originally posted in:Adamas Veritas
From what I've gathered after talking with several clanmates and admins, I believe it's best we wait a little bit longer to Raid.
Once we have properly leveled and geared up we can give it a collective go together! As we near that point hopefully we can individually post on here our level of "readiness" and what class / subclass / gear we'd like to bring.
Level 26 should be the threshold, with 27 to 28 being preferred. Regarding gear, we'll have to coordinate element types, but at least one legendary weapon should be par for the course. Being able to adequately take and dish damage is key.
Ultimately, solid communication and a sound strategy through trial / error will result in our success.
I am hoping we'll have enough clanmates for two separate Raid teams. Once we get a better picture / idea of who is ready we can collectively sort that out.
Lastly, if you have an opportunity to Raid with other friends or people you know before you Raid with our clan, don't sweat it. In my opinion you can bring what you learned to better help us succeed.
See y'all starside fellow Guardians.
I am still laughing about our Templar Oracle phase strategy Dolittle dreamed up on hard mode last night. I love how this game is fostering and rewarding creative thinking and teamwork. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving ASVS, see you next week!
Home from work. If people are still needing to complete the raid (on main Guardians or alts) and need someone to fill out the fireteam, send me a message on PS, I'll have the app open even if I'm not on the console itself.
Edited by Leogan: 10/6/2014 3:57:45 AMWhoo! Clan Raid achievement! We cut the raid time more than in half. Even with the connection issues, and a bit of screwing around, we completed in under 2hrs (1h51m). With just a little bit more gear upgrading (I need an exotic with far more range for a lot of those fights) I bet we could be doing VoG in roughly just over an hour. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) Fireteam chat didn't come through on my game capture, haha. Just the in game sounds and music. Good job, gents. We throw a good dance party.
Edited by Leogan: 10/2/2014 12:36:59 PMHuge thank you to everyone involved in downing Atheon last night. And a particularly big thanks to Dolittle for your relentless optimistic attitude over FT chat. After wiping so repeatedly trying to learn the quirks of the fight, it really buoyed spirits and determination. Here's to many more Atheon kills, and tons of upgrade materials, shaders, and exotics :)
Will we need a certain class make up, or does it not matter?