Would like to get the "raid" team together for a bit each week.
Personally, if we could try for something like Thursdays from 7-10 pm Central, that'd be ideal.
If interested, just drop a reply or send me a message or something with days n times. Depending on how many people we have, we can try to run multiple groups, and pair people with there friends and such.
I'd like to throw my lot in for this as well. That sounds like a pretty ideal time in general (I'm also on CST). Come January things may be less predictable (first kid on the way!) but I'll definitely still be setting aside time to play. I migrated here to Dolittle's little slice of Bungie groups from Curators of Nostalgia in my hunt for other PS4 users who want to Strike and Raid and also enjoy the lore. With people's permission, I'd like to start adding people to my PS friends list so we can start grouping up after launch and get cracking on some of this content! My own ID is LeoganExo (yes, I bought a PS4 specifically for Destiny).
I agree completely. Having set times each week is a wonderful idea. Thursdays from 7-10 PM CST works great for me. As it draws closer to that fateful day, September 9th, I know I will have a better estimation on my schedule. I plan on setting aside dedicated time throughout the week at consistent times. Regarding weekends, I definitely want to get a schedule up and running as well.